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Greatest empires of all time

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  • #46
    Queen Victoria? Not was the British Parliament and PM. Vicki wasn't all that much more than a figurehead.
    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • #47
      Thus the theoretical part...
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #48
        As a Greek i must correct something in poll:

        Didn't exist never a Greek empire!

        From the historical books we get to know that ancient Greeks they hadn't created never an empire. There isn't the term "Greek Empire", as the exist "British" or "Chinese" Empire in historical field.

        The cities-states had separate administration, COMMON LANGUAGE (the most imortand issue for any state until today) - and being a union under the terms "Greece, Greeks" only in the case of appearance of a common enemy (Persians).
        The first time that a Greek had being an emperor was the Great Alexander. Great Alexander was absoloutely a GREEK from MACEDONIA area but the biggest piece of his empire that he creates was except the european geographical limits and it existed at Asia (historicals called it 'til now "Macedonian" age or macedonian empire).


        • #49
          Greatest empires of all time
          Troll thread!!! Troll thread!!!
          I can't beleive I've miss it.


          • #50
            Re: Greatest empires of all time

            Originally posted by Sonic
            What do you think was the greatest empire of all time (please drop patriotism here and tell your opinion based on size, strenght, loyality, ect.)
            Ok. It's a hard task to make such desicion without pressure of patriotism, but I'll try.
            Let's see.... It should be Russia!!!

            Size- the largest.
            Strenght- the strongest
            Loyality- the happiest.
            Lifetime- the oldest as an Emipre.
            And we have the coolest national hymn ever.
            Russia forever!!!

            Have a nice day.
            Last edited by Serb; July 15, 2002, 05:10.


            • #51
              The American empire has the ability to become the greatest empire ever, but it is too early to say.

              On the plus side:
              - They put a man on the moon;
              - The US is among the first truly multi-cultural nations, although it is still dominated by white males politically, but that will probably change this century;
              - Science research in the US will likely outshadow any other empires, and arguably has already done so;
              - American corporations are the dominate players in the global economy and international trade laws are largely set by the US;
              - The US is the only country capable of exerting its military power throughout the world;
              - Despite some problems, it has set a standard for freedom in many areas.

              On the downside:
              - The US has a strong isolationist streak that interfers with its foreign policy;
              - It is still trying to figure out how it should behave on the world stage. Sometimes the US acts as an international leader, other times it acts like a spoiled kid.
              - Internal problems, such as the high crime rate, could destroy the nation from within;
              - Why does such a rich nation have so much poverty and such a lousy education and health system?

              The United States is moving towards its "golden age" and I think, despite, its problems, it will become the greatest empire of all time (and like all empires, it will often screw up big time).
              Golfing since 67


              • #52
                The British empire was the most powerfula dn largest empire in history do I go for that

                Though you called it England
                I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
                  Plus, four massively influential inventions/discoveries were chalked up to their names - the printing press (centuries before Gutenberg brought it to Europe), the compass (both the magnetic and the mechanical chariot types), gunpowder (used in cannon and naval missiles, though the Chinese did not perfect any portable such weapons), and paper money (indirectly leading to an early banking economic structure).
                  Don't forget paper itself.

                  Poor silly humans. A temporarily stable pattern of matter and energy stumbles upon self-cognizance for a moment, and suddenly it thinks the whole universe was created for its benefit. -- mbelleroff


                  • #54
                    Sono, Obviously it was not stronger than Poland-Lithuania later.It wasn't even stronger than Poland at this time. It was giant territorially, but quite weak militarilly and culturally and whatever else, Culture; when a first book in Lithuanian was written? In XIX century? Miliary; How your wars against Teutonic Knights and Poland were going? Why weren't You able to destroy %decisevely% little puny Muscuvian state?
                    And anyway, after the "aplication" of Lithuania to Poland,
                    the state was even bigger.
                    "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                    I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                    Middle East!


                    • #55
                      Heresson, first Lithuanian book was written in XV century. Our military was very good, remember that we didn't let in christianity from teutonic knights for such a long time. Also we were never taken by Mongols, who ended their territory taking near LGD borders. It now oftenly said that if not LGD Mongolds would have invaded Europe and current Europe might be not as we see it today. I do agree however that LGD culture was relatively low when comparing to other countries at western Europe, but our military at the best times was one of strongest. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to expand LGD that much. And, yet again, good defense was what Poland-Lithuania lacked. And you know what was the end for this country. I wouldn't call Poland-Lithuania even empire. It never really conquered anything. While LGD expanded from small territory to one of the biggest continuous empires which ever been in Europe.

                      Also, I would like to answer several questions by other people - Germany is all their empires combined. Because all were build by nation of Germans. And Greece was never a true empire but it's input to worlds history was bigger than of some huge empires, so I included it to the list.


                      • #56
                        The Hellenic Empire of Alexander was indeed an empire and one of the largest of the world. The ensuing kingdoms can also be seen as empires and there is also the Byzantine Empire.

                        So I think that there indeed was. It's just that Greece is better known for its literacy and thinking than for its weapons and expansion.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Heresson
                          Why weren't You able to destroy %decisevely% little puny Muscuvian state?
                          What did you just said?


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Heresson
                            Giovanni, there's nothing to explain. It's a fact.
                            Romans-Byzantines, You-Longobards.
                            Longobards-Germanic tribe, Germanic tribe - barbarians,
                            ergo Italians...

                            Romans didn't struggled indecisively with Persians.
                            Their capital was taken several times and it's enough proof that Persians were much weaker. Romans lacked consequence. Anyway, Roman Empire survived Arabic
                            attack, and Persian didn't.

                            You do realize that when the Longobards arrived the Latin were already populating all of the Italian peninsula?
                            You do know that South Italy was still under Byzantium rule, and that Central Italy was under Papal rule (which means nobody ever invaded it)

                            So the Longobards were just on the NORTH, where they MIXED with the Latin populations there, but they did not take the place of them.

                            Of course Italians are not fully-latin ethnicity, (Mixed with Arab on the south and Germans on the north) (but no West European country come from the same ethnic group), but it is hard to say that Italians are full Germans like you stated.

                            Cause if that's the case... how do you explain that Italians is probably the closest language to Latin... if we are Germans.... we should speak German right ?

                            "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                            The trick is the doing something else."
                            — Leonardo da Vinci
                            "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                            "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                            • #59


                              • #60
                                Even if so, next was in XIX century. What was it?
                                Was it really in Lithuanian or in Ruthenian?
                                Lithuanian was not any anti-Mongol bufor for Europe. It took the place of Mongols in Ruthenian duchies and that's it. Not a really impressive thing, as they were weak and hopeless.
                                Empire doesn't have to conquer anytjing to be an empire. And Poland-Liuthuania conquered
                                several pieces of territory, not much, as our gentry was too
                                much interested in other things than war.
                                We were too riich alone to want to conquer surrounding us
                                poor nations as Swedes, Russians, Brandenburgians...

                                Descendance of Romans have nothing to do with language
                                or rase.

                                Macedonian Empire wasn't created by Greeks, but by Macedonians.

                                I said the truth
                                "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                                I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                                Middle East!

