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Evilest Leader Ever

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Sava

    I love it when people make stupid comments about things they don't know sh!t about
    That's obvious from your posts, which seem to adhere perfectly to the ideal you describe above.
    He's got the Midas touch.
    But he touched it too much!
    Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


    • #92
      You are unbalanced. I invite you to trade in your life as a spoiled American brat for the life of a German of similar age and class in 1933.
      He'd be happy. Join the Hitlerjugend (they didn't look for class there), have a nice time, go to war, war is fun, and (if he survived the war) deny for the rest of the life that Hitler was bad.
      Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?


      • #93
        Originally posted by The Emperor Fabulous
        The three votes for Bill Clinton are childish

        Just having him on the list is childish.

        Grow up.
        I can imagine a different complaining......;

        "What no American's on the list?"

        alright maybe i should have used the (good lord i can;t even remember the name of the pres. of the confederacy). but i didn't think of that then,

        gimme a break.
        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


        • #94
          Although funny enough he has the same amount of votes as Pol Pot
          Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


          • #95
            Which is exactly why I wouldn't put Hitler at the top of the list.
            you think i ordered it in some way?

            and Napoleon was a power crazed warmonger. yes he belongs here.
            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


            • #96
              Originally posted by SKILORD
              Although funny enough he has the same amount of votes as Pol Pot
              As a final Explanation though.

              His presence is a joke as many of you have guessed, although inadvertently. A freind who helped me compile this list thought it would be funny.

              i expected him to get no votes.
              Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


              • #97
                Originally posted by DinoDoc
                I was only placing the Red Terror at your feet. I made no mention of the White.
                There was no red terror in Finland. The fall of Red Finland predates the civil war and thus the Red Terror.
                Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                • #98
                  Originally posted by chegitz guevara
                  There was no red terror in Finland.

                  The tragedy of the civil war was compounded by a reign of terror that was unleashed by each side. In Red-dominated areas, 1,649 people, mostly businessmen, independent farmers, and other members of the middle class were murdered for political reasons. This Red Terror appears not to have been a systematic effort to liquidate class enemies, but rather to have been generally random. The Red Terror was disavowed by the Red leadership and illustrated the extent to which the Red Guard evaded the control of the leadership. More than anything else, the Red Terror helped to alienate the populace from the Red cause; it also harmed the morale of the Reds.
                  I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                  For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                  • #99
                    Imelda Marcos.

                    She used the money that her husband squeezed out of the poor Filipinos to buy shoes. shoes, dammit!
                    Talent Optional


                    • Timor the Lame, but he is not on your list. His body count was stupendous. He lived to kill.


                      • Timor the Lame, but he is not on your list. His body count was stupendous. He lived to kill.
                        Ermm... You mean Timur "I-destroyed-hindu-intellectuals" Lenk, or..?

                        My vote goes to J-B Bokassa, as always.


                        • Other : Darth Vader
                          "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                          "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                          • Originally posted by Sonic
                            Lenin (and Marx) just created an ideology which was later used for bad purposes by Stalin.
                            Marx yes, Lenin NO.

                            Lenin and the rest of his bunch killed millions in the revolution. Trotsky alone was responsible for deliberatly starving to death one million Russians because the didn't like the Communists in that area of Russia. Lenin was not only willing to kill to enforce his will he DID kill to enforce his will on Russia.

                            The estimates I have seen for Stalins killing is 30 million. He signed death lists nearly every single day that had thousands of people on them. He did have a lot more time than Hitler though so I rate them about the same but I voted for Hitler.

                            Queen Ranavalona of Madagascar belongs on that list as well. She killed half the population of Madagascar in her 20 year reign of terror. She used executions for entertainment so she belongs up there with Vald Tsepesh.

                            Of course there have quite a few serial killers that were evil even beyond any of these people, they simply didn't have states amplifying their killings.

