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Let the comparisons between gay men and goats begin...

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  • I'm just saying that animal behavior isn't a good justification for anything we do.
    So please explain to us how homosexuality affects anything, so as to be called a defect...

    Animal behavior isn't the justification behind doing it, but it is certainly natural since it appears in nature, and you shouldn't HAVE to justify doing it since it occurs between two consenting adults.

    The only people who oppose homosexuality are the latent homosexuals or the God-fearing religious groups who think they're doing everyone a favor.
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


    • Originally posted by Asher

      Argh, you are such a moron...
      On the second thought, I would definately kick your ass, even though you are squirrely, gay, Canadian Computer programmer. Wouldn't be a challenge, but it would teach you some humility. Plus, it would embarass you that this ignorant bigot is probably smarter than you.

      "cramming it down everyone's throats"?
      Give me a break.
      Read the goddamn post.

      I'm surprised you haven't gotten your ass kicked by a bunch of flamey queens yet. Or would you not talk about this in person?
      No, one of them slapped me but he broke his nail.
      "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


      • Originally posted by nationalist
        On the second thought, I would definately kick your ass, even though you are squirrely, gay, Canadian Computer programmer. Wouldn't be a challenge, but it would teach you some humility. Plus, it would embarass you that this ignorant bigot is probably smarter than you.
        I'm sure you'd feel like an even bigger man, even get a kick off of the homoerotic features of man-to-man fighting, but I don't think it'd happen.

        I'm not your typical "gay computer programmer" and I'd be more than willing to show you that if you ever come up here.

        And that "smarter", that's great. What're you studying again, history? What do you support again, nationalism? What're you advocating here, that homosexuality is a defect? You're an uneducated pseudointellectual that thinks highly of himself, but everyone around him thinks lowly of he resorts to weightlifting to boost his selfesteem.

        Read the goddamn post.
        I did. Perhaps you should figure out how to express yourself.
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • Originally posted by Asher

          So please explain to us how homosexuality affects anything, so as to be called a defect...
          I don't know. Maybe its not a defect. Maybe its natural selection, you know, weeding out those weak genes from the old gene pool. Either way, I'd fix it in my kid because I personally want to have grandchildren and pass on my genetic code.
          "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


          • Originally posted by nationalist
            I'm just saying that animal behavior isn't a good justification for anything we do.
            When the right-wing continues the old line that homosexuality is somehow a conscious choice, it is important to use information, such as that found in this study, to show that sexuality is an involuntary thing (although anyone with an ounce of rationality should be able to deduce that by mere observation of the torment gays undergo from an unaccepting society). That this happens to be animals is not the point, as it is reinforcing similar studies of human brains.

            There are no left handed political groups trying to cram their handedness down their throats, either.
            First, there are no societal prohibitions against anyone being left-handed nor any social stigma. Hence there is no need for any political group. Were the same true for sexuality, I bet sexuality-based political groups would vanish.

            Second, let's drop the standard "cram down the throats" terminology. Besides being bizarely homoerotic in itself, it's a tired saying. The mere existence of gays isn't cramming anything down your throat, and certainly it is microscopic the the heterosexuality I get "crammed" into me everyday. I'm not whining about being forced to witness such things, because I don't care about it and realize that it's a pretty silly thing to get upset over.

            Sexuality is a politically charged topic, and somtimes you use words refering to subject that you wouldn't use in a different situation. Maybe you aren't a gay militant, but I've had to deal with enough of them to know that the gay/straight debate isn't as much about tolerance as it is about power.
            There are certainly extremists on all sides of debates. However, the actions of extremists do not invalidate the very real goals of the rest, which is indeed to seek social tolerance and acceptance of gays.

            Or at least that is what my flamboyantly gay RA would tell us everyday after he cursed us "damn heteros". Bigotry goes both ways.
            I fail to see what his "flamboyancy" has to do with it, except that you are using it as an insult. I know gays of all stripes, and flamboyancy has nothing to do with militancy on political issues.

            I've also never encountered a gay man who had any hatred towards all heterosexuals. I don't doubt they exist, but they are undoubtedly a very rare creature. To somehow compare sexuality bigotry between the two groups is laughable, and frankly, pretty off-topic for this thread...
            Tutto nel mondo è burla


            • Originally posted by nationalist
              I don't know. Maybe its not a defect. Maybe its natural selection, you know, weeding out those weak genes from the old gene pool.
              Oh, you're a genius!
              It's natural selection, because after ALL THESE YEARS it's STILL WITH US in a very meaningful fashion. Do you understand what natural selection is...

