Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
Why Kurds? Stockholm is a long way from northern Iraq.
Why Kurds? Stockholm is a long way from northern Iraq.
But under pressure from various interests groups, mostly feminists, Swedish newspapers have now abandoned the traditional stance of waiting for convictions before publishing name and picture and have gone on a full disclosure rampage as soon as any Kurd is suspected of killing his daughter. We have one such case right now.
Actually, it's rather entertaining watching the contortions PC groups go through over this issue. On one hand, you can't have medieval rules for women, on the other hand taking Kurds to task over this is clearly racist. The current best solution, practiced daily in Swedish newspapers, is to combine thoughtful feminst analysis with amazing amounts of PC retoric fall-out to arrive at the conclusion that it's Swedish males that are to blame for all of this because, after all, Swedish women occasionally get murdered as well.
It's still the Kurds that we needen't bother the courts with in order to establish their guilt. Go figure.
Has Sweden entered into an alliance with Iraq?
However, in this particular case it's not so much cheering Saddam for his courageous resistance against the Imperialist Yank Pigs as ardent feminist zeal. Anti-Americanism sure makes for strange bedfellows.