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The Israeli army's daily humiliation of Palestinians

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  • Cyber:

    Terror attacks increased immensely when the PA took control. How do you explain that?

    And if Hamas is really anti-Arafat, why do they keep disavowing any attempts to overthrow him? If Arafat really cracked down on him, why didn't they fight back?


    • Mobius, you're still an idiot.

      You managed to decide that Eli's graphic was of Israeli emblems???

      What a stupid *****


      • Siro... why don't you answer the rest of Mobius' post, especially about Israel giving money to Hamas to destablize the PLO?
        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


        • Imran - I'm tired of his posts.

          He constantly finds new 'evidence', takes them out of context or ingores everything besides things proving his point.

          He is very enthusiastic about his posting, but his understanding strives to zero.

          Him calling this situation worse than appartheid is lack of respect for victims of appartheid.

          As for the issue, it's a rumor, which I've been trying to find support for in intelligence sources, and meanwhile can't say i'm convinced it's true, but I'm not ruling it out.

          Next thing you'll say is that we have nuclear weapons


          • And besides, let's assume it's true.

            The amount of money and weapons that Israel gave to Arafat after 1993, to crack down on Hamas and Jihad, is 1000 times greater than any resource we might ahve given Hamas.

