There was a study done that stated the killing them is more costly than Life in prison. The rational was for a death row inmate the average number of appeals was higher than for those sentenced to LIP. The cost to the state of those additional appeals was more than the cost of maintaining them in prison for their natural life.
Sorry no link. And it does make some sense.
My only problems with what Ryan did, was his possible motives and that in Illinois a majority of the people support the death penalty. So he was took his one chance to screw the people that elected him in the first place (besides all the last minute political appointments) because he knows he going to take it up the A** in court later.
Sorry no link. And it does make some sense.
My only problems with what Ryan did, was his possible motives and that in Illinois a majority of the people support the death penalty. So he was took his one chance to screw the people that elected him in the first place (besides all the last minute political appointments) because he knows he going to take it up the A** in court later.