a lot of good advice here. I can not say, either way, whether or not you should try and make this "closure", though if it ways on your mind so much that you need to seek him out to perform it, then maybe you should...?
As for your husband's worries: it is disheartening to know that one's wife still worries about things that happened pre-him. He may feel that despite all his efforts to give you a life that would make you happy, and that he is happy with you, that you are still worrying about some one else... shame on you... However, it really is not his conscience that is being tried. He should love you enough to trust you, and permit you to seek this "closure" if you so desire.
Just my two cents.
As for your husband's worries: it is disheartening to know that one's wife still worries about things that happened pre-him. He may feel that despite all his efforts to give you a life that would make you happy, and that he is happy with you, that you are still worrying about some one else... shame on you... However, it really is not his conscience that is being tried. He should love you enough to trust you, and permit you to seek this "closure" if you so desire.
Just my two cents.