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Official Star Wars Kicks Arse Thread

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  • Originally posted by MOBIUS

    Still, all he'd have to do is just ask and the all powerful Jedi could have 'bought' his mother from Watto...

    Oh just in case you didn't get that...

    The MORE interesting question is why there is slavery in the Republic? arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


    • I think that in Ep1 one somebody said that that planed is pretty "loosely" connected to Republic.


      • Still, all he'd have to do is just ask and the all powerful Jedi could have 'bought' his mother from Watto...

        The Jedi would never have done that. Attachments are forbidden.

        Marcus is talking about Obi Wan saying to the Kaminoans that Master Sypoh-Diaz died ten years ago. Apparently there was a Jedi named Sypoh Diaz that died about the time Palptine took power. Now I do think it's possible and likely that Sidious used Sypoh Diaz's identity to order the clone army. But a jedi named Sypho Diaz did exist at one point and was known to at least Obi Wan and the council. And remember that Yoda said that only a Jedi could erase the files on the existence of the planet. Maybe Syhpo Diaz was working for Sidious until his service was no longer needed. Or maybe Dooku erased the files depending on when he left the Jedi order.

        I know what he is talking about, and I disagree. I don't think there was a Jedi named Sypho-Diaz at all. If there was, Lucas would have told us about him, seeing as 10 years ago was 'The Phantom Menace' (and I don't recall any dying Jedi in that movie). It is obviously supposed to be Sidious. It is tooo obvious from the name. I bet in the 3rd movie, it is revealed that Sypho-diaz is another name for Sidious, or a misprounciation.
        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


        • What about that dark Jedi who died in the Phantom Menance? Perhaps he had an alternate identity as Sypho-Diaz?


          • What about that dark Jedi who died in the Phantom Menance? Perhaps he had an alternate identity as Sypho-Diaz?

            Maul? Perhaps, Obi-Wan thought has was Sidious. But if he was a Jedi, don't you think Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan would have known him?
            “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
            - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


            • Originally posted by Ned

              The MORE interesting question is why there is slavery in the Republic?
              Remember, the Republic is a huge decentralized hulk that's lost feelings in it's extremities. Tattooine is, in practice, outside Republic Jurisdiction (and under control of the Hutts)
              Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


              • Well, I saw it recently, and it was great! I was a bit worried from the negative reviews, but here's the thing. The Clone Wars plot ruled. The romance was kind of sucky, but come on, only 10% of the movie was devoted to it, really. I had no problem editing it out of my head. So all in all, a rulership movie.

                I can't believe some people don't like the plot. It really does make sense if you think about it, had some nice surprises, and some stuff to think about for Episode III. The best thing I can say about Eps I & II is the villians stock have really gone up. Palpatine is great at creating crises, playing both sides, and riding the crisis to greater power. Darth Maul was just a badass, and Dooku is certainly amusing as he steals the good guy's recruitment posters. Having the Trade Federation, the bad guys from Ep I., nobly fighting to defeat the Sith-controlled Senate is great (although they too are being Sith controlled still! And don't know it! Hehehe!).

                I do hope very strongly though that Darth Sidious is in fact the Emperor. It would suck if it wasn't him, but it's gotta be, remember him assuring the Trade Federation guy that the Senate was his problem? As for Seifer Diaz, I assumed that he was a Jedi working for Palpatine. I don't think it is Palpatine himself, because people know exactly what Palpatine looks like and he's been a senator/chancellor for quite some time. The Jedi Council clearly don't consider him a Jedi (and for those who complained about this, remember that Palpatine is probably the strongest user of the force in the Galaxy and can probably screw up the Jedi's sensors pretty good, and in fact he's probably been the cause of the clouding of the Jedi's foresight now that he's in closer contact with them.

                Probably my main plot complaint is that Anakin, after murdering the Tuskan raiders (I wonder if Palpatine set this up?), confesses doing it to Amidala. Noooo! That sets him on the road to emotional healing! It'd have been better if he just glared at everybody a lot at the farm and let the guilt well up inside him.

                The assassin knew where Amidala was staying - why not blow the appartment up like she destroyed the ship?

                What's with these elaborate attempts to assassinate Amidala? Poisonous giant Millipedes?

                The plots were by our friends from the Trade Federation of Ep. 1, who wanted revenge, pure and simple. Not to mention that she was pushing for a peaceful solution, while Dooku presumably had been pushing the separatists toward war 'cause that's what Chancellor Evil wants. Not that it matters, it's a win/win situation for Palpatine: if she lives, then he convinces her of the neccesity to leave and put Jar-Jar in her place.

                And presumably it'd be a lot harder to blow up the thing than plant the bugs, but being that we don't know exactly how hard it is to move a missile launcher around in Coruscant, we'll have to trust her judgement.

                Why did Jango kill his assistant with one dart, when two could have killed Obi-Wan and Anakin

                You get one shot. First of all, they're Jedi, and they've got that weird dodge it before you see it coming thing. Second of all, he gets one, but he sure as heck doesn't get the second who will definitely be alert- and then he might question the person you were supposed to kill.

                What about Shmi Skywalker!

                Apperantly this is part of the reason that Anakin is pissed off at Obi-wan and the Jedi, precisely because they don't let him see his mom. Remember in Episode I, the bit about dangerous attachments? They've obviously been stopping him.

