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Murderers of the World, Unite!

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  • does no one care about this girl anymore?


    • Knowing some Israelis, I can see this happening... There are enough people here who would do that, hoping that it would be dismissed as 'accident'. In any case, she shouldn't have trusted the driver not to kill her. Problem with all these nice peace activists is that most are just too naive to be around here.
      Expect even more of this sh!te than usual in the duration of Gulf War 2... They've been waiting for it to give them more... em... freedom of action.
      Brought to you by Firelad, AKA King of the Fairies


      • A picture caption on March 17 with an article about an American protester who was crushed by an Israeli Army bulldozer in Gaza referred incorrectly to the bulldozer shown. It was one that the protester, Rachel Corrie, had earlier tried to stop from destroying a Palestinian home. It was not the one that killed her.
        "I read a book twice as fast as anybody else. First, I read the beginning, and then I read the ending, and then I start in the middle and read toward whatever end I like best." - Gracie Allen


        • Daz: I've just joined but I'm Israeli. May I be your friend for this enquery?

          There was, not long ago (Tuesday and last Saturday, I think), a documentary on Israeli TV's Channel 2 of this bulldozer incident, it included both complete video footage and all radio transmission to between the D-9 Bulldozer and the war room.

          There is nothing you can accuse the IDF for. The bulldozer driver is the only one who could be guilty, but having seen the footage on TV I seriously doubt he saw her.

          However initial responsibility still lies on her. This may be a view you won't really like but she wasn't exacly killed in the middle of Monaco, the occupied territories are far from being the safest place on earth. She has every right to protest her beliefs, but doing so in a place in which she is legally binded to not being is a crime, this not intentional punishment for it but it shows why she was not supposed to be there, because warzones are a dangerous place.


          • Nobody did not invite her to Palestine. She is responsible for her own stupidity.
            Did you see on CNN losung, that Iraqis showed to journalists near topled statue? It was written "Live shiled, go home!", if you dont know.
            money sqrt evil;
            My literacy level are appalling.


            • Why was the home being demolished? Did any story mention that?

              It seems if it is quite clear that there will be protestors at a site if you don't take proper precautions to ensure you don't slowly run over them then do the same thing in reverse someone is being criminally negligent. Contruction safety codes and standards in most any country would ensure this. We all know how these protestors can be, obviously someone was insanely stupid or malicious.


              • It was not your everyday construction site. It's a military bulldozer in a palestinian refugee camp, you cannot send out a platoon of soldiers (and there's neither the manpower or sense in doing that) to stand around a bulldozer (which is armored and bulletproof) to watch if some lunatic will try and block the way/jump in-front of a 10 ton metal monster on it's way to demolish a building.


                • Alvaro,

                  I assume they take the precautions to ensure the house is empty don't they? If they don't then this story is just getting worse. Its a little harder to argue collateral damage away when you're doing something as frivolous as bulldozing a house. Not like the house was going to bomb somebody.


                  • The house was empty, ofcourse. In the tens of houses that were bulldozed in the past few years (belonged to terrorists, illegal contrusction, source of fire etc.) not a single innocent* person was hurt

                    * - the only time when houses were bulldozed with people in them was in Jenin and they contained armed terrorists so the safest way to contain them was with a bulldozer.


                    • Obviously to ensure the houses were empty they would need men, this also helps to ensure nobody is accidently rolled over. It is entirely the IDF's fault here, though I don't see that it was necessarily malicious.


                      • No, it is the fault of the girl who volunteered for a Darwin Award.
                        No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                        • If you stand in front of a bulldozer, you're a dumb ass. This holds just as true in Israel as in America.
                          John Brown did nothing wrong.


                          • Originally posted by The Mad Monk
                            No, it is the fault of the girl who volunteered for a Darwin Award.
                            Yes Do somebody know her IQ?
                            money sqrt evil;
                            My literacy level are appalling.


                            • welcome, Alvaro.


                              • It's always fun to laugh at people who've died.
                                Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                                Do It Ourselves

