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JAC Promisance

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  • JAC Promisance

    I figured I would start a thread for the JAC Promisance game here instead of always trying to fight to find the thread on the OT forum.

    "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
    "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

  • #2
    In case anyone needs to find the original thread in the OT forum, here is the link to it:

    I think we should have done this a while ago.
    "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
    "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


    • #3
      I am number 1 in the league..........

      Come on Warrior's letw be the best clan


      • #4
        TF clan are vunerable to Hydro Attacks (at the moment), I have set them 'at war' in clan management we are also 'at war' with SPY.

        If you think we should make peace, let me know.


        • #5
          I have been taking on the TF clan on my own today,

          was up to this at 13.50 GMT

          StormWarrior2 (#6)
          Statistics Agriculture Relations
          Turns Used: 1,140 Est. Production: 118,652 Member of Clan: Warrior
          Money: $161,882,904 Est. Consumption: 94,313 Allies:
          Rank: #1 of Net: +24,339 War: S.P.Y
          Networth: $9,109,948
          Population: 306,019 Offensive Actions: 99 (79%)
          Race: Dark Elf Defenses: 65 (12%)
          Era: Past Kills: 0
          Land Division Finances Military
          Markets: 11,665 Est. Income: $4,956,674 Footmen: 582,556
          Huts: 3,942 Est. Expenses: $3,599,054 Catapults: 403,480
          Blacksmiths: 123 Net: +$1,357,620 Zeppelins: 431,371
          Keeps: 136 Loan Payment: $0 Galleons: 527,888
          Mage Towers: 2,708 Per Cap income: $38 Wizards: 144,459
          Farms: 1,683
          Guard Towers: 3,012 Savings Balance: $11,054,119 (2.706%) Offensive Points: 9,698,902
          Unused Land: 0 Loan Balance: $0 (6.294%) Defensive Points: 9,330,390

          TF battered me this afternoon but ive just recoverd to arround this

          StormWarrior2 (#6)
          Turns Used: 1,316
          Money: $73,915,770
          Rank: #3 of
          Networth: $5,693,803
          Population: 180,015
          Race: Dark Elf
          Era: Past
          Est. Production: 59,502
          Est. Consumption: 43,412
          Net: +16,090
          Member of Clan: Warrior
          War: S.P.Y,TF

          Offensive Actions: 120 (82%)
          Defenses: 137 (13%)
          Kills: 0

          Land Division
          Markets: 7,242
          Huts: 2,619
          Blacksmiths: 50
          Keeps: 50
          Mage Towers: 1,052
          Farms: 844
          Guard Towers: 319
          Unused Land: 0
          Est. Income: $3,260,162
          Est. Expenses: $2,394,659
          Net: +$865,503
          Loan Payment: $0
          Per Cap income: $40

          Savings Balance: $41,352,661 (2.706%)
          Loan Balance: $0 (6.294%)
          Footmen: 143,592
          Catapults: 298,282
          Zeppelins: 77,111
          Galleons: 499,167
          Wizards: 75,799

          Offensive Points: 5,782,518
          Defensive Points: 4,689,233

          TF must be quite weak now with not many turns left

          Here is a crystal ball attack I did on #30 before I attacked.

          Nidaros (#30)
          Turns 114 (max 500) Era Present
          Turns Stored 0 (max 300) Race Goblin
          Rank #1 Health 85%
          Civilians 273,680 Tax Rate 40%
          Land Acres 26,139 Infantry 4,193,663
          Money $335,338,005 Tanks 910,728
          Nutrients 5,024,945 Jets 562,815
          Energy 252,594 Battleships 572,378
          Networth $14,400,352 Telepaths 55,603

          Economic Status Agricultural Status Population & Military Status
          Peasants: -6,270
          Wizards: -6,500
          Income: $1,903,503 Produced: 7,826 Mana: +206
          Expenses: $2,254,355 Consumed: 57,760 Footmen: 0
          War Tax: $0 Net: -49,934 Catapults: 0
          Loan Pay: $0 Zeppelins: 0
          Net: -$350,852 Galleons: 0

          If you need any Galleons I have 500,000 so I can send you some to help you. I trust you can estimate the ration of appropriate attacking units. For my attacks re the above situation I made sure I was on 95% health and used 600,000 Galleons. The same amount of Jets also would probably do the trick.

          NB. He didnt have many wizards so I was successful with quite a few embezzlement and Magic user attacks. I took about $150,000,000 off him. You can really hurt an empire by taking their money.

          Good luck (im out of turns now).


          • #6
            Ive embezzled a lot of money from Nidaros (#30)
            Clan: TF.

            I will send you all about $15,000,000. I know its not much but every little helps. I will also stop them so embezzling so much back (if they try).

            As I said in my last post on the old thread, it may be a good idea to send some left over units and money to other clan members after you have used your turns, this will reduce how much you loose if counter attacked.

            Make sure you send 'Foreign Aid' to the write empire though lol.

            Finally, because im getting well battered today, if you have loads of money left at the end of your turns you may wish to send a little back?

            Tip of the day: Try and take large amounts of turns when the game lobby is quiet. This will allow you to concentrate on building up without constant counter attacks. I took 500 turns from aroung 7.30am GMT this morning and I was the only empire online (guess that was because it was very early morning in USA where I guess most players live.


            • #7
              I cast this spell on #21 Peanut Butter Jelly time after TF clan battered me again !!!!!!!!