                How the absolute f*ck did Jar Jar survive into this movie after EVERYBODY with half a brain HATED him!

                Oh come on, Jar-Jar justified his purpose this movie. He's part of the reason that the Republic will collapse! You had to enjoy that bit, Jar-Jar being the seeds of destruction playing into our buddy Palpatine's hands.

                Oh, by the way, from earlier in the threads:

                Hoth was at best a Phyrric victory, for while the Empire routed the rebels, they didn't capture the leaders, as Dino said, and in the process lost an Admiral and 3 Imperial Destroyers that miscalculated their hyperspace jumps and slammed into the Executor (causing, btw, no damage to the Executor at all, as her shield were enough to take the blow). Not to mention that they lost their best ground commander, General Veers.

                The Executor? Have I forgotten something? What are you talking about? (Haven't read any of the books, by the way) I seem to recall that because they warped in too close, the Rebel guns picked some of them off. Not bumping into another ship...
                All syllogisms have three parts.
                Therefore this is not a syllogism.


                • I liked EpII. It had bad dialogue and some other flaws but it was worth the money.

                  The federation in the 29th century would kick the Empire's ass. Timeships anyone? I wonder how the Empire would fare against the Shadows.

                  Theory: Maybe Siphyo-Diaz went over to the dark side and then faked his death. After that he went to order the production of the clone army. Then he had plastic surgery to change his appearance and renamed himself Darth Sideous/Palpatine. Then he went on to infiltrate the senate and take over, etc.

                  Theory: Could Annikan be using his force powers on Amidala to trick her into loving him? His statement "I'm through arguing with you." makes me wonder. The love scenes look a lot better if you assume this to be the case.
                  "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners." - Edward Abbey


                  • I saw this movie last night and was apalled at how bad it was. The writing and dialogue were absolutely horrible! I almost fell asleep several times in the first hour or so...if it wasn't for the last 45 minutes, it would have been a total loss.

                    If they don't pull it out in the last movie, Lucas will have ruined his series--as it is, it is going down in stock vastly already.

                    Natalie Portman's acting was atrocious, and even when she was in that see through shirt they didn't do us the favor of making her really sweaty or caught in a rainstorm or anything!

                    Life and death is a grave matter;
                    all things pass quickly away.
                    Each of you must be completely alert;
                    never neglectful, never indulgent.


                    • Sneak... and the first three movies were better in writing and dialogue, how?
                      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                      • I just saw it on Monday. It wasn't as bad as PM, but not like the first 3.

                        The big difference is the lack of a really engaging character like Han Solo. That's a combination of the writing and acting.
                        Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                        • Visually, the new movies are less interesting and dramatic than the other three. Compare the count dooku, obi-wan, anakin, yoda sequence to the lightsaber fights between darth vader and luke skywalker. In the old movies things looked like real adventures, not just events.
                          "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                          Drake Tungsten
                          "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                          Albert Speer


                          • I saw it this past weekend. The plot itself was good (interesting events), but the lack of good characters and good dialogue hurt.

                            Anakin, Amidala and young Obi-Wan just don't match up to Luke, Leia and Han. And they should.

                            I don't even blame the actors. They had no dialogue to work with. None.

                            -The effects were cool, of course, especially Coruscant.
                            -The battle(s) at the end were pretty good, though I wish Anakin's duel with Dooku would have gone on longer... with Anakin doing well for a while before losing. He's supposed to be really powerful, you know. You just don't get to see it.
                            -R2D2 and C3PO do not belong in the prequels. Just my opinion...
                            -Mace Windu could be a lot cooler.
                            -Amidala needs more spunk. Her one moment of being cool was the scene where she decides that she (and Anakin of course) will go help Obi-Wan - for a split second, I felt a sense of adventure.
                            -Anakin needed... a lot of things.
                            -Obi-Wan was ok. Just ok.
                            -Yoda was decent, and the duel was pretty cool, though I must admit seeing Yoda bounce and twirl like that was a bit wierd.

                            Basically, I agree with the two preceeding posts.

                            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                            • Just returned from the cinema.

                              1) There was too much pointless talking before the big battles part.
                              2) The part with Yoda fighting should've been much longer. It was hilarious.

                              As a whole, it is a good movie.
                              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                              • Being an improvement over PM is not a selling point in my book. That's like saying you love your Yugo because it is an improvement over your Gremlin.
                                Big freaking deal!

                                Movies like that make me believe I could be a huge success in screenwriting, if only arrogant dips like Lucas would just admit to their weaknesses.
                                His writing was painful to listen to.
                                During many of the "love" scenes, audience members were talking smack to the screen. In particular, when Annakin says "just tell me if you're suffering like I am" someone shouted out "oh, yes, we're suffering all right!" and it got a lot of laughs.
                                That sort of thing is just an abomination that can't be fixed....I was really disappointed.
                                Spiderman was 10 times better, IMO. It had many of the same elements, but was cohesive, fluid and believable while AOTC was choppy, disjointed and came off like a junior high written drama project.
                                Life and death is a grave matter;
                                all things pass quickly away.
                                Each of you must be completely alert;
                                never neglectful, never indulgent.

