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My Market Value is 17.80 Billion E's

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  • #46
    I started a country on Fearless Blue. I also started a Federation called The Dance Dance Revolution Revolutionaries. If anyone wants to join, please do! I'd love to have ppl join it with me. I think I'm doing well, I have allot of low lvl workers unemployed though, I can't seem to open enough industries cuz it maxed at 3 in one turn.


    • #47
      Damn guys put ME in for reference. I am the one who showed you?


      • #48
        Is this supposed to happen?

        All of a sudden I have a new state corporation (poultry of all things!), but I never put in an order for one. Do these things just appear on their own? I've noticed on the trade screen that my populace is demanding one production plant per month. Might that have something to do with it?

        This is gonna throw a wrench into my long-term strategy (these things cost four billion a piece ya know!).

        EDIT: Sorry, faded, but given this latest development, I need the money more.
        "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


        • #49
          one question before I sign up: is there any kind of person-to-person negotiations needed for CEOs (ie trying to get deals with Presidents, forming cartels etc. etc.) would like some kind of interaction with something besides poultry or soy beans Otherwise, I'm going to be a tinpot dictator on Fearless Blue...
          Stop Quoting Ben


          • #50

            AFAIK you can set up seperate trade deals with other presidents and CEOs in lieu of the world market. In order to do that you'd have to use the chat feature to negotiate terms. There are restrictions, though, such as the negotiated price must be within 5% of the market price.

            Before you sign up, I can send you a gift certificate for $20billion in play money if you like.

            EDIT: Your question was about playing as a CEO I presume. But the same thing applies when you play a president. You can negotiate private deals with other presidents and CEOs. Presidents can also form federations with other countries.
            Last edited by Jules; August 2, 2002, 22:50.
            "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


            • #51
              Was looking through the country listings and saw the same people running about 30 countries, if this kind of blatant cheating's going on I'm a bit hesitant about spending time exploiting the proletariat
              Stop Quoting Ben


              • #52
                I believe it says they run so many countries is because they conquered them. When you conquer territory, it retains in nationality and doesn't become part of your original nation. You end up running not one nation, but two nations that can share resources with eachother.


                • #53
                  I think the way it works is when you conquer a country in war you become its president. No annexing.
                  "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


                  • #54
                    Did you say you were looking at the Fearless Blue world? That makes sense then. The description says it's easier to conquer there than the other worlds.
                    "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


                    • #55
                      "All of a sudden I have a new state corporation (poultry of all things!), but I never put in an order for one. Do these things just appear on their own? "

                      A ceo like myself has just made one. was the prevouis leader who did so.

                      Im not doin to well. And yes, if you are a CEO negotiations are a good thing. I ended up losing my oil co. in "Socialist Ogre Federations" cause of 10%, then an hour later 90% tax rate!

                      Be careful. Some are out to get you.


                      • #56
                        Re: Is this supposed to happen?


                        By my observation, iron is not a lucrative business. Electric power is much better.

                        Originally posted by Jules
                        All of a sudden I have a new state corporation (poultry of all things!), but I never put in an order for one. Do these things just appear on their own?
                        Yes, if you do not adjust the automation parameters, the program will create silly companies for you.

                        Originally posted by Jules
                        I've noticed on the trade screen that my populace is demanding one production plant per month. Might that have something to do with it?
                        No. Your country do not need production plants unless somebody is building a new factory there.
                        (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                        (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                        (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                        • #57
                          Yes, if you do not adjust the automation parameters, the program will create silly companies for you.
                          Ok, where do I look for these automation parameters? 'Cause I haven't noticed any new corporations under construction since I took over the country, but all of a sudden there is was--Madera Poultry--in the list of state-owned companies.

                          No. Your country do not need production plants unless somebody is building a new factory there.
                          Hmmm...another plant is scheduled to be completed in about two game weeks. The poultry company is already producing, so it must not be for them. No new private corporations have appeared. So who ordered this one? Should I quick set up a new state company (sensibly chosen this time) before it's completed?

                          Another big problem I'm having right now is a severe shortage of high tech executives (zero unemployed). Both state and private companies have been losing a handful each month, which is reducing their production and increasing unemployment in other lower-level occupation categories. I've built as many new schools and universities as there were teachers available to staff them. I've boosted the educational priorities for teachers and high tech executives. Is there anything else I can do, or do I just sit back and wait for my new education policies to kick in?
                          "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Jules
                            Ok, where do I look for these automation parameters? 'Cause I haven't noticed any new corporations under construction since I took over the country, but all of a sudden there is was--Madera Poultry--in the list of state-owned companies.
                            IIRC, if you click under "Important things to do" it's listed in there some where.

                            Originally posted by Jules
                            Hmmm...another plant is scheduled to be completed in about two game weeks. The poultry company is already producing, so it must not be for them. No new private corporations have appeared. So who ordered this one? Should I quick set up a new state company (sensibly chosen this time) before it's completed?
                            Should be a private corporation. You can't see it until it's finished construction.

                            Originally posted by Jules
                            Another big problem I'm having right now is a severe shortage of high tech executives (zero unemployed). Both state and private companies have been losing a handful each month, which is reducing their production and increasing unemployment in other lower-level occupation categories. I've built as many new schools and universities as there were teachers available to staff them. I've boosted the educational priorities for teachers and high tech executives. Is there anything else I can do, or do I just sit back and wait for my new education policies to kick in?
                            I guess the only thing to do is wait. My problem is just the opposite. A chronic shortage of low and middle level workers.
                            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                            • #59
                              Well, I've placed orders for more elementary schools, roads and railways, and I've closed down a loss-making cattle feed company to free up labour.

                              I've also managed to turn around the state car company by reducing prices.

                              However, with world markets in cars, chemicals and clothes turning against me, I may be in for a dry spell.

                              Two questions:

                              1. Is it worth organising trade deals between my own companies? There seems to be rather a lot of micro-management involved.

                              2. A CEO owned gasoline company in my country has a complete shortage of oil, reducing production to zero. Should I contact the CEO and whinge about it or can I take measures to sort it out myself?


                              • #60
                                FRUIT JUICE SHORTAGE!!!

                                Uh, oh, my citizens are cranky 'cause they haven't had their juice. Oh, no! If this keeps up, they might figure out that President Lyndon LaRouche is a total commie fraud!


                                Are you playing in White Giant? There's a huge oil glut there right now, so the situation should correct itself.
                                "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri

