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Palestinians falsifying evidence for the UN comitte

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  • #31
    I'm signing in the raaaaaain, just singing in the raaaaaain, nananananan and I feel happy agaaaaaain
    pam pam pam pararam
    taratata pararam


    • #32
      I knew nothing sensible was to be expected when I noticed you had posted in this thread.


      • #33
        I'm (pararararam) dreaming (tarara) of a white (papapararam) Christmaaaaaass
        just like the ones I used to know
        (pararam pararam)
        when the birds lalala
        and taraamat
        the snowflakes in the snow
        The snow!


        • #34
          Who's supposed to be deraaaanged, again?


          • #35
            if i stay here with yououoouou girl (tararararam - BAM)
            things just wouldn't be the saaaame (tiwiwiwiwiwiwiweeeee)
            'cause I'm as free as a bird now (tam taram BAM)
            and this bird you cannot chaaaaaaaaange
            and this bird you cannot chaaaange


            • #36
              His medication, quickly!

              Now I don't recognize that song. Which one is it?


              • #37
                SACRILEGE! You don;t know Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd??????

                Immidieatly go and buy one of their albums!! (or you can just download the song )


                • #38
                  I cured him.


                  • #39

                    have another one

                    I was cutting the rug
                    Down at a place called The Jug
                    With a girl named Linda Lu
                    When in walked a man
                    With a gun in his hand
                    And he was looking for you know who.
                    He said, 'Hey there fellow,
                    With the hair colored yellow,
                    Watcha tryin' to prove?
                    'Cause that's my woman there
                    And I'm a man who cares
                    And this might be all for you.'

                    I was scared and fearing for my life.
                    I was shakin' like a leaf on a tree.
                    'Cause he was lean, mean,
                    Big and bad, Lord,
                    Pointin' that gun at me.
                    I said, 'Wait a minute, mister,
                    I didn't even kiss her.
                    Don't want no trouble with you.
                    And I know you don't owe me
                    But I wish you'd let me
                    Ask one favor from you.'

                    'Won't you give me three steps,
                    Gimme three steps mister,
                    Gimme three steps towards the door?
                    Gimme three steps
                    Gimme three steps mister,
                    And you'll never see me no more.'

                    Well the crowd cleared away
                    And I began to pray
                    As the water fell on the floor.
                    And I'm telling you son,
                    Well, it ain't no fun
                    Staring straight down a forty-four.
                    Well he turned and screamed at Linda Lu
                    And that's the break I was looking for.
                    And you could hear me screaming a mile away
                    As I was headed out towards the door.



                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Ecthelion
                      That question is totally nonsensical. A massacre is not a technical term, or at least shouldn't be. Any case of murder with many people involved is a massacre, and now don't as kwhat many means.

                      Good point by Lefty there. It's so easy to say "STOP!" to investigators (and ambulances for that matter) and afterwards say"oh, it's too late now, now stop living in the past and let's look into the future. fine, we won the battle. we want 90%".
                      So you finally agree that when a Pal. walks into a restaurent or gets on a bus and blows it up it is a massacre? Regardless about the number of deaths. It is apart of the ongoing situation right?
                      Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                      • #41
                        Yes, of course it is a massacre.

                        But, for every massacre there's a cause. For the Israeli army's (supposed, not yet proven) massacre in Jenin, that is a wish for security that is said to be enforced by means that are so drastical that it is hardly to believe they're not undertaken for destroying the Palestinian infratructure as such, thus also destroying their chance to exist as a state.

                        For the suicide bomb attacks, it's a mix of fanatism of minor groups (a fanatism that does not represent their religion however) and pure desperation of a movement, an idea, a peoples (what a climax! ).

                        There can't be an excuse for either of those, both kill innocents. I've heard that in both populations the wish for peace and a decent agreement (that is to be read as in compromise) is more important than total victory.

                        This is moer than you had asked for, and it's pretty basical considering how long they've been debating in threads about it, but I often get the idea people are very much into taking side with either faction rather than looking on the whole picture. Of course it is impossible, but the harder you try the more you get of it, and where innocents die that want peace on both sides, any effort is worth the gain.


                        • #42
                          , but his post provides no links and the allegations are made by unnamed "security sources."

                          security sources = intelligence agencies.

                          Reportedly, the palestinians are digging up people from cemeteries, palcing them in body bags and dumping them into mass graves, to increase the number of "casualties".

                          Furthermore, they've ceased burrial of people, to make sure they are all left there.

                          But Israel refused any external observer during Jenin battle.

                          Let me quote from a palestinian source (I can give it to you if you want) : "we booby trapped every square meter."

                          Now, I understand your claims, and I admit it's a serious Israeli fvckup. I also understand it looks suspicious but interviews I've read with several terrorists, some from arab sources, didn't mention massacares, so I still don't believe it.

                          Or that win-win peace agreement of 2 weeks before Sharon being elected that never got mentioned in the big media

                          Let me tell you what happenned to it.[/q]

                          Israelis called the Palestinian negociator Abu Ala and suggested signing the agreement to make it a binding document, to leave chance for peace.

                          Abu Ala replied : "The Boss doesn't want an agreement" end quote.


                          • #43
                            Sorry, but I tend to take stories that rely on "sources say" with a LARGE grain of salt.

                            It's exactly the type of stuff you would see from the other side, Siro, claiming that Jews kill babies and drink blood. Sorry, but it's a pretty wild accusation, and I'm not buying it until there is some sort of proof.

                            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                            • #44
                              Arrian, I understand your fears and doubts, and I completely accept them.

                              I've sadly seen them do worse. Furthermore many of the palestinians were close friends with the USSR, which taught them every dirty trick in the book.

                              So to me, it doesn't sound as outrageous.

                              Furthermore, I wish to differentiate my self from the racist, and explain that I do not claim anything about the palestinain people in general.

                              Rather, I mean the palestinian officials - the PA / PLO.

                              I do however wish to point out that IDF was pretty exact until now.

                              IDF said that palestinians were sacking the church of nativity and holding people hostage.

                              Teenagers, and recently two priests who managed to leave, proved IDF claims and said that the gunmen have robbed everything and desecrated every holy place in the church.

                              They said that only those who have guns or are related to the PA get most of the food.

                              They said that they were often prevented from leaving using force, and an air video captured by an IAF device proved it. (IAF = Israeli Air Force)..

                              I don't know which type of plane or helicopter shot the pictures, though.


                              • #45
                                The thing is that (logically) I haven't got any first hand info, but many of the things I was told by that German-Palestinian cooperation organizaiton (or solidarity org if you prefer that) were rather interesting. Alas I don'T know half the facts he knows, so I'd rather create a direct conneciton and see what's the result... on a poly thread

                                Oops, whatever happened to my articles? I hear you ask... yeah yeah, give it time

                                And thanks for a first... response...

