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Israeli Army Kills 8-Year-Old Palestinian Boy

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  • #61
    Eli, would you accept the Oslo accords if you were guaranteed actual security? Or would you reject them in favor of more terrorism and war because you want to take more territory?

    I'm asking because CyberGnu seems to have an unrealistic notion of Israeli public opinion, and I'm just trying to get the truth from the people who know.
    John Brown did nothing wrong.


    • #62
      Originally posted by CyberGnu
      Well, if the status quo is maintained, what need is there to re-evaluate the conclusions? If no new data is presented, the logical conclusion reached yesterday is the same as the logical conclusion reached today.

      But present new facts, and a re-evaluation is always warranted.
      Right, auto-pilot. Re-evaluation is important though because nobody can know or understand all sides to a dispute. The best we can hope for is greater understanding and wisdom. To say that the conclusion you reached yesterday will be the same one that you reach today is to say that you've just wasted a day of your life.

      Felch, the vast majority of palestinians were driven out of Israel at the moment of its conception. Some of them by violence, many of them by the threat of violence, most of them by fear of violence. None were allowed to return. None of them recieved compensation for their confiscated land or property. None of the people responsible ever recieved a punishment. To claim that their "rights were respected" is a bit far fetched, don't you think?
      The circumstances under which the Palestinians left are in dispute. One side says they fled Israeli wrath, the other says that they left on orders from the Arab powers, and intended to return once the Jews had been wiped out in some sort of final solution to the Zionist problem. I don't know the truth of that. What I do know is that Israel won the war, the Israeli-Arabs who remained were not brutally massacred, and they have lived for the most part peacefully with the Jewish people, even participating in the democratic government, sending members to the Knesset. That tells me that their rights were respected.

      Well, this was the situation before 1920, before zionism reared its ugly head... But once Pandorax box was opened, nothing could close the lid again.
      The Arabs were not blameless in the initial violence. And it's not a crime to move somewhere fleeing repression and extermination elsewhere. Remember that the Jews moved to Palestine because they were being slaughtered and oppressed in Russia, Germany, France, and other places.

      So what do you call the Oslo accord?
      The Oslo accord. What's your point? The Palestinians didn't try hard enough. They made pandering motions, and now they're paying the price.

      I'm sorry, but I can't do anything but aggressively reject this view. You're advocating that might gives right. Once a neighbour is subjugated, they should bend their necks in all perpetuity.
      You said that the Palestinians have the right to armed uprising. I said they'll get their butts kicked. How can you realistically reject that view? You know full well the current body count, you know that Israel can shut the PA down at any time. Armed uprising without hope for victory is slaughter - no better than what Haig did at the Somme.

      I've had this discussion before, but I don't think I've heard your view: DeGaulle, criminal or hero?
      I think he's French, and that's enough to hold him in custody until we can present something to the grand jury.
      John Brown did nothing wrong.


      • #63
        Originally posted by CyberGnu

        The question is, what do you base that view on? Sharons atrocities, Netanyahus public statements, the assassination of Rabin, all of them show that a peaceful solution is not what Israel wants. Israel preferes to extend the conflict indefiently, and incrementally steal more and more palestinian land. The population and square milleage of the settlements have more than doubles since Israel agreed to freeze them in the Oslo accord - If Israel truly wanted peace why would they not only accept the expansion of the settlment but actually encourage them?!
        In order - firstly I disagree with the atrocity reference - subjective and inflammatory.
        Public statements, on both sides to be fair, aren't worth considering. Politicians the world over have always made such claims. If all were truthfull then, ... well I can't imagine exactly what sort of an effect it'd have on the universe but it probably wouldn't be physically possible.
        You might be surprised at how quickly rhetoric can change if both sides see an advantage to it.
        The assassination, by a single student, had far less reflection of the opinions of the majority of Israeli citizens than does a suicide bombing reflect the mindset of the Palestinians. By all accounts the masses were horrified to learn that one of their own was responsible.
        Lastly the settlements - useful as a bargaining chip but hardly indicative of ethnic cleansing of the sort or scale discussed elsewhere. Settlements account for a tiny fraction of the Jewish population. Not nearly enough to appreciably alter the ethnic balance. They aren't illegal per se (or at least not all of them) - witness the Palestinian Authority imposing a death sentence on any who sell land to Israeli settlers - due to such sales in the past.
        I have no info whatsoever re: deeds/ownership/status of all or even any of them but this does refute broadband statements of illegality.
        The Oslo accords have been repeatedly violated by both sides AFAIK, and in a number of ways. One would be hard-pressed to trace circumstances back to who did what first. Expanding said settlements is a relatively minor infringement and is hardly irreversible.
        Take this in context and it doesn't spell out Israels annexation of Palestine - Much progress towards a true state was made up until '98 when the latest uprising began.

