The War on Terror, which is slowly being taken too far, of course - but heavy involvement with international organizations will soon embroil us in countless "peacekeeping ops" and "police actions", and American lives will be lost.
Countless peacekeeping and police actions? You mean like Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Iraq, etc?
What, like crimes against humanity? I don't believe there is any such thing. Either it is against your nation's laws or it isn't, and if not you shouldn't be punished for it.
What you believe doesn't matter. The US has established that there is crimes against humanity in Nuremburg. Let's not be hypocrites.
Sure, SCOTUS takes state court cases if there is a valid Constitutional issue. And US citizens may be subjected to federal courts because there are Constitutionally allowed federal crimes and a method for establishing federal courts. The Constitution says nothing about international courts, although George Washington warned specifically against internationalism.
The Constitution says treaties are on the same level as it, so there is room for it in that document.
We should make every effort to be integrated politically. We are economically, so we need to protect our 'interests' by having some control of some of the political apparatuses overhead.