Well I am not that extreme so I don't really think the word libertarian supports me too much. If I had to pick a term it would be classical liberal, as I support a greater deal of economic and social freedom.
"too many people who do not have parents for moral influence... o much general inethical behaviour occuring... too much of a liberal attitude of if it feels good, do it..."
So you are talking about about libertarian beliefs that people should be able to dirnk alcohol, use drugs, engage in prostitution, etc.? Well, I don't deny such things could hinder the poor from improving thir situation. Nor do I do nessecarily think that all of those are good things. However, I think people should be free to do them.
While no doubt using drugs can assist in keeping people in a cycle of poverty if they choose to use them, I think that it isn't the government's job to make people succeed. If they want to make destructive choices, I believe they should be free to do so. If they want to succeed then they should be prepared to make the choices that will help them advance. The government should not exist as a father figure and protect people from their own stupidity.
Moreover, it hardly seems like prohibition is an effective solution for our social ills. The nation is engaged in a vigorous war on drugs, and yet it is still easy for practically anyone to get drugs. I was first offered marijuana when I was in middle school(I declined). The War on Drugs has failed at preventing people from getting drugs. Prostitution is similarily banned, but yet people can still get prostitutes should they so choose. While many of our social ills are serious, banning them has not proven an effective solution.
Finally, the United States has an extremely high crime rate and the highest murder rate in the industrialized world. Given this, it seems hard to justify the amount of effort police put into fighting victimless crimes such as drug use and underage drinking. Our prisons are getting seriously overcrowded and they are filling up with drug users while rapists and murderers get paroled. I think given how severe our violent crime problem is, we would be better off taking the resources that go into fighting victimless crimes such as prostitution, drug use, etc. and putting those resources into fighting violent crime. If anything the war on drugs makes violent crime worse. Just as alcohol prohibition led to rise of violent gangs in the '20s, drug prohbition has led to violent gangs today that can make substantial profits off the drug trade. Were drugs to be legalized, we could take the business out of the hands of gangs and into the hands of corporations. Were prostitution to be legalized, the business would go from pimps to legalized regulated brothels as it has in Nevada, and we could have more protections for the girls as well as ensuring screenings for STDs.
"too many people who do not have parents for moral influence... o much general inethical behaviour occuring... too much of a liberal attitude of if it feels good, do it..."
So you are talking about about libertarian beliefs that people should be able to dirnk alcohol, use drugs, engage in prostitution, etc.? Well, I don't deny such things could hinder the poor from improving thir situation. Nor do I do nessecarily think that all of those are good things. However, I think people should be free to do them.
While no doubt using drugs can assist in keeping people in a cycle of poverty if they choose to use them, I think that it isn't the government's job to make people succeed. If they want to make destructive choices, I believe they should be free to do so. If they want to succeed then they should be prepared to make the choices that will help them advance. The government should not exist as a father figure and protect people from their own stupidity.
Moreover, it hardly seems like prohibition is an effective solution for our social ills. The nation is engaged in a vigorous war on drugs, and yet it is still easy for practically anyone to get drugs. I was first offered marijuana when I was in middle school(I declined). The War on Drugs has failed at preventing people from getting drugs. Prostitution is similarily banned, but yet people can still get prostitutes should they so choose. While many of our social ills are serious, banning them has not proven an effective solution.
Finally, the United States has an extremely high crime rate and the highest murder rate in the industrialized world. Given this, it seems hard to justify the amount of effort police put into fighting victimless crimes such as drug use and underage drinking. Our prisons are getting seriously overcrowded and they are filling up with drug users while rapists and murderers get paroled. I think given how severe our violent crime problem is, we would be better off taking the resources that go into fighting victimless crimes such as prostitution, drug use, etc. and putting those resources into fighting violent crime. If anything the war on drugs makes violent crime worse. Just as alcohol prohibition led to rise of violent gangs in the '20s, drug prohbition has led to violent gangs today that can make substantial profits off the drug trade. Were drugs to be legalized, we could take the business out of the hands of gangs and into the hands of corporations. Were prostitution to be legalized, the business would go from pimps to legalized regulated brothels as it has in Nevada, and we could have more protections for the girls as well as ensuring screenings for STDs.