        I can't help but feel that a total segregation between the two - with a total absence of bombings against Israeli citizens - would see much more reason prevail on both sides. If this were to happen the IDF would have no mandate whatsoever for incursions into Palestinian territory and doing so would be seen for what it was. I doubt they'd see it differently.


        • #64
          I'm asking because CyberGnu seems to have an unrealistic notion of Israeli public opinion, and I'm just trying to get the truth from the people who know.
          Ahh, come on! Why do you expect them to answer anything but "yes" to your question? If they are dastardly enough to say "no", they are certainly dastardly enough to lie...

          Right, auto-pilot. Re-evaluation is important though because nobody can know or understand all sides to a dispute. The best we can hope for is greater understanding and wisdom. To say that the conclusion you reached yesterday will be the same one that you reach today is to say that you've just wasted a day of your life.
          Au contraire. If you every day reevaluate your stance on every important issue you will spend all your time doing nothing but.

          I'll say again: if nothing new has been presented, there is no reason to re-evaluate. Sure, you should do it from time to time, jsut in case you've missed something the first times, but doing it every day out of habit is ony a luxury teenagers can afford...

          The circumstances under which the Palestinians left are in dispute. One side says they fled Israeli wrath, the other says that they left on orders from the Arab powers, and intended to return once the Jews had been wiped out in some sort of final solution to the Zionist problem. I don't know the truth of that. What I do know is that Israel won the war, the Israeli-Arabs who remained were not brutally massacred, and they have lived for the most part peacefully with the Jewish people, even participating in the democratic government, sending members to the Knesset. That tells me that their rights were respected.
          IIUIC, it is undisputed that several palestinian villages were massacred in '48. Regardless of the reason they left, however, they are still entitled to return.

          The Arabs were not blameless in the initial violence. And it's not a crime to move somewhere fleeing repression and extermination elsewhere. Remember that the Jews moved to Palestine because they were being slaughtered and oppressed in Russia, Germany, France, and other places.
          No, but it is a crime to move somewhere and then carve out that piece of land as your own, and in the process displacing the rightful owners.

          The Oslo accord. What's your point? The Palestinians didn't try hard enough. They made pandering motions, and now they're paying the price.
          Pandering motions? Because they couldn't stop Hamas? At the same time England couldn;t stop IRA, spain couldn;t stop ETA, etc etc?

          You said that the Palestinians have the right to armed uprising. I said they'll get their butts kicked. How can you realistically reject that view? You know full well the current body count, you know that Israel can shut the PA down at any time. Armed uprising without hope for victory is slaughter - no better than what Haig did at the Somme.
          Well, of course. But I still respect their right to conduct armed resistance. If I would rather die free than live in bondage, isn'tt that my right?

          I think he's French, and that's enough to hold him in custody until we can present something to the grand jury.
          Well, I agree comepletely with that, but the question should still be answered....
          Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


          • #65
            Originally posted by Felch X
            Eli, would you accept the Oslo accords if you were guaranteed actual security? Or would you reject them in favor of more terrorism and war because you want to take more territory?
            If terrorism ends, if incitement ends and if the PLO generation leadership ends, I will support another Oslo process whose conclusion will be in the almost total withdrawal from the territories.
            "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


            • #66
              CyberGnu, Just from memory it seems to me that every time peace was near, the PALs would commit some act of terror that would make peace negotiations impossible. The party that is disrupting the peace process are the PALs. There appear to be certain parties there who want to wipe Israel from face of the planet, not simply liberate the Palestinian people.

