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Who made the pyramids. They must have been smarter than us!

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  • Who made the pyramids. They must have been smarter than us!

    The pyramid of Cheops:

    - The pyramid of Cheops is located exactly in the center of the geographic earth. (the landmass)
    - it's located on the crosspoint of the longest landcontact meridian and the longest land parallel.
    - it's north and south (and west and east) sides are perfectly facing north and south (and east and west)
    - the length of the size is exactly 365,242 el. (the avg number of days of a year)

    Besides that do modern architects have no clue on how this pyramid could ever have been build, neither would they know how to reproduce it.

    Who built it? How came they were that smart?
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

  • #2
    Sheer luck (they used a deck of cards and a dice to decide the measures)?
    Got help from aliens (knowledge of earth's geometry & continents)?
    They knew what they were doing (this cannot be said from many modern builders/architects/contractors)?

    And what do you mean "the length of the size"....? And what unit is el.?

    I believe, that they had some forgotten knowledge. Like cold fusion
    I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


    • #3
      They followed the lead of Alexander's Horse
      The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

      Hydey the no-limits man.


      • #4
        Re: Who made the pyramids. They must have been smarter than us!

        Originally posted by CyberShy
        The pyramid of Cheops:
        - The pyramid of Cheops is located exactly in the center of the geographic earth. (the landmass)
        What is the centre point on a globe?

        Originally posted by CyberShy
        - it's located on the crosspoint of the longest landcontact meridian and the longest land parallel.

        Wouldn't that crosspoint be someplace in Russia.
        Golfing since 67


        • #5
          Not sure what length and el is.
          Any chance that it was done the other way. The el was determined by the size of the pyramid.
          It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
          RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #6
            365,242 days >
            why didn't the Egyptians incorporate this magical number into their solar calendar then?
            Poor silly humans. A temporarily stable pattern of matter and energy stumbles upon self-cognizance for a moment, and suddenly it thinks the whole universe was created for its benefit. -- mbelleroff


            • #7
              Cheops and the other pyramids from that era was the result of centuries of learning by doing. It was not like Cheops was the first pyramid they built.


              • #8
                did you see stargate? it was obviously the work of aliens inhabiting human bodies.



                • #9
                  Why is it that moderns assume that ancient people were stupid? The idea that the pyramids were built by forces other than human ingenuity and hard work is insulting to those people that built it.

                  Those dumbass Egyptians couldn't have known about N-E-W-S - I mean, they were just ignorant barbarians right? And what use would an agricultural society have with astronomy?


                  • #10
                    Okay, first off, what exactly do you mean with:

                    - the centre of the geographic earth
                    - longest landcontact meridian
                    - longest land parallel
                    - an el

                    And yes, I'm familiar with the terms meridian, parallel, centre, etc. The el you mentioned, is that the Dutch el? If so, I'm quite sure the Egyptians never used that measure of length. As for point 3, I have to check...

                    Like Kropotkin said, they had considerable experience with building pyramids, and a good amount of slaves to do the heavy physical work for them. Sure, even then it is still a great feat of architecture, but I don't think it's anything superhuman.

                    And if they were so smart like you seem to believe, how come they haven't left any kind of proof except for a few pyramids, temples and a sphinx?


                    • #11
                      why didn't the Egyptians incorporate this magical number into their solar calendar then?

                      pherhaps the egypts didn't knew this, because they might in example be helped by others?

                      Not sure what length and el is.

                      The modern-hebrew el. (the el of those days, which was not the 'hebrew' el in those days, but the common el)
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • #12
                        pherhaps the egypts didn't knew this, because they might in example be helped by others?
                        exactly!!! aliens.


                        • #13
                          Re: Who made the pyramids. They must have been smarter than us!

                          Originally posted by CyberShy
                          neither would they know how to reproduce it.
                          This is not true. The only reason we wouldnt build such a wasteful monstrosity today is because it is utterly useless. We certainly have the know-how to build pyramids, but there is no motivation to do so.

                          These people were great builders of their times, but they werent that smart to waste so much time and effort on a completely useless structure were they?
                          ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                          ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                          • #14
                            - the centre of the geographic earth

                            I *think* they mean the place with exactly as much distance to the most western landmass (Alaska) as to the eastern landmass (East-russia) as to the North (Scandinavia) as to the South (Sout America?)

                            Well, something like that.
                            I can *imagine* that that picture comes close.
                            That means they need to have knowledge of the geography of the entire world.

                            - longest landcontact meridian

                            I think they mean the meridian, that goes over land for the longest distance without crossing any sea. (East See, Black See, Gulf, etc.)

                            - longest land parallel

                            I don't know. I hope one of you guys knows.

                            Like Kropotkin said, they had considerable experience with building pyramids, and a good amount of slaves to do the heavy physical work for them. Sure, even then it is still a great feat of architecture, but I don't think it's anything superhuman.

                            I think there's no problem with the building, indeed with that number of slaves. It's more the architecture that's a problem. Again, I'm no architect, thus if websites claim that, I believe them.

                            It's not like I know the answer, it's more like I have been visiting much websites who say this. I thought I should put it up here as a topic for discussion.

                            And if they were so smart like you seem to believe, how come they haven't left any kind of proof except for a few pyramids, temples and a sphinx?

                            Stonehenge, some stonehenge thing in Israel,
                            there must be a city somewhere with gates build out of 500 megaton stones that are perfectly putted against each other.

                            But indeed, why is there nothing more than that?

                            But at the other site, these things are pretty good proof already.
                            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                            • #15
                              We certainly have the know-how to build pyramids, but there is no motivation to do so.

                              I thought so, but that's not what architects and scientists say.

                              These people were great builders of their times, but they werent that smart to waste so much time and effort on a completely useless structure were they?

                              com'on, we have:
                              Tour Eiffel
                              Statue of Liberty
                              Millenium Dome
                              Modern art

                              just to name some.
                              I think it's not useless. For sure if you concider that it's STILL standing! After around 5000 years!! That's amazing. They putted their footprint in the sand forever, it seems.

                              The architecture makes sure it won't get destroyed easily.
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

