Originally posted by Dissident
Actually I don't plan on investing in gold. But I thought about it.
Gold varies too widely. Yes it has been rising lately, but that is probalby not going to last much longer. If I was going to do it, I should have done it 6 months ago. It will probably peak soon.
I'm still undecided on bonds. Right now I feel the economy is at a crossroads. It's a 50/50 thing. There is a chance it could improve greatly, or an equal chance it could head into a depression. I just get this uneasy feeling when I look at the state of america.
Actually I don't plan on investing in gold. But I thought about it.
Gold varies too widely. Yes it has been rising lately, but that is probalby not going to last much longer. If I was going to do it, I should have done it 6 months ago. It will probably peak soon.
I'm still undecided on bonds. Right now I feel the economy is at a crossroads. It's a 50/50 thing. There is a chance it could improve greatly, or an equal chance it could head into a depression. I just get this uneasy feeling when I look at the state of america.
First for you economists out there. I have some questions.
Originally posted by Dissident
First off it is our workforce. I can't see how most of our economy can be based off of service jobs. This can't be good can it? Nothing is actually being produced. And it's not like we are servicing other nations (with exception of foreign tourists- which is obviously good). but much of the service is for ourselves. This could work if all the rich people were making money off of other nations and spending it here. But I doubt that is happening.
First off it is our workforce. I can't see how most of our economy can be based off of service jobs. This can't be good can it? Nothing is actually being produced. And it's not like we are servicing other nations (with exception of foreign tourists- which is obviously good). but much of the service is for ourselves. This could work if all the rich people were making money off of other nations and spending it here. But I doubt that is happening.
Originally posted by Dissident
The second issue is debt. Debt is at all time highs from corporations, goverment, and private citizens. Sure we've had some budget surpluses with Clinton, but little if any of that has been used to pay off our debt. Now if the economy is growing, this is now big deal. Because you are making plenty of money to pay off interest. But if the economy is too slow, or not growing at all, it seems to me interest could eat us alive. The debt problem in America worries me. If the economy doesn't start improving soon, debt could bring us down into a depression. Again I'm no expert at this. Just my opinion.
The second issue is debt. Debt is at all time highs from corporations, goverment, and private citizens. Sure we've had some budget surpluses with Clinton, but little if any of that has been used to pay off our debt. Now if the economy is growing, this is now big deal. Because you are making plenty of money to pay off interest. But if the economy is too slow, or not growing at all, it seems to me interest could eat us alive. The debt problem in America worries me. If the economy doesn't start improving soon, debt could bring us down into a depression. Again I'm no expert at this. Just my opinion.