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I'm a 'Victim'

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  • #31
    "michinoma" sounds like latin name of disease.

    Seeker, try to cuss them in other lamguage, not in Korean or English. I suggest Hebrew "tipesh", after this word everybody will understand that you are not USAian.

    Are South Korean and North Korean the same languages?
    money sqrt evil;
    My literacy level are appalling.


    • #32
      Different dialects. The three old kingdoms (in the south, Jeolla province represents the other kingdom), have different dialects.

      All Koreans can understand the Seoul dialect, however.

      Yeah, I know 'mong chong ee'.

      What about 'eh-jah'? (or maybe eja? A-jah? Something like ******?

      Oh, and I loved it when I made an adult student show me what a 'wangta' (wangda?) is....Korean kids use it for 'nerd' I think...

      It's a Confucian thing I guess, insulting the mind is worse.

      One of our teacher's taught at Vienna, Austria.

      The Germanic insults tend to revolve around the wierd Germanic fecal fetish. Everything is **** and asses. Here's a great word 'Ashenpuddle' (ass puddle).

      A German nerd is a 'StraBer' (striver).

      Usually said like this by a smart aleck at the back when the smart student is answering:

      "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
      "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
      "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


      • #33
        This is remids me of the time I was in a park when George Wallace was running for president. Some blacks come up to me and asked me who I was voting for (I was only a young teenager). I was trying to figure out the answer he was looking for but I could not think of the name of the other candidate at the time so I said "Wallace". Wrong answer...


        • #34
          Are South Korean and North Korean the same languages?

          muxec, why wouldn't they be?
          were east german and west german the same language?

          the only difference between the two, aside from a little dialectical variation not unlike the varying of english in the us, is that in the north, there is a blanket prohibition on using hanja, or chinese characters adapted for korean use. in the south, hanja is used alongside hangul, the korean alphabet that is used to write the korean language.
          that is, however, only a orthographic difference and does not truly separate the languages themselves.


          • #35
            If drunk Koreans are going to attack Americans, or those that appear to be Americans, it does appear to be an appropriated time to withdraw our troops and sever business relatonships.

            It almost makes me sad that we are talking with the NK's trying once again to save SK's bacon. We should simply hand the NK's the keys to Seoul as we leave.



            • #36
              If drunk Koreans are going to attack Americans, or those that appear to be Americans, it does appear to be an appropriated time to withdraw our troops and sever business relatonships.

              12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
              Stadtluft Macht Frei
              Killing it is the new killing it
              Ultima Ratio Regum


              • #37
                Originally posted by Ned
                If drunk Koreans are going to attack Americans, or those that appear to be Americans, it does appear to be an appropriated time to withdraw our troops and sever business relatonships.
                Should India have severed ties with the US when drunken American idiots were attacking Sikhs because they looked Arab?
                I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                • #38
                  The Indians approve of attacking Sikhs, Dino. Duh.
                  12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                  Stadtluft Macht Frei
                  Killing it is the new killing it
                  Ultima Ratio Regum


                  • #39
                    Mea culpa.
                    I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                    For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                    • #40
                      If drunk Koreans are going to attack Americans, or those that appear to be Americans, it does appear to be an appropriated time to withdraw our troops and sever business relatonships.


                      It almost makes me sad that we are talking with the NK's trying once again to save SK's bacon. We should simply hand the NK's the keys to Seoul as we leave.



                      ned, my first reaction to this entire post was to simply say, "well, **** *** too".

                      then i realized that, hey, he obviously is basing his assumptions on what all koreans think on a few drunks, on a few news stories by what he considers the liberal media, and on what is merely the loudest, most vocal fraction of the korean populace.
                      i also thought a bit more, and realized that this viewpoint must also arise because all koreans more or less look alike, and so it obviously must follow that they all, more or less, think and behave alike.
                      finally, i arrived at the conclusion that because of that, one must not really have much respect for koreans, simply because a portion of the populace disagrees with bush's policy.

                      did i mention that i once got knocked on my back by some drunk white guy at a frat party because he didn't like the way i looked? naturally, i've assumed since then that all white people hate me, and thus i must head back to asia at the first chance i get, so i can think like them, talk like them, and behave like them. it also taught me that a fraternity is no place for an asian man.


