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Official Star Wars Kicks Arse Thread

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  • I think it's a good movie, too. Does anyone agree with me Anakin looks a bit like me when I was 17? Alas, I have no pics from the time I was 17, but my posting style should tell enough.

    I liked the Yoda scene, and also the fight short before the end. Mentioning the very last scene, with the battle cruisers. And all that republic slowly turning into the empire stuff. Fun as hell.

    Anyone else remember from "espidoe iv" how Luke asks Obi Wan if he had fought in the clone wars. That would be episode 3 then . Also apart from that, one should watch the old ones again just for some smaller comments that were made big things of in these new movies.


    • Originally posted by Ecthelion
      I think it's a good movie, too. Does anyone agree with me Anakin looks a bit like me when I was 17? Alas, I have no pics from the time I was 17, but my posting style should tell enough.

      one should watch the old ones again just for some smaller comments that were made big things of in these new movies.
      If you also were born of immaculate conception you might be the Darth vader of the Milky Way.

      BTW, I would love to watch ep 4-6 again, but they won't be available on DVD untill after ep 3. And I'm not buying anything on VHS.


      • They aired Episodes IV-VI and Episode I on Danish television leading up to the cinema opening of AOTC. Nice move I must say. Got them on video, first thing I recorded for years. I was anxious to see if my video even worked anymore... But it did.


        • Originally posted by Winston
          They aired Episodes IV-VI and Episode I on Danish television leading up to the cinema opening of AOTC. Nice move I must say.
          They did the same here.
          I didnt understand why people were so excited. I mean, they were good, but not that good. And I actually liked the Phantom Menace.
          "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


          • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
            Still, all he'd have to do is just ask and the all powerful Jedi could have 'bought' his mother from Watto...

            The Jedi would never have done that. Attachments are forbidden.

            Marcus is talking about Obi Wan saying to the Kaminoans that Master Sypoh-Diaz died ten years ago. Apparently there was a Jedi named Sypoh Diaz that died about the time Palptine took power. Now I do think it's possible and likely that Sidious used Sypoh Diaz's identity to order the clone army. But a jedi named Sypho Diaz did exist at one point and was known to at least Obi Wan and the council. And remember that Yoda said that only a Jedi could erase the files on the existence of the planet. Maybe Syhpo Diaz was working for Sidious until his service was no longer needed. Or maybe Dooku erased the files depending on when he left the Jedi order.

            I know what he is talking about, and I disagree. I don't think there was a Jedi named Sypho-Diaz at all. If there was, Lucas would have told us about him, seeing as 10 years ago was 'The Phantom Menace' (and I don't recall any dying Jedi in that movie). It is obviously supposed to be Sidious. It is tooo obvious from the name. I bet in the 3rd movie, it is revealed that Sypho-diaz is another name for Sidious, or a misprounciation.
            Imran. Obi Wan apparently knew of the jedi named Sypho-diaz because he was a little surprise awhen he told the alien that "Master Sypho-Diaz died over ten years ago." Would Sidious use his real name to do something like that? I'm certain that he keeps his real idenity known only to those that need to know. Mace and Yoda apparently were familiar with him or they would have been asking each other who Sypho-diaz was. It could have been Sidious pretending to be this Sypho-diaz but I clearly got the impression that there was an actual person known to the Jedi as Sypho-diaz at one time at least 10 or so years prior to EP 2. Anyway there is still another movie left so Lucus can tie all that up later if he wants.

            Did anyone catch the plans for the death star in the final battle scene. they were in the scene where the leaders of the seccession movement with Dooku were in the control room looking at the battle. The winged guy walked over and activated a screen and said something like we cant be captured and let the jedi know we have these plans. And Dooku took charge of them and took them back to Sidious.
            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh

