Originally posted by Fez
Batasuna? Goodbye... Banned for supporting violence.
Batasuna? Goodbye... Banned for supporting violence.
There is a new law that allow that attonerys sues against a party that supports violence. And the general attonery of the country has sued against Batasuna on Supreme Court, but the jugdes has not take any decision yet.
And Garzon has opened a process against Batasuna for providing places where ETA can join and store his weapons. He has ordered a "halt" on Batasuna activites for five years.
So, Batasuna has two sues and is halted, but not banned yet
Edit: Well, if you ask for a halt on this subject, I will post no more about it, but I'm not going to delete this post. I wrote it before reading your post about remain on-topic...