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  • #61
    Originally posted by Giovanni Wine

    Oh well... what about everybody run around naked?
    that way the fashion issue would not sussist anymore

    Run around naked here today and all your interesting parts will freeze and drop off in about 10 minutes.


    • #62
      Originally posted by VetLegion
      Oh well... what about everybody run around naked?
      that way the fashion issue would not sussist anymore

      naked priests

      lets keep it as it is then

      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
      The trick is the doing something else."
      — Leonardo da Vinci
      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


      • #63
        Originally posted by Ozz
        Run around naked here today and all your interesting parts will freeze and drop off in about 10 minutes.
        Now... that is something I must remind myself not to do when I'm traveling through Canada

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • #64
          Originally posted by Ozz

          No I meant, the Balkan countries have a habit of joint
          attacks. ie Bulgurian war.

          I doubt a Greco-Turkish war would remain Greco-Turkish
          for long. Maybe Greco-Turkish,Macedon,Albanian, Bulgarian War.

          It happened to Bulguria, Turkey. why not Greece?

          Bulgarian War?

          You mean the Balkan Wars.
          War No1 1912-13: Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro vs Ottoman Empire.

          War No2 1913: Bulgaria unsatisfied with her gains from the first war attacked her allies: Greece, Serbia vs Bulgaria. later Turkey and Rommania took the chance and attacked Bulgaria from behind.
          "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

          All those who want to die, follow me!
          Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


          • #65
            I have to go, but can we draw some conclusions?

            - greeks want everyone out but filtered, educated cadre that is in short supply can get in. such as grenland beach volley players or ski experts from chad.

            - greeks need albanians, but they treat them like inferior savages and use them as scapegoat minority

            - greeks want preemptive war with all their neighbours, but claim they are not paranoid, dont keep grudges and are a factor of peace and stability

            - greeks are not religious fanatics, yet they raise millions against the poor old Pope, a feat Iran would accomplish with difficulty

            - greeks whine about EU but they happily thake their money and they whine about USA but happily buy USA weapons


            I mean, you can learn a lot from Apolyton, about other cultures and stuff


            • #66
              Originally posted by Palaiologos
              took the chance and attacked Bulgaria from behind.


              • #67
                Originally posted by VetLegion
                I have to go, but can we draw some conclusions?

                - greeks want everyone out but filtered, educated cadre that is in short supply can get in. such as grenland beach volley players or ski experts from chad.

                - greeks need albanians, but they treat them like inferior savages and use them as scapegoat minority

                - greeks want preemptive war with all their neighbours, but claim they are not paranoid, dont keep grudges and are a factor of peace and stability

                - greeks are not religious fanatics, yet they raise millions against the poor old Pope, a feat Iran would accomplish with difficulty

                - greeks whine about EU but they happily thake their money and they whine about USA but happily buy USA weapons

                And what exactly do you find so strange?
                "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

                All those who want to die, follow me!
                Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


                • #68
                  And what exactly do you find so strange?


                  Reading your posts in the PtW thread and here

                  You have exposed yourself as nationalistic greek xenophobe extraodinare! A real rarity here on poly ... or is it

                  And you tell us all Greeks are such... and we have no way to check

                  and so we have to trust you on that


                  • #69
                    hej, just finished reading the other thread

                    lots of cool stuff, but this one is a classic:

                    Not all Turks are good, simply because a few are.



                    so you are an evil lowlife villain in vendetta with his own brain challenged in areas of sanity and reason, so what

                    but lean closer and I will tell you a secret ... I prefer you coming out in the open and saying what you really think, to some guy speaking one thing and thinking another. yes, there are such amongst us

                    Actually, that is why I could never live in the middle east (even in the more developed part of ME, Greece). Because of the way they smile at you while they stab you in the back (or in the ass, as they do in some parts )

                    It is truly refreshing to see you here telling us honestly what you think

                    so it is not the recent fashion to have a 19th century mindset, so what? fashion changes .. be a trendsetter, not a follower
                    Last edited by VetLegion; February 12, 2003, 19:19.


