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Arafat Had Done it Again. Abu Mazen Quits.

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  • Arafat Had Done it Again. Abu Mazen Quits.

    Abu Mazen storms out of meeting with PLO committee, Arafat

    Palestinian sources Saturday expressed pessimism about the chances of prime minister-designate Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) and Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat reaching an agreement on the makeup of the new cabinet, after Abu Mazen stormed out of a meeting with Arafat and the PLO central committee in Ramallah.

    Palestinian officials tried to convince Abu Mazen, who returned home after leaving the meeting, to attend a central committee meeting at a later date. It is not clear if Abu Mazen has agreed.

    The officials said that they believed an agreement between Arafat and Abu Mazen could be reached only in a private meeting between the two, and that the participation of the PLO and Fatah central committees at the discussions meant that the talks would reach a dead end.

    The main point of contention between the two is Abu Mazen's intention to appoint former Gaza Strip security chief Mohammed Dahlan as a minister without portfolio on security matters in his new cabinet. Arafat wants Dahlan kept away from any security portfolio, after Dahlan had managed to establish a strong and independent security apparatus in the past.

    Abu Mazen said that Dahlan's disqualification constituted a red line for him, and left the central committee meeting.

    On Saturday, Arafat said that at most, Dahlan could be appointed as a minister dealing with peace negotiations. Arafat also demanded that between 14 and 17 of the new ministers in Abu Mazen's cabinet be former ministers of Arafat's previous governments.

    No agreement on these issues had been reached by Saturday evening, and the discussions are continuing. Palestinian sources described the talks as "tense and stormy."

    Aides to Abu Mazen have said in recent days that he intends to give up the post. Nevertheless, talks have continued with Fatah members agreeing to Arafat's conditions, including his demand to keep 12 ministers of the current cabinet in their current posts. Arafat's aides claimed that Abu Mazen intends to appoint people that have business relations with his sons.

    So far, Arafat seems victorious on the issue of the Dahlan appointment, with most Fatah and PLO institutes supporting the Palestinian leader's objections to the nomination.

    U.S. tells Abu Mazen to stand up to Arafat's pressure on cabinet
    Senior United States sources have relayed messages to Abu Mazen in recent days, urging him to stand up to Arafat's pressure on appointments in the Palestinian cabinet, Israel Radio reported on Saturday. The cabinet is expected to be announced in the coming days.

    The Americans clarified to Abu Mazen that his current mission has historic proportions and stressed to the new prime minister that he should use the wide-spread international support that he now has.

    According to reports received in Jerusalem, the U.S. administration strongly supports Abu Mazen due to his political stance and his intention to take action to end the intifada, but the administration has reservations as to Abu Mazen's ability to contend with Arafat.

    Palestinian sources said that a meeting scheduled for Friday between Abu Mazen, Arafat, and senior Fatah officials was cancelled due to differences of opinion over Abu Mazen's intention to appoint Dahlan as minister responsible for security matters.

    Abu Mazen and Arafat reached agreement on almost all of the ministers who will make up the new cabinet at a lengthy meeting late Thursday night.

    Palestinian sources were quoted as saying that Yasser Abed Rabbo will serve as minister responsible for negotiations with Israel, and that Saeb Erekat will be either the tourism or communications minister. The two are Arafat loyalists, and Abu Mazen did not intend to appoint them as ministers.

    It was also reported that Hikmat Zaid, whom Abu Mazen wanted to appoint as agriculture minister, will not be given a ministerial appointment.

    Senior Palestinian leaders on Thursday said an announcement on the new cabinet was expected Sunday.

    "Progress has been made and we expect to conclude discussions by Saturday," said Palestinian planning minister Nabil Sha'ath. "Abu Mazen will present his government to the Palestinian Legislative Council by Sunday."

    Israel demanding PA recognize its right to exist as a Jewish state
    Israel is insisting that the Palestinians recognize its right to exist as a Jewish state at the outset of negotiations on the U.S.-backed 'road map' for peace in the Middle East, which could be released as early as next week.

