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CIA: Iraq not a threat to U.S. unless provoked.

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  • CIA: Iraq not a threat to U.S. unless provoked.

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    CIA Says Iraq Unlikely to Strike US Unless Provoked
    Wed Oct 9, 5:16 AM ET
    By Tabassum Zakaria

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The CIA (news - web sites) said the probability of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) initiating an attack without provocation on the United States in the foreseeable future was "very low," according to a letter made public on Tuesday.

    But if he was attacked, the likelihood that Saddam would respond with biological or chemical weapons was "pretty high."

    The letter, dated Oct. 7, was signed by Deputy CIA Director John McLaughlin on behalf of CIA Director George Tenet and sent to Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Bob Graham in response to the Florida Democrat requesting the CIA declassify parts of its secret assessment on Iraq.

    The Senate is debating how much authority to give President Bush (news - web sites) in a war powers resolution, and some Democrats complained that the CIA was not providing intelligence that contradicted the Bush administration's views on Iraq.

    Bush, in a televised speech on Monday night, sought to rally public support around his position that Iraq poses a danger to the United States because of its biological and chemical weapons and ties to terrorists.

    The CIA assessment in the letter to Graham said Iraq appeared to have stopped short of terrorist attacks against the United States.


    "Baghdad for now appears to be drawing a line short of conducting terrorist attacks with conventional or CBW (chemical and biological weapons) against the United States," the CIA said.

    "Should Saddam conclude that a U.S.-led attack could no longer be deterred, he probably would become much less constrained in adopting terrorist actions," the letter said.

    Tenet, in a statement, said there was "no inconsistency" between the CIA's view of Saddam's growing threat and the view expressed in the president's speech.

    "Although we think the chances of Saddam initiating a WMD (weapons of mass destruction) attack at this moment are low -- in part because it would constitute an admission that he possesses WMD -- there is no question that the likelihood of Saddam using WMD against the United States or our allies in the region for blackmail, deterrence, or otherwise grows as his arsenal continues to build," Tenet said.

    The letter declassified dialogue from a closed Oct. 2 Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, in which a senior intelligence witness was asked what Saddam would do if he did not feel threatened.

    "My judgement would be that the probability of him initiating an attack -- let me put a time frame on it -- in the foreseeable future, given the conditions we understand now, the likelihood I think would be low," the witness said.

    In response to a U.S. attack, the likelihood that Saddam would respond with chemical or biological weapons was "pretty high," the intelligence witness said.


    The CIA said its understanding of the relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda was "evolving" and based on sources of varying reliability. The United States blames al Qaeda for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, but officials say they have not found any direct link between the attacks and Iraq.

    "Some of the information we have received comes from detainees, including some of high rank," the CIA letter said. "We have solid reporting of senior level contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda going back a decade."

    "Credible information indicates that Iraq and al Qaeda have discussed safe haven and reciprocal nonaggression," the CIA said.

    Bush, in his speech, said some al Qaeda leaders who fled Afghanistan (news - web sites) went to Iraq, including a senior leader who received medical treatment in Baghdad this year.

    U.S. officials told Reuters that was a reference to Abu Musab Zarqawi who lost a leg in Afghanistan, but that he was no longer in Iraq.

    "Iraq's increasing support to extremist Palestinians, coupled with growing indications of a relationship with al Qaeda, suggest that Baghdad's links to terrorists will increase, even absent U.S. military actions," the letter said.

    The CIA last week publicly released an unclassified report on Iraq's biological, chemical and nuclear weapons capabilities
    Looks like Tenet has confirmed what many of us have said all along--it's Bush's aggressive policies that will lead to a disaster rather than aggression on the part of Iraq.
    Tutto nel mondo è burla

  • #2
    amerika the big bully. has europe not kiss your rear. skary


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gerth22
      amerika the big bully. has europe not kiss your rear. skary
      This could very well end up being the best response in this thread...

      Tutto nel mondo è burla


      • #4
        so it's all just a personal vendetta then?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Boris Godunov

          This could very well end up being the best response in this thread...

          or indeed ever
          Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
          Douglas Adams (Influential author)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gangerolf
            so it's all just a personal vendetta then?
            Of course not. You forgot about the desires of the oil companies and the desire to use it as a political tool.
            Tutto nel mondo è burla


            • #7
              sorry not englich is not good. i has mean say that to iraq is not threat to amerika


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gerth22
                sorry not englich is not good. i has mean say that to iraq is not threat to amerika
                well i can't speak flemmish or whatever so you are doing better than me
                Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
                Douglas Adams (Influential author)


                • #9
                  ok so the real reasons to attack iraq are:

                  - oil
                  - politics
                  - personal vendetta


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gangerolf
                    ok so the real reasons to attack iraq are:

                    - oil
                    - politics
                    - personal vendetta
                    If only Bush had been so succinct in his boring speech!
                    Tutto nel mondo è burla


                    • #11
                      I don't think so Boris. I don't think so. Don't even try to pull this crap here... because I will step right up and defend Bush's foreign policy as much as you attack him. I wouldn't recall that Bush is being aggressive. He is not. It is Saddam Hussein that is being threatening to neighbors (not the US). The CIA has said Iraq is not a threat to the US because it has no capability of striking the US but will become a threat and that will have to be faced. I don't give a **** what the CIA or NSA or whatever other agency says... Saddam Hussein MUST BE REMOVED DAMN IT. NO DISCUSSION ON THAT UNDISPUTABLE FACT.
                      For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Fez
                        I don't think so Boris. I don't think so. Don't even try to pull this crap here... because I will step right up and defend Bush's foreign as much as you attack him. I wouldn't recall that Bush is being aggressive. He is not. It is Saddam Hussein that is being threatening to neighbors (not the US). The CIA has said Iraq is not a threat to the US because it has no capability of striking the US but will become a threat and that will have to be faced. I don't give a **** what the CIA or NSA or whatever other agency says... Saddam Hussein MUST BE REMOVED DAMN IT. NO DISCUSSION ON THAT UNDISPUTABLE FACT.
                        I won't have you Fezzing up my thread with your unsupported declarations and hostile rantings. We can tell you're upset by this news because of how violently you reacted. I certainly am not in the slightest bit cowed by your amusing attempts to "silence" me.

                        Remember, one must actually have some power to be an effective fascist, Fez.

                        Go away, your input isn't welcome here.
                        Tutto nel mondo è burla


                        • #13
                          I don't have power over clueless people.
                          For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                          • #14
                            I distinctly recalled Dubya has been stressing how Iraq is a thread to the US blah blah blah.

                            I of course am not saying that Hussein should not (or should) be removed.
                            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                            • #15
                              I don't have power over clueless people.
                              Poor Fez, no self-control. Explains a lot really...
                              Stop Quoting Ben