                    • #70
                      Let me start my post with this...

                      Palaiologos you are making a complete ass of yourself and the rest of us when you try to convince other people that all Greeks are like what you stand for.

                      You invent a "hate list" ,you keep rabling about anything protesting in (almost) everyone else's view and even when you do have a point you do everything in your power to kil it. If you have not figured it by now the guys here are enjoying this whole issue by having fun with you. Sad by went asking for it.

                      One little piece of advice. Don't open yoour mouth unles you know what exactly the thing you are talking of is, and don't judge stuff based only on what you can comprehent.

                      Ok now that I let this out of my system let's see some interesting stuff about what you guys have been blabbing about.

                      Says I. About 5% of Greek GDP is EU donations. When donations stop, and they will stop soon, you wont have any money left to buy weapons.

                      I don't see how we wouldn't have any money left if only 5% is Eu donations . That doens't make much of a difference to worry about ... does it?

                      I would correct you by saying that about 90% of our annual economical growth rate is EU donations.

                      90%????? are you serious? take a look around if that was the case then we wouldn't be having a country to show for ourselves!

                      In any case the EU money is NOT donations. The money that come from the EU to Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland etc etc is money spent in indevelopment, infrastructure, new technologies and so on. Or at least it should be so instead of geting into the bank accounts of some politicians and their "colleagues"

                      (irrelevant/interesting fact of the day: most of the EU money that gets spent in other EU countries comes from Germany)

                      In any case guys the economical ratings of any country are not calculated based on how much money is given by loans, donations, international help etc.

                      A war with Turkey??? Hmmm ok let me play your "game" for a little while.
                      Both countries being in NATO I don't see that happening, eventhough some people from both sides wish for it.
                      In any case frankly I don't see how one country could win over the other. It's a game of win some, lose some.
                      The thing that makes Turkey a bit "weaker" is that as mentioned the Curds, the Armenians etc will grab this chance to fight too. So Turkey won't be able to send all troops against Greece. The other thing is that Greece has water borders. So Turkey might "grab" a few islands but if greece invades it would grab lot s of land mass. Why do you think that greece has left most islands with not much infrastructure ?? (:P ok.. I admit a silly argument here)

                      In anycase talk of a Greek-turkish war is bull*** whoever it is comming from.
                      VetLegion Greeks dont want to do manual stuff anymore.
                      Sad but true. Same thing goes with any developed coountry I think. Look at some states of US and the mexican immigrants ( legal or not), the Germany after WW2 etc etc.
                      Things go like this
                      First you as a country are in need of hands, then some immigrants come, and they are also cheap especially in cases like Albania. The time they first started comming in back in 1991, an Albanian would make more money with manual labor in less thna a week,than a doctor or unioversity professor in a month back in their homeland.
                      The Albanian workers didn't need to spend much, in some cases even the places they'd live would be better than what they were used at back home so they could afford being paid less than the Greeks who then in turn, turned to other forms of employment.

                      So gradually yes the Greeks are reluctunt to manual labor and the fact that the payment is low is the greatest factor to be consndered.

                      However unemployment is not high only in the manual labor category. It's actualy "acceptably" low there. The problem lies with most people that finish university and can't find a job even with a masters degree but that's another issue that is to long to cover in that post. Just stating the main reason of this 12% unempoyment.

                      Vetlegion:greeks need albanians, but they treat them like inferior savages and use them as scapegoat minority

                      Nope this is not true. Sure there are people like our Palaiologos here but that's not the main stream.
                      The whole missunderstanding with albanians started when all the criminals came in along with the immigrants, the greek state was unable to control them and the crime rate went skyhigh. Things are mch better the last few years regarding to that and less crimes happen, the less misunderstandings occure and the more your statement is proven wong.