                      these are from an earlier post of mine in another thread.

                      i'm tired of seeing this sort of tripe. naturally, it's bigger news to report that the skoreans DON'T want us amis there... but what's left unsaid is that both a sizeable portion of the korean populace and the government itself DOES want the us there.
                      roh got elected into office fanning the flames of anti-american sentiment; he did so also on the younger electoral group, the portion that does not remember the korean war. his victory was by a razor-thin margin, as well.
                      his opponent would have sought to have a harsher line with nkorea, and chose not to follow the anti-american craze among the young in the country--and in the end, it cost him that sector of the electorate.
                      even the young actually want the us in korea, for now--most of them are rather more occupied with rebalancing the alliance, which they see as condescending towards korea. they do NOT, however, want to kick the americans out. oy.

                      and to answer those like LoneWolf, who think that all south koreans want the us out:
                      S.Korea Presidential Election Votes to be Recounted (People's Daily [in English])
                      Roh Moo-hyun, the candidate of the pro-government Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) defeated Lee Hoi-chang, the candidate of the GNP in the close race by gaining 12,014,277 votes or 48.9 percent to 11,443,279 votes or 46.6 percent of the ballots.

                      -->like i'd said, the election was hotly contested.

                      "Korea in the New Millennium: A Strategy for Peace and Prosperity" (Speech by LEE Hoi Chang)
                      The bedrock of any policy dealing with the North should be maintaining a credible deterrence and close cooperation with the United States. If an armed clash occurs on the Peninsula again, the Republic of Korea and the United States could counter the North’s attack and emerge victorious in the end -- but the cost would be dear. The South Korea-U.S. deterrent builtup during the Cold War still remains vital today.

                      Korea at the Crossroads: The Challenges Ahead (Speech by LEE Hoi Chang)
                      In my mind the choice is clear. With the right leadership, we have an excellent chance to create a brighter, more secure future for our people. In this effort, I consider close relations with the United States to be the cornerstone of Korea's security and prosperity. Our two countries are committed to the fundamental values of peace, freedom, and democracy. Together, we fought--and died--for these values. I am here today to reconfirm our friendship and stress the need for strengthened trust and cooperation for the next 50 years.

                      -->all this from the man who lost the election by less than 1 million votes.

                      both candidates, however, like i said, would seek would rather see a
                      rebalancing the alliance, which they see as condescending towards korea.

                      The North and the vote
                      But both Mr Roh and Mr Lee have called for the revision of an accord that allows the United States legal jurisdiction over its 37,000 soldiers stationed in South Korea. Critics of the accord say the soldiers involved in the accident that killed the schoolgirls should have been tried in a South Korean court.

                      -->so before you go and claim that the skoreans want you out, try to look at the whole picture rather than what gets photographed.
                      indeed, a few months ago, there was a pro-america demonstration photo from korea printed in the nytimes. if i'd known it would have been helpful in these debates, i wouldn't've recycled it.


                      in conclusion, i'm not mad at you, ned. in fact, i'm not mad at lonewolf, either. all of you just choose to believe what's easier: that the koreans actually hate your american guts and want you out, rather than the more complex truth of the matter, which is that the koreans want the us there, but would like to feel less like a junior partner.
                      i understand. it's easier for me to think that all whites are racist and hate me because i'm not white. after all, you're either white, or wrong, eh?
                      Last edited by Q Classic; April 17, 2003, 22:44.


                      • #41
                        Q cubed you should have known better than to respond to Ned's post.

                        Let's go back to different culture having different approach to insulting and cursing people.... or should we create another thread for that one? :P


                        • #42
                          calc II,

                          perhaps i should have known better. i do let my temper get the better of me far too often.

                          i do find it interesting that in korean, calling into question someone's mental capacity is worse than calling into question their masculinity.

                          iirc, you are of japanese extraction? how is cursing and insulting rooted there?


                          • #43
                            Calc II is Korean. Frankychan is Japanese.
                            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                            • #44
                              if that is the case...

                              at the mistake.



                              • #45
                                Peolple, stop being rascists!!!!!
                                money sqrt evil;
                                My literacy level are appalling.

