Originally posted by Gary
That depends whether you believe the cause is before, or at the same time. Given time starts at the birth of the universe it isn't before. Now if you were concerned about things being outside time, that's a different matter, but how the cause came about is not particularly relevant. the important thing is that it's there.
That depends whether you believe the cause is before, or at the same time. Given time starts at the birth of the universe it isn't before. Now if you were concerned about things being outside time, that's a different matter, but how the cause came about is not particularly relevant. the important thing is that it's there.
My assumptions didn't, your's did. (But who says something is absurd anyway, when considering things outside of this universe and time ? Not sure you can apply the same rules there.) Anyway, like I said, it isn't relevant. One God will do, your many are just a bonus. Just don't expect me to agree with your "Many Gods" theory.
The assumption was that there was a cause. Which I don't see how you can suggest is unjustifiable. If it is, show how a universe comes into existence without a cause. I can only say again that the infinite regression comes from your assumptions, not mine.
Want to go around again? You are doing a good job of showing what an infinite regresion is and how it is inevitable given your assumption that things must have causes.
But in a nutshell, I can't see how you can argue with the idea that, assuming a cause, it can be called God and thus God exists.
You after all are not merely putting a label of convenience on the assumed cause. You are insisting that the cause is sentient as a god must be, at least for an all knowing god anyway, as that sort of god must by definition know itself. If it doesn't know itself its indistinguishable from a natural law.
If you don't like the initial assumption, suggest an alternative, i.e. how a universe (or anything) comes into being without a cause. That would convince the gallery

My, purely speculitive, thought is that physics is a consequence of mathematics therefor some sort of natural laws may be inherent in logic and math without need for anyother cause. From there it is merely a matter of a different universes with different variations on those laws arising till one arises that can support life. Without life nothing will notice the other universes that may or may not exist or have existed.
In fact our universe does not have to have come into existence from a condition of no-tiime and no-space. It could arise from vacuum fluctations in a pre-existing universe. Of course that also leads to an infinite regression but you seem satisfied with an infinite number of gods so why not an infinite number of universes?
Oh I know this is off topic and you won't care but I don't like Times New Roman. For some reason I prefer sans seriff fonts. Just mention that because I have to check the font tags when I quote you.