Originally posted by CyberGnu
I think the whole veto idea was an incredibly bad idea from the beginning.
I think the whole veto idea was an incredibly bad idea from the beginning.

Then again, we did manage to survive the cold war without nuclear exchanges, so maybe there was some point to it, and we are now still paying the interest.

Originally posted by CyberGnu
If you still don't get it, I'll just reply with 'moron'. Saves me a lot of time.
If you still don't get it, I'll just reply with 'moron'. Saves me a lot of time.

Anyway, back to the Middle East...
Maybe they have to continue, at least for a period after a gaza invasion, just to prove that violence begets more violence.
The Israelis are thinking the same thing!
Thus, more bombs against Israel will only bring more incursions. More troops, more tanks, more blockades!
Sure, if that's what the Palestinians want, then yes, they should keep bombing. Israel will keep retaliating, and together they can keep the cycle going for another decade or two...
If - on the other hand - they want out of the circle...
Well, the only way to do that is if both sides give a bit... -which doesn't seem to be the order of the day in either camp at the moment, so war it is and war it shall be...
-It's a long way to the promised land for those who can only move in circles...