              Either way, I'd fix it in my kid because I personally want to have grandchildren and pass on my genetic code.
              Personally I'd hope most parents in today's world would be more worried about having children such as yourself as opposed to children such as Boris...
              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


              • "On the second thought, I would definately kick your ass, even though you are squirrely, gay, Canadian Computer programmer. Wouldn't be a challenge, but it would teach you some humility. Plus, it would embarass you that this ignorant bigot is probably smarter than you."

                Resorting to threats of violence is wrong and a sure sign of losing the argument.
                "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

                "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


                • I also believe it's very much against forum rules, and also indicative of a base personality. Discussion over.
                  Tutto nel mondo è burla


                  • Originally posted by Asher

                    I'm sure you'd feel like an even bigger man, even get a kick off of the homoerotic features of man-to-man fighting, but I don't think it'd happen.
                    Typical retort. Why do gay people always do that? It doesn't bother me if you call me gay. I'm not. I know it and am secure in it. Might as well call me black or asian.

                    I'm not your typical "gay computer programmer" and I'd be more than willing to show you that if you ever come up here.
                    This pissing contest is pretty stupid. We're never giong to meet, so we should stop with these stupid threats.

                    I did. Perhaps you should figure out how to express yourself.
                    Sorry, maybe its because I am working on a paper while I type on this thread and I don't want to spend my valuable time writing you a detailed narrative on how my gay RA and his gay student group would come and push thier beliefs on us.

                    Quick anecdote: My friends and I were watching T.V. and eating Papa John's Pizza. He comes in and asks if he can have a breadstick. We give him one and don't think a thing of it... until he starts deep throating it. We yell at him and he says he just loves to suck ****. He was in charge of us, and he blatently rubbing his sexuality in our faces. I never went up to him and started licking a raw clam saying "God, I love to eat *****" He crossed a line, and so did all of his pushy flamer friends. I have many more stories like that to tell.
                    "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


                    • Originally posted by Asher

                      Personally I'd hope most parents in today's world would be more worried about having children such as yourself as opposed to children such as Boris...
                      How do your parents feel about that?
                      "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


                      • Originally posted by nationalist
                        Typical retort. Why do gay people always do that? It doesn't bother me if you call me gay. I'm not. I know it and am secure in it. Might as well call me black or asian.
              're totally straight.
                        You just have a massive need to prove you masculinity to gay people.

                        This pissing contest is pretty stupid. We're never giong to meet, so we should stop with these stupid threats.

                        I have many more stories like that to tell.
                        Do you have any idea how many more stories I could tell about "straight people cramming their sexuality down my throat"?

                        Get real...
                        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                        • Originally posted by Shi Huangdi

                          Resorting to threats of violence is wrong and a sure sign of losing the argument.
                          We weren't even having a real argument in the first place. He just unleashed a string of ad hominems. I retorted. I made him mad, he made me mad, and if I get banned for it I don't care. I only come here about one week a month, and I can get into an actual argument/fight at my school.
                          "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


                          • Originally posted by nationalist
                            How do your parents feel about that?
                            My parents? They don't know.

                            I have no idea what they'd prefer. It's none of their business so they don't know.
                            "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                            Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                            • Originally posted by Asher

                    're totally straight.
                              You just have a massive need to prove you masculinity to gay people.
                              You're doing it again. Everything is overcompensating for something, isn't it? Bull****. What are you overcompensating for? Those are just easy attacks to make on someone, and most people have long rejected them.
                              "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


                              • Originally posted by nationalist
                                We weren't even having a real argument in the first place. He just unleashed a string of ad hominems. I retorted.
                                It wasn't a real argument to begin with, that's right. You started with a whole bunch of false premises and reached a false conclusion.

                                I'm controlled a bit too much by emotion, but that's just how I'm built, and I won't apologize for it.

                                I think what you stand for and your opinion on the matter is uninformed, bigoted, offensive, and downright stupid, and it wasn't worth the energy to calmly debate you logically since it's clear logic is over your head to begin with.
                                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

