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Virgin twin there hope?

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  • #76
    P.S: Spec, you are in my buddylist now.
    money sqrt evil;
    My literacy level are appalling.


    • #77
      I agree with Kroptokin here. Their desperation to get sex make them believe there is a huge stake whenever they date a woman
      Imagine how they're going to feel if they eventually get pushed into bed with a woman and become so stressed that their ahem has problems rising to the occasion .. poor guys

      ps, muxec that sounds like some serious gadgetry, imagine if they power cut and the device clamped up
      Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


      • #78
        Azazel :
        This is true. However, I don't think it would be a problem for Spec's cousins, as they seem to be more interested by hooking up with anyone, rather than having a long love with a special somebody they already know.

        If you don't love anyone during your "hunt", all people you are hunting are "training grounds". It may be bad, but it is so in many cases.
        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


        • #79
          You know, some of us are reading these threads to pick up tips too. I was projecting on myself.


          • #80
            If you are in love, don't do this indeed. Or try to do this on your crush. It may work

            If my experience may help : I have known my girlfriend quite shallowly for 4 months before going out with her. I intended to go out with her shortly before it happened, and it quite surprised her too

            My first week of "active lobbying", I just hanged around her very often, which was helped by the many parties that happened this week. However, I didn't spend my whole time with her, and I even spent more time with my friends than with her (she knew it).
            At the end of the first week, I've spent the night in her room (not in the same bed), and we've talked during the whole night. At the beginning of the night, I made it perfectly clear that I wanted to go out with her (no brutality in the way of saying it, but it was crystal-clear nonethless), and she refused. We still talked about our lives the whole night, and I didn't even imagine having sex with her at that point. This was however the very moment we have shared most things in our whole relationship.

            The following week, I've hanged around her even more, and there were still many parties that allowed it. We even went see a movie, but nothing happened there. Only at the end of the week, she invited me to sleep at ther's after a party, and it was the moment we went out. It wasn't an obvious move for me to go kiss her, but we were more than prepared for it, and she was very receptive.

            Our couple is now great
            "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
            "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
            "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


            • #81
              Oh, I am in deep ****, my friend. I am afraid I won't be able to do what you said.

              I really like what you said about trying it on my crush. "It might work". , well, it also might NOT work. actually, I am certain that I already tried and it didn't.

              Haven't seen her for a couple of months now, and sometimes, when I drive through her neighbourhood, I wonder where she is.

              Once, I thought I saw her boarding a taxi. I actually followed the taxi, stealthily, for a couple of Kms, but then, I lost it.

              I am pathetic.

              The funny thing is, that despite me being really sad about it ( and generally speaking, very sad, as described above), I can remove that sadness instantly, by saying it will be alright.

              now I am smiling again.


              • #82
                The cousins have two separate "problems" here

                1. they are virgins and don't want to be . . .The solution is easy since sex CAN be bought-- I don't recommend this but it is their choice-- If they don't want a "professional" there probably would be women that would have a fantasy of taking on virgin twins (assuming they are not Butt-ugly or creepy)

                2. they are both awkward around women -- the only solution to this is familiarity and confidence . . you can't give it to them but you can talk to them and teach them-- let them know that a lot of women are just as nervous and awkward as them. Also let them know that crashing and burning will happen and the key is to keep trying.

                Give them tips on conversation and asking questions-- Any woman should like to talk about herself and her interests . . . The guy can ask short conversational questions that flow from what she is saying. This relieves the pressure of talking a lot while finding out about the woman. If she asks questions in return, answer them BRIEFLY and honestly before returning things to a topic about her. " Me . . ah my work is mainly negotiating sales of petroleum assets . . I enjoy it but sometimes wish I had more time in the outdoors. Do you get to go out in the field much in your geologist job ?" OR " . . . I enjoy it but I've always enjoyed my outside activities more . . . Didn't I hear somewhere that you are a softball player?"

                Its a basic basic technique but I doubt the twins know it. You could even practice it with them .Its not hard and if the guy has knows some stuff about his date, he can be ready and KNOW what he is going to say about the obvious job, schooling and interests topics.

                Another suggestion is that perhaps you could double-date with one of them -- that way you can carry the coversation when it lags and bring it to topics where the particular guy can shine a little. If you are smooth enough and have a partner/date that you get along with well, there should be little problem in keeping things going.

                Last suggestion-- activity dates -- generally non-competitive is best but if you are touring somewhere, or doinf something fun or difficult, the activities themselves keeps the converstaion going, while the activity fills in awkward spaces.

                Problem one would get solved in due course if they find a way past problem 2 but I doubt the converse would be true. The question is which problem bugs them more.

                I think they need to work on their dating skills just like they would ANY skill. Just ask a girl out, ANY girl that they find even moderately interesting and attractive. They are NOT selecting a life partner here. The assignment is to interest her enough that they get another date. So he learns her interests and plans a date around that. With very little effort you will find out enough to avoid the gaffe of bringing the vegetarian to the steakhouse

                If these guys are non-jerks, they should soon enough have a couple of girls each that seem willing to go out with them. Hopefully they get enough confidence that they can then target woment that really really interest them.

                Most of this is super basic but if someone is a 28 year old virgin ( that has not chosen virginity as a lifestyle choice either permanently or until marriage) they need to start with the basics. The sex part will work out
                You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                • #83
                  You said you found them some girls to talk. Have you explained their problems to that girls. I don't think they would run from two boys just becouse are shy. Two or three weeks with women around their neck and they would learn something. No need for sex, but they would be creazy if you'll manage to get some girls around for 3 weeks and no sex at all.
                  Could be some problems with girls you choosed.

                  There are ways how find if they are virgins. You might test them.


                  • #84
                    To be virgin isn't problem, especialy not for women.
                    I remmember my sister talks after first child. Something about dirty wather and some restriction.


                    • #85
                      give them a song on mp3 instead: "this is the end of all hope! " by nightwish
                      In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
                      In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt

