Originally posted by Roland
"354 years old to be exact. Look it up if you don't believe me."
I don't believe you and I won't look it up. If anything 1648 marks the birth of the modern territorial state, but not of the nation state.
"354 years old to be exact. Look it up if you don't believe me."
I don't believe you and I won't look it up. If anything 1648 marks the birth of the modern territorial state, but not of the nation state.

The building of a nation-state, "World History":
1648 AD: finds Europe at the End of the Thirty Years War and The Treaty of Westphalia.The war, which was mostly fought in Germany, resulted in the destruction of 18,000 villages, 1,500 towns and 2,000 castles. Under the terms of the treaty the religious freedom of the Protestant Northern Germany as well as Saxony and Bavaria. Both Sweden and France were granted land. The German states independence was guaranteed, thus weakening the power of the Holy Roman Empire.
The resultant shrinking of the Habsburg and Holy Roman Empire, controlled lands in Switzerland, Portugal and Northern Italy, and the Netherlands."
Almost after 400 years, we are trying to "understading" each other with the most civil way. Not a good score - if it was a case at CIV III, we would have lost already!

I have notice that many of us we have change flag icons!
Ecthelion, you achieved your aim!
