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The Mirror denounces the US as the rogue state

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  • Bereta_Eder
    It is apparent that you will try to hide your crimes by defamating any sources that point them out.

    at least 3,767 civilians were killed by US bombs between October 7 and December average of 62 innocent deaths a day

    this is an independent study contacted by your people.

    quite damning.

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  • Imran Siddiqui
    Marcus, as Sikander said:

    like that crap from the leftist crank at the University of New Hampshire which was destroyed on Apolyton months ago

    I suggest you go searching .

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  • DinoDoc
    Originally posted by Saint Marcus
    The 3676 deads aren't figures made up by your "enemies", but are found in a study by an American University.
    If your going to point out a study by anyone, you should at least point out the methodology with which it was carried out.

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  • Saint Marcus
    Only around 900 civilian died during the bombing.
    It's obvious they pulled the number out of their ass
    "at least 3,767 civilians were killed by US bombs between October 7 and December average of 62 innocent deaths a day", according to a study carried out at the University of New Hampshire in the US.

    The 3676 deads aren't figures made up by your "enemies", but are found in a study by an American University.

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  • Deathwalker
    Is there anywere in the world were the US can actually have it's missles and bombs hit there target

    OH I know where the Burmuda Triangle

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  • KrazyHorse
    Originally posted by Urban Ranger

    Just because you do it all the time doesn't mean it is valid.
    Man, he's not asking for his posts to be taken seriously. He's registering his disagreement with you, stating that he's too lazy to argue back, and giving those of us who can recognise light trolling when we see it a bit of a laugh...

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  • Gatekeeper

    I'm not suggesting anything other than that basic human nature somehow eludes your awareness.

    If I challenged your views day in and day out 24/7 365 days per year, you can't in all honesty say you would *not* tire of rebutting my attacks, arguments adn whatnot. Particularly if they contained innuendo and misinformation mixed in among the genuine nuggets of fact. In fact, I daresay that, in time, you *would* tire of my tactics and either tell me to get lost, ignore me, use some saved "form" counter-argument or ...

    ... God forbid, you might do what Sikander did.


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  • Urban Ranger
    Originally posted by KrazyHorse
    No, he was suggesting that he isn't arguing seriously because he can't be arsed to.

    It's a valid position. I do it all the time...
    Just because you do it all the time doesn't mean it is valid.

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  • Sikander
    Originally posted by Urban Ranger

    Sorry, that was intended for Gatekeeper.
    No problem, my response was a joke anyway.

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  • Simon Darkshade
    Pilger is a gutter pinko journo with a troll agenda that lost all semblence of credibility years ago. He really is one of the thriving tapeworms around the fundamental orifice of creation; he is not worthy to gather up his own excrement.

    His arguments are ridiculous fabrications and distortions - conspiracy laden tripe vomited up in order to spark controversy, full of cretinous lies and vile bile that shows his thorough perversity and lack of any grip on reality
    They have been refuted constantly and consistently.
    The conspiracy line, and the Afghan casualty count have been raised many times, and smacked down for the pusillanimous, pernicious p1ss and vinegar that they are.

    He even manages to squeeze in a troll about the "Jenin massacre", but one was disappointed that constraints of time and space did not allow him to go into issues of faked moon landings.

    Faded Glory's characterization of such parasitic pondlife as "juvenile western crackwhores" is most amusing and apt.

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  • Urban Ranger
    Originally posted by Sikander
    You would say something like that!
    Sorry, that was intended for Gatekeeper.

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  • KrazyHorse
    No, he was suggesting that he isn't arguing seriously because he can't be arsed to.

    It's a valid position. I do it all the time...

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  • Urban Ranger
    Re: Re: Re: Re: The Mirror denounces the US as the rogue state

    Originally posted by Sikander
    I thought the smiley face on the thread indicated that you were trolling rather than arguing. So you just thought it was funny / cool ?
    If I were trolling, why did you bother to respond with a flame, thus falling into my trap? If I wasn't, why did you post a flame?

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  • Sikander
    Originally posted by Urban Ranger
    So you are suggesting that ad hominems are valid substitutions for real arguments?
    You would say something like that!

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  • Urban Ranger
    So you are suggesting that ad hominems are valid substitutions for real arguments?

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