              But that said, Sharon is one of the leaders of expanding the settlements. He obvioulsly is setting Israel up to at least have a stronger negotiating position during any peace talks. It is not however obvious that Sharon wants to delay peace "forever." All that would bring is continued violence against Israel that may eventually grow to a level where Israel is wiped out. It also will increasingly involve Israeli solders firing live amunition into crowds of truant children. This is unfortunate in the extreme. The army itself may revolt against such actions.


              • #67
                Originally posted by CyberGnu
                Ahh, come on! Why do you expect them to answer anything but "yes" to your question? If they are dastardly enough to say "no", they are certainly dastardly enough to lie...
                You thought you knew Israeli opinion. I'm testing if what you thought you knew was true. A scientist should accept his hypothesis being tested by someone else, and we'll simply have to have faith that Eli won't lie.

                Au contraire. If you every day reevaluate your stance on every important issue you will spend all your time doing nothing but.

                I'll say again: if nothing new has been presented, there is no reason to re-evaluate. Sure, you should do it from time to time, jsut in case you've missed something the first times, but doing it every day out of habit is ony a luxury teenagers can afford...
                Socrates, Plato, Lao Tzu, Descartes, and Winnie-the-Pooh did nothing but reevaluate their opinions on every important issue day after day, and they presented more thought and clarity in their statements than you have. Taking part in the luxury of teenagers might do you some good.

                IIUIC, it is undisputed that several palestinian villages were massacred in '48. Regardless of the reason they left, however, they are still entitled to return.
                Villages get wiped out a lot in wars. It's sad, but when a vast number of invaders pour in seeking the extermination of a newborn nation, the ensuing firefights kill a bunch of people. Too bad the Arab states initiated the war that killed those villagers and forced the Palestinians to live in exile.

                But yes, they do have a right to return. On the terms that the government of Israel sets out for them, and so long as they don't carry out acts of violence.

                No, but it is a crime to move somewhere and then carve out that piece of land as your own, and in the process displacing the rightful owners.
                That's happened innumerable times in history. It doesn't excuse murdering children in their homes or civilians riding the bus.

                Pandering motions? Because they couldn't stop Hamas? At the same time England couldn;t stop IRA, spain couldn;t stop ETA, etc etc?
                The UK and Spain tried to stop their respective terrorists. The Palestinian Authority simply proved that it held no authority over Palestine.

                Well, of course. But I still respect their right to conduct armed resistance. If I would rather die free than live in bondage, isn'tt that my right?
                Not if you kill innocent people in your hopeless war. How just would it be if every Native American picked up an assault rifle and went for a rampage. Sure, they wouldn't win, but they'd cause a lot of suffering for no reason. If you want to die in a hopeless struggle, fine. But if you want to kill a bunch of innocent people while you die, that's not fine.

                Well, I agree comepletely with that, but the question should still be answered....
                I don't know or care. De Gaulle faught Nazis, which is good, but I hear he was an intolerable *****, which is not good. As far as him committing any crimes, I really can't say.
                Last edited by Felch; November 26, 2002, 02:09.
                John Brown did nothing wrong.


                • #68
                  The children gathered in the center of the city, hurling stones at an army jeep

                  The Israeli army said troops fired to disperse stone-throwers, and that two explosive devices were thrown toward soldiers.


                  justified to kill, of course not.
                  But I'm sure that when explosives are trown at me, I won't be shy to shoot back either.
                  Why are those kids among terrorists?

                  If a palestinian kid is killed, it's an accident. A terrible accident, but not on purpose.
                  If an israelian kid is killed it's on purpose.
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • #69
                    Well lads, it's been a nice scrimmage, but I think I'll call it a night.
                    John Brown did nothing wrong.