              See if you can strike back.


              • #8
                Ooops forgot to attach!

                Peanut Butter Jelly Time (#21)
                Turns 198 (max 500)
                Turns Stored 144 (max 300)
                Rank #3
                Peasants 99,854
                Land Acres 22,924
                Money $78,112,267
                Grains 5,489,590
                Mana 704,213
                Networth $8,678,201
                Era Past
                Race Dwarf
                Health 49%
                Tax Rate 40%
                Footmen 586,105
                Catapults 572,330
                Zeppelins 561,236
                Galleons 377,921
                Wizards 92,323

                Economic Status
                Income: $1,274,116
                Expenses: $2,285,445
                War Tax: $0
                Loan Pay: $0
                Net: -$1,011,329
                Agricultural Status
                Produced: 6,275
                Consumed: 54,836
                Net: -48,561
                Population & Military Status
                Peasants: -1,242
                Wizards: -3,805
                Mana: +163
                Footmen: 0
                Catapults: 0
                Zeppelins: 0
                Galleons: 0


                • #9
                  At Wed, 7 May 2003 21:44:11 -0500, a messenger from LowerPoVille (#5) brought this to you...
                  I can assure you it will be a very beneficial allegiance for us


                  • #10
                    Nidaros (#30)
                    Turns 32 (max 500)
                    Turns Stored 0 (max 300)
                    Rank #3
                    Civilians 137,929
                    Land Acres 10,977
                    Money $95,653,654
                    Nutrients 7,533,399
                    Energy 316,082
                    Networth $8,279,972
                    Era Present
                    Race Goblin
                    Health 69%
                    Tax Rate 40%
                    Infantry 3,333,835
                    Tanks 594,194
                    Jets 84,202
                    Battleships 325,644
                    Telepaths 8,741

                    Easy to take land from using wizards
                    Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                    • #11
                      Think that because I sent this message to you both

                      "Sent to Germmania (#48) at Thu, 8 May 2003 15:57:21 -0500 Normal
                      Im sending this message to you both, TF are not that strong, if you and #5 stop attacking each other you could do some damage to them..........."

                      Here are some recent spy reports (at 10.20pm GMT) Laz has obtained, by the way Laz is user #49, dont attack him.

                      eanut Butter Jelly Time (#21)
                      Turns 353 (max 500)
                      Turns Stored 0 (max 300)
                      Rank #2
                      Peasants 111,930
                      Land Acres 24,356
                      Money $52,009,823
                      Grains 3,584,115
                      Mana 783,504
                      Networth $10,458,093
                      Era Past
                      Race Dwarf
                      Health 85%
                      Tax Rate 40%
                      Footmen 751,487
                      Catapults 487,345
                      Zeppelins 767,040
                      Galleons 544,812
                      Wizards 92,123

                      Nidaros (#30)
                      Turns 32 (max 500)
                      Turns Stored 0 (max 300)
                      Rank #3
                      Civilians 137,929
                      Land Acres 10,977
                      Money $95,653,654
                      Nutrients 7,533,399
                      Energy 316,082
                      Networth $8,279,972
                      Era Present
                      Race Goblin
                      Health 69%
                      Tax Rate 40%
                      Infantry 3,333,835
                      Tanks 594,194
                      Jets 84,202
                      Battleships 325,644
                      Telepaths 8,741


                      • #12
                        We have a new ally - Lawn Gnomes Revenge (#7)

                        I receieved this message:

                        At Thu, 8 May 2003 19:36:06 -0500, a messenger from Rabid Lawn Gnomes Revenge (#7) brought this to you...

                        hey, could we be considered allied but clanless atm? i could join you at warrior at a later date, but my playing style requires i am not technically in a clan.

                        I replied with

                        Yes we are always looking for allies. From now you are considered an ally, I will instruct the clan not to attack you. Please note it may take a day for them to all get this message so I appologise if one of them does it accidentally. If they do let me know and ill let them know (a repeat offender will be removed from the clan). In return please be loyal and try and support any requests we make e.g. targetting certain enemies. Good luck.

                        *** Unless any of you object we will have Rabid Lawn Gnomes Revenge (#7) as an ally. he is not joining warrior at present, its very useful to have a non-clan ally because they can act independently on our behalf. DO NOT ATTACK HIM....

                        Please note im not inclined to take to many official allies as that reduces the number of potential targets weve got. Rabid Lawn Gnomes Revenge is a good player and supported Ranger clan in our attacks on UNHr last game. He is not an Apolyton member so i wont give him details of this forum.


                        • #13
                          I have been stealing some land away from Nidaros, and now he is dumped out of the top ten. I have made my way upto fifth position. Who shouldn't I be attacking?

                          (#7) Rabid Lawn Gnomes Revenge
                          (#49) Sheng-Ji Yang

                          anyone else? Who should I focus on?


                          • #14
                            OK, I've rejoined the game as The Empire of Sol (#54).

                            I tried joining Warrior clan but it keeps telling me that Warrior clan is full.


                            • #15
                              Try and focus on attacking TF clan, you were right with who not to attack, also dont attack - The Empire of Sol (#54).

                              Jonny, you might be able to join the clan late, I think an extra spot frees up each day, alternatively you could set up a new clan and 3 Warrior members could join you. I guess more people will still want to join in the next few days. Your new clan would obviously be an ally of Warrior if we take this route.

