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Dancing in the streets!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Lancer
    You started with insults, and I told you the way it is. You're a brave man hiding behind the internet.
    May I remind you that your were the one who devolved into aggression and then threats that you can't back up.

    How redundant is violence threatened over the web?

    From what I heard about you, I had expected far better.

    Originally posted by Lancer Repressed? Maybe...I would enjoy it.
    Illogical attempts at humour don't cut it.


    • #32
      Ok, you two can kiss and make up now...


      • #33
        ADG, yeah, dance!

        Reminds me of fiesta time in the Philippines. So happy! Just dancing around. You don't see that in the west.

        Here at Apolyton people have been pissy at each other they just can't feel the emotion over there.

        Things are GOOD now! That's all you need to

        Long time member @ Apolyton
        Civilization player since the dawn of time


        • #34
          They are shouting in the streets now: "We are Americans, we are USA! Down with Saddam!" This from CBS News.


          • #35
            Lincoln, I don't trust him not to use tounge...
            Long time member @ Apolyton
            Civilization player since the dawn of time


            • #36
              Originally posted by Lincoln

              Thanks for clearing that up. I almost thought there was some logic to your anti-American views. Now I know that your ilk can see nothing but evil in America and your entire motive is hate. You would excoriate a surgeon because he cut out a cancer -- because he left a scar. The people of Iraq are happy but you are sad. Your ilk are irrelevant.
              I suggest you begin acting like your namesake and showing some dignity and intelligence.

              Show EXACTLY WHERE I made any anti-USA remarks?

              And why are you so predictably jumping to the conclusion that 'anit-war' is is my stance?

              I merely wanted to remind Mr Lancer (and you) that this is the reality of war.

              There is no joy or happiness...

              I never said the job should not be done.

              Perhaps you are so entangled in hatred that you are hallucinating?



              • #37
                Originally posted by Lincoln
                Ok, you two can kiss and make up now...
                No chance.

                A 'Glasgow Kiss' (A head-butt) would be appropriate.

                I am not against our troop's efforts,
                but I find civilians being unrealistic about the horrors of war to be very insulting.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ADG

                  I can't see why we shouldn't be happy.... the Iraq people are happy, because they finally are free... Sure, people died, but this time they died for a good cause (= freeing Iraq)... many died while Saddam Was under control, but they didn't die for a good cause... they died because Saddam "The Satan" Hussein wanted to keep the control...
                  You talk about death as if it is a game...

                  There is little hope for you people. That makes me sad.

                  I hope none of you ever get to feel the horror of what is going on out there first hand...



                  • #39
                    I just can't get enough of these images...this is really something.

                    I'm thrilled, feel like a kid.
                    Long time member @ Apolyton
                    Civilization player since the dawn of time


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Lancer
                      I just can't get enough of these images...this is really something.

                      I'm thrilled, feel like a kid.
                      You certainly seem to act like one, at times.

                      Check out the Shock and Awe gallery...

                      Show me something to celebrate in these photos...

                      Liberating the people is a noble cause,
                      but NEVER forget the cost to our brave personnel.
                      And the ordinary Iraqi civilians.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by curtsibling
                        You talk about death as if it is a game...

                        There is little hope for you people. That makes me sad.

                        I hope none of you ever get to feel the horror of what is going on out there first hand...

                        I'm simply just pointing out the reality... If nobody tried to free Iraq, then Saddam would rule, until he dies of old age... Think about how many civilians would have been killed during that time... if nobody stopped him, more civilians would have been killed under his rule (because of his rule), than how many was killed during this war...
                        This space is empty... or is it?


                        • #42
                          curt, I don't have to tell you when I mourn, now please leave, you're off topic.
                          Long time member @ Apolyton
                          Civilization player since the dawn of time


                          • #43
                            You order me to leave?


                            I think this thread is about the troops and the people in the current war.

                            I am merely raising other relevant points.

                            I also state that liberating the ordinary people is a jsut cause.

                            Therefore, I am on-topic.

                            And I will not leave until I feel like it.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by ADG

                              I'm simply just pointing out the reality... If nobody tried to free Iraq, then Saddam would rule, until he dies of old age... Think about how many civilians would have been killed during that time... if nobody stopped him, more civilians would have been killed under his rule (because of his rule), than how many was killed during this war...
                              When put in those unfeeling statistical terms, you are right.

                              Just don't close your eyes to the horrible facts.

                              When I see our lads come home safe,
                              and the fruits of Mr Bush's promised riches for the Iraqis,

                              ...then I will join the celebrations.


                              • #45
                                First of all, I don't see anyone rejoicing that any civilians are killed. In addition I mourn the deaths of soldiers on both sides. But when an oppressed people are freed and happy I am happy with them. That is a part of compassion that some people do not seem to understand. They dwell in the morgues and cannot see the success for the mistakes along the way. I was very happy when my father had the cancer cut our of his body. I never mentioned the scar. That is all that some people can see. Their motivation cannot be compassion.