                    • #70
                      CyberGnu, Just from memory it seems to me that every time peace was near, the PALs would commit some act of terror that would make peace negotiations impossible.
                      Not the PALs, Hamas. Just like Sharon will make sure to start an incursion in palestinian territory every time an american envoy is flying over...

                      There are two parties that do not want peace. Hamas and Likud. Note, however, that only one people has democratically elected the warmongering party to lead them.

                      The party that is disrupting the peace process are the PALs. There appear to be certain parties there who want to wipe Israel from face of the planet, not simply liberate the Palestinian people.
                      And that party is Hamas. Come on, Ned, you are supposed to know more about the conflict than this!

                      But that said, Sharon is one of the leaders of expanding the settlements. He obvioulsly is setting Israel up to at least have a stronger negotiating position during any peace talks. It is not however obvious that Sharon wants to delay peace "forever."
                      Actually, those two are synonomous. But more than that, there is the contiued attacks on Arafat, the deliberate destruction of the PA, the constant degradation of the palestinian population in general etc etc.

                      All that would bring is continued violence against Israel that may eventually grow to a level where Israel is wiped out.
                      Please. That argument is the equivalent of me dragging out the global zionist conspiracy... It's not going to happen, we all know it is not going to happen, but it still pops up every once in a while.

                      It also will increasingly involve Israeli solders firing live amunition into crowds of truant children. This is unfortunate in the extreme. The army itself may revolt against such actions.
                      Maybe a few... But judging from the current protests, only a token few.
                      Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                      • #71
                        In order - firstly I disagree with the atrocity reference - subjective and inflammatory.
                        Less inflammatory than shooting a 8 year old kid... When Sharon puts a stop to that, then we can discuss whether the use of the word atrocity is fitting or not.

                        Public statements, on both sides to be fair, aren't worth considering. Politicians the world over have always made such claims. If all were truthfull then, ... well I can't imagine exactly what sort of an effect it'd have on the universe but it probably wouldn't be physically possible.
                        In one sense, I agree completely with you. But when a politicians statement is fully in line with his political stance, his past behavour and his subsequent actions, I tend to believe him...

                        The assassination, by a single student, had far less reflection of the opinions of the majority of Israeli citizens than does a suicide bombing reflect the mindset of the Palestinians. By all accounts the masses were horrified to learn that one of their own was responsible.
                        Today? Yes. In the early '90s? Nope.

                        Lastly the settlements - useful as a bargaining chip but hardly indicative of ethnic cleansing of the sort or scale discussed elsewhere. Settlements account for a tiny fraction of the Jewish population. Not nearly enough to appreciably alter the ethnic balance.
                        ? So if I, a single swede, would drive all the jews into the ocean and walled of all of current Israel into Gnu-land, where only I live, it wouldn;t be ethnic cleansing, since I am only one person? This doesn;t seem to make sense.

                        The fact of the matter is that the AREA of the settlements are steadily increasing. Whether the settlers themselves breed like rabbits or not I don't care about. It's that the settlements expand and multiply, with the express consent of the IDF and the (oxymoronically called) Israeli legal system.

                        They aren't illegal per se (or at least not all of them)
                        Actually they are. Then again, so is shooting UN employes.

                        I have no info whatsoever re: deeds/ownership/status of all or even any of them but this does refute broadband statements of illegality.
                        Doesn;t matter one bit. You are claiming that buying a piece of land means it can be transfered to another country. You might want to rethink that position.

                        The Oslo accords have been repeatedly violated by both sides AFAIK, and in a number of ways. One would be hard-pressed to trace circumstances back to who did what first. Expanding said settlements is a relatively minor infringement and is hardly irreversible.
                        Ackording to whom? But yes, there are other infractions as well. Regardless, the second intifada didn;t start until it became clear that Israel was never intending to honor Oslo.

                        Take this in context and it doesn't spell out Israels annexation of Palestine - Much progress towards a true state was made up until '98 when the latest uprising began.
                        What progress was that? The doubling of settlements? The refusal to follow the handover of political authority to the PA? The statements in '96 that "Oslo is dead"?

