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First results in from Dutch elections: we're @#$%ed

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  • #61
    A small step in the right direction
    In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
    In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt


    • #62
      Christian Democrats sound like our beloved Centre Party.

      What do Christian Democrats think about agricultural subsidies?
      "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
      "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world


      • #63
        What do Christian Democrats think about agricultural subsidies?

        They invented them. They have a strong base in the rural community here...

        PH and Stew, take your discussion out of my thread and continue it on ICQ or by PM please... #^%$ing Brits
        Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
        And notifying the next of kin
        Once again...


        • #64
          Thanks for ruining my thread guys... Every six months I start one and every time I hope some of you d******s will take it over...
          Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
          And notifying the next of kin
          Once again...


          • #65
            Originally posted by faded glory
            Na, I think you guys are just a bit ignorant. Thats why you call it stupid. It isnt just 2 partys. Its many parties lumped into two.

            Republicans are just a coalition of Fascists, Conservatives, Traditionalists, and Moderates. Dem's are all that and to the left. If your a communist, you could join the communist party. But that only has 10,000 members.....soo your better off joining the democrats and reforming the party within.
            I take it, faded glory, that one cannot totally agree with everything a major U.S. party stands for without being totally confused!



            • #66
              Originally posted by Stefu
              Christian Democrats sound like our beloved Centre Party.

              What do Christian Democrats think about agricultural subsidies?
              They are, and always have been, the most popular party among Dutch farmers.
              They are in favour of agricultural subsidies, but instead of subsidizing products, they want to support farmers' incomes directly.

              We had a Centre Party once, it was extremely right-wing.



              • #67
                Hey Bod and PH... take your little pissing contest somewhere else.
                And I DON'T MEAN ANOTHER THREAD.

                If it continues, you are both going to get restricted!

                Oh... and if anybody wonders what I'm talking about, it might be because I just deleted their posts to this thread and you can't see them anymore.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #68
                  Don't do it! That was one of the funniest sequences of posts I've ever read! Geez. At least copy them and move them to CG or something.
                  Världsstad - Dom lokala genrenas vän
                  Mick102, 102,3 Umeå, Måndagar 20-21


                  • #69
                    I am most happy with the outcome of this election. HURRAY!

                    For the record: I have voted SP, the most left-wing party. I will probably NEVER vote CDA, and have in the past voted D'66 or GroenLinks.

                    But the incompetent, regent-minded, hypocritical, shifty social-democratic party (PvdA) has been thrashed. They have consistently denied all true problems like WAO(incapacity for work) or integration policy. And its sneaky party leader -who disarmed all independent minds like van Gijzel- has been hissed down.
                    The only positive thing one could say about our last government, Kok II, is its sound financial and economic policy.

                    For Dutch readers a quote from NRC Handelsblad -an excellent article- to show the deplorable condition of Dutch democracy:

                    "Ook in het parlement, zegt Hans Daudt, zitten geen gekozen vertegenwoordigers van het volk meer, maar benoemde mensen. Ze zien het Kamerwerk als opstapje naar een baan in het openbaar bestuur. En ja, daar moet je helaas vier jaar de politiek voor in. Die banen zijn in overvloed te vergeven -alle politieke partijen willen dezer dagen in alle regionen van het openbaar bestuur 'hun mannetje' hebben zitten. Dat is, zegt Hans Daudt, het handjeklap van de regenten. En als ze onderling een conflict hebben, wordt er iemand uit hun eigen Haagse regentenkring benoemd om, à la de VVD'er Henk Koning, een geruststellend flutrapport te schrijven over handel en wandel van PvdA-leider Ad Melkert, of om à la de PvdA'er Van Kemenade, met gezag te liegen over de toestand bij het Defensie van VVD-minister De Grave. Zo iemand heet dan een wijze man. Hans Daudt: Wijze mannen komen in Nederland nooit van buiten de politieke kaste."

                    "Alsof de politieke partijen nog vertegenwoordigers zijn van geestesstromingen! Uit begrijpelijk lijfsbehoud houdt Den Haag vast aan het denkbeeld dat de verschillen zoals die in het parlement tot uiting komen, synoniem zijn met de maatschappelijke tegenstellingen zoals die buiten het parlement beleefd worden. Dat is allang niet meer zo. In de rest van het land is Den Haag: 'de politiek', een wereld waarin de onderlinge verschillen met het blote oog niet waarneembaar zijn. De Leidse politicoloog Peter Mair spreekt, met een variant op Arend Lijphart, zelfs van een 'karteldemocratie'. Hij ziet de partijen, gezamenlijk en in vereniging, als een gesloten kartel. Naar buiten toe ontlenen ze hun identiteit aan de minieme onderlinge verschillen. Naar binnen toe hebben ze, in gedeeld belang, met elkaar het openbaar bestuur in een houdgreep genomen. Ankersmit in Groningen: 'Samen vormen ze een groep mensen die het openbaar bestuur voor zichzelf reserveert. Onderling verdelen ze de buit.' Volgens hem zijn de partijen 'elkaars deelgenoot in een pervers bondgenoot schap'."
                    (source: 'M', magazine van NRC Handelsblad, 4 mei 2002, pagina 30-44; artikel 'De illusie van democratie' door G.van Westerloo)
                    Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Ned

                      I take it, faded glory, that one cannot totally agree with everything a major U.S. party stands for without being totally confused!

                      Yes it is. Its wierd to see all the ideologies lumped into one party. They seem to all have there own clique's within the party. The only reason they dont form coalitions/seperate parties is fear that the other side would win.


                      • #71
                        Ha! Thats why I say Christians are the bigger danger to liberal rights than Muslims (cose they win votes)

                        But oh well, I doubt they could get any majority in parlament for their weird ideas

                        I guess the LPF will fall apart soon. Some new elections being held in a couple of month, and everything will be fine... I hope ...
                        If it is no fun why do it?
                        Live happy or die


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by faded glory

                          Yes it is. Its wierd to see all the ideologies lumped into one party. They seem to all have there own clique's within the party. The only reason they dont form coalitions/seperate parties is fear that the other side would win.
                          Actually, we have had a lot of third party movements in the last 30+years that have take one interest group or another out from the major parties. Arguably, these third party movements cost a major party candidate the election because we do not have a run-off like they do elsewhere.


