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Statement of discrimination

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  • [QUOTE] Originally posted by Dissident
    I actually don't think it

    First you were paranoid, now you're not paranoid.

    Make up your damn mind.
    A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


    • You're confusing me with Cal

      did you not pay attention to my very first post in the thread?

      I suppose not. read more carefully next time

      I was never paranoid in the first place. It doesn't bother me the least bit because I never plan on going to that college.


      • Originally posted by Dissident
        You're confusing me with Cal

        did you not pay attention to my very first post in the thread?

        I suppose not. read more carefully next time

        I was never paranoid in the first place. It doesn't bother me the least bit because I never plan on going to that college.
        Oh yeah -- well now I'm paranoid that you really are paranoid, even though you claim that you are not paranoid, just because initially, you said that you are not paranoid.
        A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


        • hehe, well I never called you paranoid. You called yourself paranoid.

          You might want to consult a therapist


          • Originally posted by Dissident
            hehe, well I never called you paranoid. You called yourself paranoid.

            You might want to consult a therapist
            Nah -- that's not a good idea, considering that the last therapist I saw, I murdered with an ax, when he diagnosed me as being paranoid.
            A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


            • You dont have to be paranoid to see that this college discriminates against white males. Its plain for all to see.

              Putting everyone but white males in a "protected class" obviously discriminates against white males.

              Just as putting everyone but black females in a "protected class" would be discriminating against black females.

              Its so obvious, but nobody wants to admit it because they dont want to admit that they support a policy that is discriminatory.
              ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
              ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


              • but the problem is, the evidence isn't there.

                They might never use the protected class feature.

                Until I get proof that an equally qualified white person was passed up for an equally qualified minority (based on race- not personal opinion) you can't prove anything.

                It is entirely possible that there is no discrimination happening. they might not even get many white applicants. It is possible every white person who applies gets admission.

                If a white person does get denied then they should sue the sh!t out of the college.

                Problem solved!!


                • It is quite possible that there is no discrimination happening, but thats not my point. My point is that the policy is discriminatory. Whether the policy has any effect or not is secondary to the fact that it is still paid lip service.
                  ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                  ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                  • I'm not sure a policy can be discrimination. I think you need a specific act to occur.

                    hey how about a comprimise. we continue profiling, and they keep their policy


                    • My question would be why on earth would someone go to the trouble to build in a "protected class" feature into the form and then blatantly not use it?

                      Its presence and existence implies its use, no? I mean, that's like saying that even tho cars come equipped headlights, that's not evidence that they're ever used.

                      They were put on the car for a purpose. Just like the "protected classes" were put on the form for a purpose.

                      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                      • Originally posted by Dissident
                        I'm not sure a policy can be discrimination. I think you need a specific act to occur.
                        Its a policy that supports discrimination, so legally you can discriminate against white males. If the policy is having no discriminatory effect then why bother having it?
                        hey how about a comprimise. we continue profiling, and they keep their policy
                        ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                        ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                        • I don't know. we have all kinds of policies no one follows. Most office workers don't follow policies 100%.

                          But there is still some room for error. For instance when are you ever going to get two applicants with exactly the same qualifications. There is always something that is going to give one applicant the edge. maybe one more extra curricular activity or charity work. The only time I would have a problem is if a white applicant with more qualifications gets denied.

                          Unlike what Mr. Fun said there will never ever be a case of 2 applicants having the same qualifications (see above). At the very least the interview process will set one applicant above the other. So if there is a specific case of someone with more qualifications getting denied no matter what color, they should sue.

                          simple enough


                          • If its a policy nobody follows, then why have it at all?
                            ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                            ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                            • colleges have all kinds of archaic policies. Like no drinking beer in class etc.


                              • grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