                        I can't help but feel that a total segregation between the two - with a total absence of bombings against Israeli citizens - would see much more reason prevail on both sides. If this were to happen the IDF would have no mandate whatsoever for incursions into Palestinian territory and doing so would be seen for what it was.
                        And I agree. Fact of the matter is, though, that Arafat hsa repeatedly asked for international intervention and the presence of UN troops. Israel vehemently opposes it. Why do you think this is?

                        I doubt they'd see it differently.
                        And I claim they would. So far, I've shown numerous examples why this is so. You have, as far as I know, no backing for your view except a general hope that Israel will behave as a civilized nation....
                        Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                        • #72
                          You thought you knew Israeli opinion. I'm testing if what you thought you knew was true. A scientist should accept his hypothesis being tested by someone else, and we'll simply have to have faith that Eli won't lie.
                          But a scientist should not take ANYTHING on faith. Your proposed test doesn't actually give conclusive result.

                          Socrates, Plato, Lao Tzu, Descartes, and Winnie-the-Pooh did nothing but reevaluate their opinions on every important issue day after day, and they presented more thought and clarity in their statements than you have. Taking part in the luxury of teenagers might do you some good.
                          Sadly, no one is willing to pay me for my opinions. I'm paid to think about how to convert methane to methanol. (and this is why it is called the luxury of being a teenager)

                          Villages get wiped out a lot in wars. It's sad, but when a vast number of invaders pour in seeking the extermination of a newborn nation, the ensuing firefights kill a bunch of people. Too bad the Arab states initiated the war that killed those villagers and forced the Palestinians to live in exile.
                          ? These villages were wiped out BY ISRAEL. With the express purpose of scaring other arabs into lfeeing the country!

                          But yes, they do have a right to return. On the terms that the government of Israel sets out for them, and so long as they don't carry out acts of violence.
                          No terms. It is their land, they have the legal and moral right. If they carry out violence, they should be tried in a court of law.

                          That's happened innumerable times in history. It doesn't excuse murdering children in their homes or civilians riding the bus.

                          Not if you kill innocent people in your hopeless war.
                          I've been through this argument a hundred times by now... I don't have the energy, but can cut and paste if you want.

                          The UK and Spain tried to stop their respective terrorists. The Palestinian Authority simply proved that it held no authority over Palestine.
                          The PA arrested hundreds of Hamas members in the early to mid nighties, to the point where Amnesty International condemned the PA for jailing people without due process and for indefinite times. Check the EB, for example.

                          How just would it be if every Native American picked up an assault rifle and went for a rampage. Sure, they wouldn't win, but they'd cause a lot of suffering for no reason. If you want to die in a hopeless struggle, fine.
                          Not applicable. The native americans are a strawman.

                          I don't know or care. De Gaulle faught Nazis, which is good,but I hear he was an intolerable *****, which is not good. As far as him committing any crimes, I really can't say.

                          OK, let me elaborate. De Gaulle led the armed struggle against the occupying germans. Under his leadership numerous german civilians were killed by the french resistance fighters, even more french collaborators were killed.

                          The vast majority of people consider De Gaulle and the french resistance heroes, since they fought for their independence from the occpying power. The palestinians are doing the EXACT SAME THING, but are condemned. For many years this was due to collective guilt over the holocaust, but most of the world has finally gotten over that part and realizes the moral right to resistance the palestinians have.
                          Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                          • #73
                            Bad parenting!
                            He's got the Midas touch.
                            But he touched it too much!
                            Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Eli
                              There were cases of children with real suicide belts.

                              Do you want to volunteer to check every child whether he carries a real gun or a plastic one? A real suicide belt or not?
                              No, I want to transfer every child into the Sinai desert at birth. At least until the birth rates fall below acceptable levels.
                              får jag köpa din syster? tre kameler för din syster!


                              • #75
                                There were cases of children with real suicide belts.
                                Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine

