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  • #76
    Originally posted by Oerdin

    Of course most of the people who loss weight on this diet gain it back once they start eatting other things besides meat again but I guess that's life.
    Well, that's why it is a life diet. You're not supposed to "go off" it entirely. The book says you have to find your Critical Level for Weight Loss and your maintainence level (ie how many carbs you can eat and stay at the same weight). This could be very high in some people but low in others.

    People who go "off the diet" eventually and back to the old habits that got them fat in the first place can expect to be back up and over their previous weight.

    I'm shooting for about 180, and I intend to stay there once I get there. I've been fat all my life and I want to breath the free air.


    • #77
      The Atkins diet, from what I've heard, is quite effective for many people, but it is not a long term plan because people on it have a significantly higher rate for heart disease, heart attacks, stroke, etc. because of the high level of cholesterol and fat that is usually consumed.

      Of course, if you are seriously overweight it is quite possible that the health benefits of returning to a normal weight far outweigh (no pun intended) the health problems caused.
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      • #78
        I eat mostly natural and organic meats. I recently found out I have allergies to gluten (wheat, flour, pasta, cookies, etc.) & dairy (milk products) so if I had to cut out meat too I'd really be in trouble.

        I thinks its messed up the way animals are treated in today's factory farms, I almost never order meat at restaurants (especially fast foods).

        I can't imagine a meat-free diet. From what I've read (and I've read a lot) an ominivours diet is the one best suited to humans. If it weren't for meat humans never would have been able to evolve and spread northward during the ice ages. No one can argue that our intestines are not significantly different from monkeys (who are primarily vegatarian).

        My favorite meat is beef liver! Its delicious and inexpensive!

        - Narz
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