Anyone ready for a little "competition"? 
I start out, by writing a little about a game, the first one who guess's the game, may post some new game info, for others to guess...
Game rules:
- Games are not allowed to be newer than Amiga games, but anything before that is allowed (No matter on which computer it was played on)
- you shall write information about which computer you played it on
- Don't write part of the name in the game info, unless there's no way to avoid it
- Write as little as possible, if nobody can guess, write some more later
- Try to keep games, to be from computers, most people have had...
- If you're the first one to guess a game, and you're certain you're right, feel free to post your game info (In case you know you'll be leaving soon)... but other players are not allowed to start guessing, before the poster of the first question has approved the answer, or most other players approve the answer
Let's start out easy:
Computer: C64
Game info: It's a two player game, where player1 was white, and player2 was black. You could set different traps around the house, to slow down the enemy. Both players had a face, that looks a bit like Goofy

I start out, by writing a little about a game, the first one who guess's the game, may post some new game info, for others to guess...
Game rules:
- Games are not allowed to be newer than Amiga games, but anything before that is allowed (No matter on which computer it was played on)
- you shall write information about which computer you played it on
- Don't write part of the name in the game info, unless there's no way to avoid it
- Write as little as possible, if nobody can guess, write some more later
- Try to keep games, to be from computers, most people have had...
- If you're the first one to guess a game, and you're certain you're right, feel free to post your game info (In case you know you'll be leaving soon)... but other players are not allowed to start guessing, before the poster of the first question has approved the answer, or most other players approve the answer
Let's start out easy:
Computer: C64
Game info: It's a two player game, where player1 was white, and player2 was black. You could set different traps around the house, to slow down the enemy. Both players had a face, that looks a bit like Goofy