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You are not your aderol.

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  • #46
    I have no idea if depression is classified as a mental illness or not but it can be devestating.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Sagacious Dolphin
      Whilst I agree in the main with those who say it is not a matter of willing something to be so, I am inclined to subscribe to the power of positive thinking.

      If for no other reason than the placebo effect. Make someone think they are being treated and they get better. Obviously drugs are far more effective than placebos, but placebo does work in many (but by no means most) circumstances. (I'm thinking of hypochondria as an example)
      The opposite is also true...

      if you're negative then you can purposely not get helped by pills...just by not wanting to be better (subconsciously)
      "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
      You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

      "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


      • #48
        You have two choices that are within your complete control -- you either clean and reuse your comb, or you throw it away.
        A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


        • #49
          but i don't use a comb
          "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

          "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."


          • #50
            Originally posted by Wittlich
            Well Taz, I'm guessing that since Zoloft in an anti-depression medication, then Aderol is also a form of medication...but I've never heard it before.
            Me neither - which os why I asked. Is it possible that the others don't know what it is either which is why they are engaged in such heated debate. Thank you.


            • #51
              I feel my last post that I had made on the other thread suits this debate very well, so here is a repost:

              "Well, some people are simply 'oversensitive' in my opinion.. that's all"

              You still say they are oversensitive even though there is a chemical reason causing the depression? And what exact Sociological research are you using to say that most teenage depression cases are the fault of someone being "oversensitive"? You are just being prejudical and in doing so are contributing to a stigma that makes things worse for the depressed and discourages them from treatment.

              "Bill 3000 "turned to Jesus" by the way and he announced that fact here on this forum. "

              Well a person's beliefs and social relationship's almost definitely have a role to play in depression. Becoming more involved in religion can most certainly help you during difficult times and can have a psychological benefit. Depression is more then a chemical problem, which is why most of the time therapy goes right along with depression medication. But of course, just because social relationships and such are involved does not mean we should judge the person as weak or such... We also should not assume to be oversensitive or judge them as to whether the causes of their chemical imbalance are valid or whether we should "Let these ungrateful bastards die" as Speer so eloquently put it. We should not assume these people are just whiners who need to deal with these problems. Rather, we should recognize that by Chemical reasons these people are going through great suffering and treat them with love and compassion.
              "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

              "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


              • #52
                you didn't read the thread, did you?
                "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

                "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."


                • #53
                  You should have kept on the other thread without creating your own special person thread.
                  "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

                  "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


                  • #54
                    this one is decidely different. So, as to not jack the other, i started anew...
                    "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

                    "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."


                    • #55
                      Can someone suffer from anti-depression. That is feel good for no apparent reason. Can they take medication to treat the imbalance? (Not that they would, unless being happy all the time was getting them down)

                      Its a serious question.
                      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Sagacious Dolphin
                        Can someone suffer from anti-depression. That is feel good for no apparent reason. Can they take medication to treat the imbalance? (Not that they would, unless being happy all the time was getting them down)

                        Its a serious question.
                        You're describing the mania in manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder. Whilst the sufferer may feel fantastic, they may also think and do irrational things.


                        • #57
                          Manic depressed have really high highs, and really low lows. It's not like being happy or sad in either case though. For me, the highs always feel out of control and came with a lot of nervous energy and anxiety. Not what I would call happy.

                          I'm not sure if there is a disorder that would fit what you are talking about.


                          • #58
                            I was thinking more of being in a permanently high state. Or someone who does not ever feel depressed.
                            One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Sagacious Dolphin
                              I was thinking more of being in a permanently high state. Or someone who does not ever feel depressed.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Sagacious Dolphin
                                I was thinking more of being in a permanently high state. Or someone who does not ever feel depressed.
                                I think that these people would probably be called Hyperactive, rather than Manic.

                                Originally posted by Kaak
                                But few people read before they slander
                                It's not slander if there's truth behind it. I suspect that most people read...

                                Originally posted by Kaak
                                Aeson, "i think" is valid enough to support the tangent.
                                ...and concluded that you were just talking out of your ass in order to feel superior to a large segment of the population. It would be like me saying "I think that there are too many people claiming to be parapelegics. One time I sat down in a wheelchair for a minute, and you know what, I was able to get out of that wheelchair and walk again, so that proves that there's no truth to the claims of most parapelegics that their spinal chords are damaged! Sure, one or two people claiming to be parapelegics might be the real deal, but the rest of them are just faking because they're too lazy to walk on their own." Unsubstantiated claims to superiority are pretty difficult for most people to choke down without laughing.
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