-India has a population of over 950 millions.
-A nuclear strike might cost them 5-15 million, but they might be able to put a 'friendly government' in place and eliminate the threat of Pakistan forever.
-India loses millions per year anyway to disease, malnutrition, natural causes. War might only cause a small bump in their natural population growth.
-Pakistan only has 'Hiroshima' type bombs. Contrary to talk about fallout dangers, radiation being blown by the wind, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both quickly rebuilt and populous within less than a decade, cancer and radiation poisoning was only significant at the bomb site, and even in those places it was relatively minor, and in terms of total population insignificant.
-The fallout fears are from much much more powerful Soviet hydrogen 'dirty' bombs, Pakistan is far away from such advances. Such bombs might indeed make a 'death cloud' in numbers, but info from Bikini, other tests seems to indicate that a nearby population would not be decimated by fallout from a small number of nukes. There would be many casualties, a great increase in cancer rates, etc, but the population as a whole would only be somewhat impacted.
Are India's nationalist parties and ministers making a 'Stalin equation' (i.e. in World War 2, Stalin knew that USSR with 300 million could lose 20 million with much overall impact) in their conflict with Pakistan?
-A nuclear strike might cost them 5-15 million, but they might be able to put a 'friendly government' in place and eliminate the threat of Pakistan forever.
-India loses millions per year anyway to disease, malnutrition, natural causes. War might only cause a small bump in their natural population growth.
-Pakistan only has 'Hiroshima' type bombs. Contrary to talk about fallout dangers, radiation being blown by the wind, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both quickly rebuilt and populous within less than a decade, cancer and radiation poisoning was only significant at the bomb site, and even in those places it was relatively minor, and in terms of total population insignificant.
-The fallout fears are from much much more powerful Soviet hydrogen 'dirty' bombs, Pakistan is far away from such advances. Such bombs might indeed make a 'death cloud' in numbers, but info from Bikini, other tests seems to indicate that a nearby population would not be decimated by fallout from a small number of nukes. There would be many casualties, a great increase in cancer rates, etc, but the population as a whole would only be somewhat impacted.
Are India's nationalist parties and ministers making a 'Stalin equation' (i.e. in World War 2, Stalin knew that USSR with 300 million could lose 20 million with much overall impact) in their conflict with Pakistan?