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JAC Promisance

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  • oooo sweeeeet i get 75mill gold per cast of tree of gold
    ok thats enough posting for me today

    Rabid Lawn Gnomes Revenge (#7)
    Turns 500 (max 500)
    Turns Stored 224 (max 300)
    Rank #2
    Drones 1,867,650
    Land Acres 72,661
    Money $21,777,229,952
    Batteries 43,944,513
    Bandwidth 23,936,903
    Networth $93,941,296
    Era Future
    Race Gnome
    Health 100%
    Tax Rate 40%
    Cyborgs 18,000,000
    Juggernauts 9,000,000
    Hovercrafts 4,500,000
    Dreadnoughts 3,000,000
    Master AIs 1,370,277


    Hehehe I can spy on you barley I'm now the most powerful wizard in the game.
    Food seems to vastly increase your NW, more so then even the equivalent amount of cash ...

    #70 aint the smartest guy around, 12 failed aerial attacks against me after i smashed through his air to stop him hitting #54

    nub (#70)
    Turns 4 (max 500)
    Turns Stored 0 (max 300)
    Rank #10
    Peasants 103,143
    Land Acres 14,137
    Money $6,873,662
    Grains 184,211,381
    Mana 2,232,840
    Networth $14,369,416
    Era Past
    Race Gremlin
    Health 1%
    Tax Rate 40%
    Footmen 238,171
    Catapults 119,240
    Zeppelins 297,740
    Galleons 51,883
    Wizards 73,693

    He's basically screwed up what was a pretty impressive air force by kamikazing and having no effect
    Attacked him a few more times, but going to stop now since my forces are deserting
    Ruined what was left of his air force so you can all kill him now

    By the way could somebody other then barley (need a small player) msg me or come onto msn and contact me really need to test something.

    And barley :
    36 when commies ATTACK! (#76) 3,909 $720,348 Dark Elf Past
    Our "friend" from last round is back ... can't wait to meet him
    Last edited by Lazerus; May 13, 2003, 11:18.
    Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


    • ok 1 more

      Peanut Butter Jelly Time (#21)
      Turns 254 (max 500)
      Turns Stored 0 (max 300)
      Rank #11
      Peasants 61,627
      Land Acres 8,611
      Money $0
      Grains 12,590,464
      Mana 1,836,456
      Networth $8,779,757
      Era Past
      Race Dwarf
      Health 65%
      Tax Rate 40%
      Footmen 184,726
      Catapults 144,590
      Zeppelins 723,266
      Galleons 640,618
      Wizards 45,671

      cant believe he tried twice to attack me, hes eventually out of the vacation mode i put him in

      ah excellent #46 hasn't redone his magic shield, every1 leave him for me i destroy 130mill food per cast now.
      Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


      • Swissy im on at 7.30am GMT, he was online today attacking you, I smashed the hell out of him.

        Got this message.

        At Tue, 13 May 2003 02:55:33 -0500, a messenger from The Warriors of Zul Jin (#44) brought this to you...
        If only you could do that without cheating, you might actually be a worthy opponent.

        Replied with:

        I dont cheat, I am also retaliating only because you attacked me first on Saturday morning and that you keep attacking warrior clan, if you dont attack us i wont attack you. Honestlry, its a game of dog eat dog, its nothng personal. Ive been where you are last week and I know it hurts. Its hard to survive when gits like me just keep picking you off but thats how this game works.

        I'll give you whatever cash you need and if he attacks you again ill batter him into oblivion.


        • 4 Rabid Lawn Gnomes Revenge (#7) 72,661 $43,455,359 Gnome Future

          Guess he uses the drop and cash method aswell.

          HIT ME FOO! (#46) 15,572 $47,629,183 Orc Past

          I'm totally raping him
          Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


          • can we attack rabid lawn gnomes revenge???


            • Okay, I got back and was able to delete my says "Marked for Deletion", how long does that usually take? (I figure someone would know )

              I'm going to go ahead and start as soon as I can't login any more.

              BTW, my personal opinion is to go ahead and put 44 out of the game...he's been one evil little bastard throughout.

              (Of course my opinion is biased. )

              EDIT: Okay, it's deleted now, but I'm being nagged about yard work (big yards aren't all fun and games) so I'll have to register lator guys.
              Last edited by mrmitchell; May 13, 2003, 19:01.
              meet the new boss, same as the old boss


              • can we attack rabid lawn gnomes revenge???
                I guess this is up to you guys so let me know your opinion (democracy and all).

                My opinion is that I dont want to break an alliance and seem like after weve used #7 we cast him asside after he's fulfilled our needs. He has supported us in the past and guess will continue to do in the future. I am not worried he poses a threat and dont see him as a tittle contender (though im not bothered about being No1, rather that I just want to see Apolyton dominate the game). We dont really need the land either (guess we are getting a bit bored now we are winning .

                The decision is up to you (cast your votes). If you decide to attack him I would rather abstain but if its for the good of the clan I will support you.

                Let me know what you think?


                • Okay, I got back and was able to delete my says "Marked for Deletion", how long does that usually take? (I figure someone would know )
                  5minutes until next tick.
                  Last edited by Lazerus; May 13, 2003, 19:00.
                  Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                  • Originally posted by Barley
                    Let me know what you think?
                    lemme think


                    Alliance breaking is bad... We'd be setting a bad reputation for ourselves in future resets, you know? Besides, I think that a man isn't worth anything more than his word.
                    meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                    • mrmitchell

                      Ive got wads of cash and resources, let me know your new user and when you come out of protection ill send you some stuff to get you started.


                      • Apparently a ' in the Empire fails a registration or something so I've got

                        Eds Basement (#79)

                        Still @ 500 turns BTW
                        meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                        • Did you change the pass for Warrior? No...ah, case sensitive. Nevermind
                          meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                          • Already out of Protection!

                            However there is a problem: I've got $200mil and no units to buy

                            Anyone got any units they can pass around? I mean, in the millions? After a huge buildup-attack, you could send them to me instead of sell.

                            EDIT: Bought out all of the units as they refilled and got an army that isn't something to spit on. Almost okay for defense, but nothing to lead an offensive with.
                            Last edited by mrmitchell; May 13, 2003, 20:05.
                            meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                            • I usually have loads of spare units that I have to sell about 80% on the black market at a large loss every day (to maximise my cashflow during game turns). This is because I buy a good defence to protect my empire while offline.

                              I currently have:

                              Cyborgs 7,000,000
                              Juggernauts 5,000,000
                              Hovercrafts 4,504,240
                              Dreadnoughts 3,452,956

                              Let me know what you need I can send you up to 80% of what is above. If you need anything else just let me know.

                              Whatever you ask for will be sent at 7am GMT (ill send you a few now just to help you out).


                              • Thank you thank you thank you thank you!

                                Don't need any more now
                                meet the new boss, same as the old boss

