Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
I'm sorry, you are right. Nintendo should've foresaw in the '80's that the franchises they were creating (Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda) would be viewed as childish 20 years later. How shortsighted of them...
I'm sorry, you are right. Nintendo should've foresaw in the '80's that the franchises they were creating (Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda) would be viewed as childish 20 years later. How shortsighted of them...
Once Nintendo gave them a waterpack and a name appended with "Sunshine" they start being viewed as kiddie.
Once they make Zelda look like a saturday mornning cartoon it's viewed as kiddie.
Once they release these games for a purple console with a handle that looks like a Fisher-Price toy, they are viewed as kiddie...
MS would pimp the hell out of Pokemon if they had it; it's a cash cow.
But MS also has always had a whole bunch of mature (ESRB that is) games from the start too. Nintendo doesn't have a lot. They've made an effort in it recently, with MP and ED, but it's too little too late to save the image...
And before someone brings up Conker -- that's a Rare game, and the sequel isn't going to be on the Gamecube...