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Old Europe left out in the cold?

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  • Well, I see this thread is a paragon of enlightened discussion.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • Hey, I just couldn't resist it was too easy.

      And now back to our regularly schedule programming....
      "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

      “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


      • Oerdin : we finally agreed on something
        Anyone wants to react on how internal EU politics could motivate the moves of both France-Germany, and of the 8 yeasayers ?
        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


        • Originally posted by Sir Ralph

          Ned, Saddam is of course a bloody dictator, and I wish nothing more than the Iraqi people could overthrow him and establish a more human, may be even democratic government. However, having a dictator does not justify an invasion. If it did, the United States would have to invade many of the other countries in ME, half of South America and 3/4 of Africa too. In fact, the US is even actively supporting many of these Micro-Hitlers, just like they formerly supported Saddam.

          On the question of WoMD, well, put facts on the table. Saying "we are convinced, that Saddam has WoMD" proves nothing. I'm sorry to say this, but hardly anyone in Europe considers GWB to be a reliable source of information. Statements without prove are hearsay, not more. Either put the smoking gun on the table, or tell Blix, where he can find it. Bush keeps to brag with his outstanding intelligence data. Why doesn't he use it to convince the world with facts? I dare to say, that he would get much, much more support, in France, Germany, and elsewhere, than with lying, wardrumming and threatening. At least I would say, ok, there's the prove, now go and remove that bastard.

          Instead of this, he makes with his "axis of evil", "who's not with us is against us" and similar bull more and more enemies everywhere in the world. The worlds opinion has never been as anti American, as it is now. In the case of France and Germany Bush and Rumsfeld clearly show their outstanding diplomatic skills. If I want to achieve something, it's of course the best choice to piss off my opponent. That letter of the 8 had also not the effect it should. It was made up like a commercial ad, who likes them? Blairs position was known before. Italy, oh well... Bush and Berlusconi are an awesome couple. Let's better be silent about Italy. For Spain I feel a bit sorry, I had a better opinion about Aznar. The other countries are, sorry, insignificant. Danmark helps you how, with 40-60 "hunters" (according to Winston)? What do they hunt? I'm sure they'll be the make or break in this war.
          I don't know what precisely Powell is going to show. But what is rumored here is that we have evidence of an active coverup. The Iraqi's know where the inspectors are going and clean up the site before hand. This is one of the reason they do not want U2 flights. These could aid the inspectors in determining whether a site has been "changed."

          As well, we seem to have photos of the mobile bio labs. Obviously, the inspectors will never be able to find these.

          We also have evidence that the scientists who could tell us what is going on are under death threats.

          The bottom line, Saddam is thwarting the inspections while appearing to cooperate. The inspection regime should no be permitted to continue in this mode.


          • Originally posted by Sir Ralph

            Ned, Saddam is of course a bloody dictator, and I wish nothing more than the Iraqi people could overthrow him and establish a more human, may be even democratic government. However, having a dictator does not justify an invasion. If it did, the United States would have to invade many of the other countries in ME, half of South America and 3/4 of Africa too. In fact, the US is even actively supporting many of these Micro-Hitlers, just like they formerly supported Saddam.

            On the question of WoMD, well, put facts on the table. Saying "we are convinced, that Saddam has WoMD" proves nothing. I'm sorry to say this, but hardly anyone in Europe considers GWB to be a reliable source of information. Statements without prove are hearsay, not more. Either put the smoking gun on the table, or tell Blix, where he can find it. Bush keeps to brag with his outstanding intelligence data. Why doesn't he use it to convince the world with facts? I dare to say, that he would get much, much more support, in France, Germany, and elsewhere, than with lying, wardrumming and threatening. At least I would say, ok, there's the prove, now go and remove that bastard.