    Interviewed on CNN on Friday, Israel's consul-general in New York, Alon Pinkas, said that while Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat had recognized Israel's existence as a fact, he had never recognized its right to exist as a Jewish state.

    Meanwhile, as part of a list of measures it intends to implement after the swearing in of Abu Mazen, Israel has told the United States it will gradually withdraw its troops from PA territory. The confidence-building measures are viewed as part of an effort to boost Abu Mazen's standing.

    Other steps include the release of Palestinian prisoners, the transfer of funds belonging to the Palestinian Authority, and the issuing of permits to Palestinians seeking work inside Israel.

    The list of measures was presented to administration officials in Washington this week during the visit of a delegation headed by Dov Weisglass, the prime minister's bureau chief. The steps are meant to alleviate the plight of the Palestinian population and improve the functioning of the Palestinian Authority.

    In terms of future steps, the Americans were told that Abu Mazen and his government could choose an area in which they would be responsible for controling militant activities and they would be allowed to deploy their security forces there, while the IDF withdraws. If the Palestinians prove successful, Israel will agree to additional gradual withdrawals. If they fail, the IDF will reoccupy the territory.

    The Planning Division recommended that this effort first begin in the northern Gaza Strip because the Palestinian security forces are relatively strong there.

    Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has also said he plans to meet Abu Mazen once he has officially been sworn in.
    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.

  • #2

    you know, as bad as the israelis can be, i honestly believe that arafat has to go if the palestinians ever want to have a strong diplomatic legitimacy again.


    • #3


      • #4
        This isn't good.
        KH FOR OWNER!
        ASHER FOR CEO!!


        • #5
          Ignore the problem and it'll go away.


          • #6

            "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

            "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


            • #7
              Damn you. I was just getting ready to post this.

              Anyhoo - I don't think Abu Mazen is a great blessing. I think his goals are the same as arafat's - 67' borders as a means for a pre-48 borders (ie one non-jewish state in palestine). I think Abu Mazen is merely a much better diplomat and has a better reputation (no one noticed he has a doctorat in history (iirc) from the moscow university, in which he's basically denying the holocaust).

              That forms a question- is he better for Israel or worse? Then it depends on who is wiser.

              If Abu Mazen is wise - he can present himself as the level-headed palestinian and put immense pressure on Israel, and out-smart it, and eventually get 67 territories + RoR and set a precedent for getting 47 borders (and then pre-47 borders).

              If Israel is wiser (possibly sharon and barak are. let's hope they remain for the next 7 years), they can out-smart abu-mazen and actually get a signed deal for the end of conflict, rising the "tidal wave" of peace which will no doubt be created in 6-12 months time. This will close the opportunity for further gains.

              Time will tell gentlemen.
              Last edited by Sirotnikov; April 19, 2003, 17:04.


              • #8


                • #9
                  Aza - so no RoR but something he could use later to create a single state. I'm serious. I haven't read anything to show Abu Mazen is any different in his end goals. Only in his methods.

                  Our goal is to abuse his methods and take the ball out of his hands and score for us.


                  • #10
                    Btw - Beilin was willing to give RoR for 40K people.

                    do you know what would have happenned next?

                    Anything from illegal immigration (aka ha'apala ) to court appeals, to UN appeals to new terror wave, with goal in mind ot increase that number again and again.


                    • #11
                      How's that wall on the Green Line coming? I still think that's the best weapon Israel has for stopping terrorism.
                      KH FOR OWNER!
                      ASHER FOR CEO!!
                      GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                      • #12
                        Drake - people can burrow tunnels or climb or use short range rockets or RPGs.

                        And it's going along very slowly.


                        • #13
                          I tend to agree. It would've stopped ha'apala, too.


                          • #14
                            Drake - people can burrow tunnels or climb or use short range rockets or RPGs.

                            It's better than allowing them to just walk into Israel.
                            KH FOR OWNER!
                            ASHER FOR CEO!!
                            GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                            • #15
                              We need a strong immigration police. Like europe.

