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  • Maybe he went mobile so the police and taxman would miss him.
    "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
    "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


    • the "u nuke u die" is no longer true. u could develop a nuke. sell it to terorrists and have them bomb. even if it was linked to you the UN wouldn't nuke u. europe wouldn't. only a republican american president would ever have the balls to nuke someone who was linked to selling the nuclear weapon.

      otherwise u'll just be invaded(most likely) in which case u fight guerilla style in long drawn out battles and cause even more of wut u wnt. western casualties.


      • omg


        • Originally posted by Sikander

          What happened to MRT?
          MRT was doing the Wild Thing and had a scare because he forgot to wear the jimmy sack but luckily the lady in question wasn't impregnated.
          We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


          • Originally posted by yavoon
            the "u nuke u die" is no longer true. u could develop a nuke. sell it to terorrists and have them bomb. even if it was linked to you the UN wouldn't nuke u. europe wouldn't. only a republican american president would ever have the balls to nuke someone who was linked to selling the nuclear weapon.

            otherwise u'll just be invaded(most likely) in which case u fight guerilla style in long drawn out battles and cause even more of wut u wnt. western casualties.
            That argument doesn't hold true with Iraq since it no longer has a nuclear program. There isn't even any conclusive proof that he has any chemical or biological weapons, just rumours from the White House.

