Originally posted by PLATO1003
Boris! Even after the war the data that I posted shows you that he was only able to create a 1.7% increase in the reduced level of GNP even after the war. And this with what may be the most valuable commodity in the world! The man just can't manage an economy. Even now, the revenue he gets does not go to improving the economy. It goes to increase his personal luxury!
Boris! Even after the war the data that I posted shows you that he was only able to create a 1.7% increase in the reduced level of GNP even after the war. And this with what may be the most valuable commodity in the world! The man just can't manage an economy. Even now, the revenue he gets does not go to improving the economy. It goes to increase his personal luxury!
I'm not saying that Hussein is an economic genius, just that, to a considerable degree, the drop in GDP was not within his control.
But the fact remains that Iraq's GDP dropped by 2/3rds between 1990 and 1991. No such dramatic drop had occured before that. Its GDP has been in the toilet since thanks to the sanctions (never minding whether they are justified or not).
Surely it is easy to infer that a western led rebuilding of Iraq's economy will help them regain the type of standard of living they had pre-1980.
Congo, here we come!