                      VetLegion: greeks want preemptive war with all their neighbours, but claim they are not paranoid, dont keep grudges and are a factor of peace and stability

                      Nope.. that's Palaiologos speaking not the rest of us

                      greeks are not religious fanatics, yet they raise millions against the poor old Pope, a feat Iran would accomplish with difficulty

                      Again you are talking about Palaiologos and him alone.
                      BTW there where never millions oposed to the pope's visit here... some hundrents maybe but not many over that. YEs we are NOT religious fanatics... if some of us are they sure don't make it out for the whole population. Every country has it's fanatics of one thing or the other, making generalizations based on what you see of one person is hardly a logical way to judge.

                      greeks whine about EU but they happily thake their money
                      Again making a generalization here. Thise that protest agains tthe Eu are those of comunist believes, denoying everyhtign that's not "socialistic" ( about 5-7% basd on the last national election results)

                      Palaiologos: Nobody likes the Turks, much less the albanians.
                      perhaps talking about your close people?

                      ...even in the more developed part of ME (Midle east), Greece)
                      Greece is not in Middle East

                      hmmmmmm.. I think this sums it up for now... if i have missed something I'll add with a new post.

                      have a nice evening everyone
                      Anaton (aka The Ancient One)
                      VU-Games Forum Moderator


                      • #71
                        I had already figured out that people were having fun with my view.I am not a fool you know. I just got along, as i was not having a bad time either.


                        1.It is 90%. Greece has an annual growth rate of 3,8 and the 3,01(or something) is due to EU funding.

                        2.Disliking albanians does not mean wanting to kill them all. I have used the terms hate and dislike as the same, which may have been a mistake.

                        3.No Greek wants a preemptive strike against our neighbours(apart from me, that is).

                        4.The total of protestors was a bit over a million. 150.000 in Macedonia, 300.000 in Athens etc... However you are right as i was thinking of the wrong incident. The church rose up for the ID issue not for the Pope. For the Pope the protestors were about 200.000 in all of Greece. Sorry.

                        As for the orthodox fanatic thing keep in mind that 3.500.000 people signed the anti-IDs proclamation.
                        For the non-Greeks: In the Greek IDs you have to state your religion. Goverment wanted to changed that since it was not "liberal" enough.

                        5.Apat from commies and a few left liberals nobody else in Greece is sarisfied by the presence of Albanians in our country. Ask Greeks in the street(espesially youths-not the neo-nazis) and they will all express their negative feelings towards Albanians and Caucasians(Russo-Pontiacs). How many would they marry their daughters to one of them? At least that is what happens in Macedonia where there are many foreigners and patriotism is still strong. Do not know what happens in Athens.

                        6. Graico-Turkish war is a bullshi*?

                        oh yes, i forgot. WWII was the last war of humanity and all countries will eventually join the EU which will last 10.000 years. Eternal world peace will ensue.

                        A fool's dream.

                        NATO existed in 1974, 1987, 1996. Greece however came close to war with Turkey on those dates.

                        7. Vetlegion, i do not have a personal vendetta of my own in my evil mind. I do not go to sleep at night mumbling about The Turks being exterminated and the Albanians driven off. Nor do i awake with plans of Balkan domination.

                        IN ALL HONESTY, as strange as it may sound, it is Anaton's views about the turks and albanians that are a minority in Greece. PEOPLE JUST DO NOT LIKE THEM.
                        "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

                        All those who want to die, follow me!
                        Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


                        • #72
                          Small correction: the GDP growth for 2002 was 4% of which 1% was due to EU funds. I'm pretty sure about this


                          • #73
                            you are unusually condensed paiktis, nothing more to add?


                            • #74
                              Vetlegion, i do not have a personal vendetta of my own in my evil mind. I do not go to sleep at night mumbling about The Turks being exterminated and the Albanians driven off. Nor do i awake with plans of Balkan domination.

                              Don't you worry about me misunderstanding. You have been very clear

                              thank you


                              • #75
                                Anaton, so you don't think I am ignoring you or something

                                I read your post. We could discuss some points, but my curiosity of Greek issues is about satisfied..

