I totally agree with Spiffor. This is all a question about the future leadership of Europe, with Iraq as the background and Anti-Americanism as the oil to grease the wheels.
Whatever the good that the past relationship brought, why did France and Germany plant their flag on territory that they could not keep? It seeems like they set themselves up for failure. Or perhaps they didn't know where the leaders of other top members in the club, like Spain and Italy, stood. Now, Rumsfeld is proven right within a week. Congrats! Good job!
It seems incredible to me that France and Germany think that they can drive the EU in the absence of the UK, Italy, and Spain.
Whatever the good that the past relationship brought, why did France and Germany plant their flag on territory that they could not keep? It seeems like they set themselves up for failure. Or perhaps they didn't know where the leaders of other top members in the club, like Spain and Italy, stood. Now, Rumsfeld is proven right within a week. Congrats! Good job!
It seems incredible to me that France and Germany think that they can drive the EU in the absence of the UK, Italy, and Spain.