they just don't give a damn...
What libertarians don't realize is that America today in 2003 is incapable of having a working libertarian society. There are far too many people who depend on the first and fifteenth... too many people who do not have parents for moral influence... too much general inethical behaviour occuring... too much of a liberal attitude of if it feels good, do it...
A libertarian society that forms in this environment will only result in an even worse cycle of poverty for millions of Americans. Of course, to libertarians, this is just 'tough luck'...
What libertarians don't realize is that America today in 2003 is incapable of having a working libertarian society. There are far too many people who depend on the first and fifteenth... too many people who do not have parents for moral influence... too much general inethical behaviour occuring... too much of a liberal attitude of if it feels good, do it...
A libertarian society that forms in this environment will only result in an even worse cycle of poverty for millions of Americans. Of course, to libertarians, this is just 'tough luck'...