            Instead of this, he makes with his "axis of evil", "who's not with us is against us" and similar bull more and more enemies everywhere in the world. The worlds opinion has never been as anti American, as it is now. In the case of France and Germany Bush and Rumsfeld clearly show their outstanding diplomatic skills. If I want to achieve something, it's of course the best choice to piss off my opponent. That letter of the 8 had also not the effect it should. It was made up like a commercial ad, who likes them? Blairs position was known before. Italy, oh well... Bush and Berlusconi are an awesome couple. Let's better be silent about Italy. For Spain I feel a bit sorry, I had a better opinion about Aznar. The other countries are, sorry, insignificant. Danmark helps you how, with 40-60 "hunters" (according to Winston)? What do they hunt? I'm sure they'll be the make or break in this war.
            I don't know what precisely Powell is going to show. But what is rumored here is that we have evidence of an active coverup. The Iraqi's know where the inspectors are going and clean up the site before hand. This is one of the reason they do not want U2 flights. These could aid the inspectors in determining whether a site has been "changed."

            As well, we seem to have photos of the mobile bio labs. Obviously, the inspectors will never be able to find these.

            We also have evidence that the scientists who could tell us what is going on are under death threats.

            The bottom line, Saddam is thwarting the inspections while appearing to cooperate. The inspection regime should no be permitted to continue in this mode.


            • My take on this the letter signed is this:

              It seriously undermines the efforts for a unified EUI voice on the matter.

              It was done in a rather hypocritical manner considering it didnt go through the known EU procedures

              and it was a rather laughable but still it was a retort to the strong stance that Germany and France along with other EU countries have taken.

              You got to laugh of course considering the leaders of the 8 countries and the manner in which it was done but it still was a knife in the back of the EU's quest to furthering its common foreign policy.

              You also have the impressionable little yanks crying new europe! new europe! which is amuzing as well.

              All in all a serious breach of the spirit at least of what some in the EU are trying to achieve.


              • There wasn't anything in the letter which went beyond what the foreign ministers of all EU member states agreed upon last Monday.


                • get the two texts and lets compare


                  • Untill you do ponder this

                    "The letter is a move, which poses a problem, because it was done without necessary consultation. But it is also an expression of opinion, which is free among the member states, Simitis said"

                    "The way that was followed (by the letter) shows there was a lack of consultation, there was no information. This way, we are not helping Europe have a strong voice in the world,"


                    • I'm not presenting any texts to you paiktis. You're the one who didn't do your homework before spouting your usual nonsense.


                      • Originally posted by paiktis22
                        You got to laugh of course considering the leaders of the 8 countries and the manner in which it was done but it still was a knife in the back of the EU's quest to furthering its common foreign policy.
                        So two countries are adimately opposed, eight countries are conditionally in favor, and a number are either neutral or tepidly opposed. Who's sticking the knife in the EU's back again?

                        Also why is it Paris & Berlin seem to feel they have a good given right to dictate policy to everyone else? They seldom, if ever, have anyone's best interests in mind but their own so why follow dogmatically what they say? The whole idea of a "common foreign policy" was just a blatant attempt by the Franco-German axis to make the other European states meakly fall in line with the Axis's policies any way. If the goal is democracy then isn't it better for each countries leadership to vote as their interests dictate instead of having their votes dictated to them by the not so dynamic duo?
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • EU (including new comers) 25 members?

                          in favor: 8

                          the point is to reach a common ground not going around offering showbiz letters to the US.

                          this is ridiculous.

                          Consultation, discussion common ground.

                          If this is not achieved then, after the discussions we issue a common EU statement stating this point.

                          Simple, intelligent and dignified.


                          • BTW dont let your nationality or opinions get the best of you. Germany and France are the cornerstone of the EU's integration process. No letters change that.


                            • Slovakia and Latvia are now backing the declaration by the European Eight.


                              • Originally posted by Winston
                                Slovakia and Latvia are now backing the declaration by the European Eight.
                                id already seen slovakia. Nice that the Latvians are aboard also.
                                "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

