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French Elections : Will Le Pen make it to the second round?

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  • Originally posted by DinoDoc
    He doesn't deserve the Bob Dornan treatment though as he seems to be able to string a cohearent thought together.
    That's what makes it all the more disturbing though. Bob Dornan was a complete ****wit, and it came through in both the style and the "content".

    It's plainly obvious that this guy must have had some sort of fruitful educational experience, and yet he still managed to become a rabid loon. It's actually rather sad.
    "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
    "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


    • Originally posted by paiktis22
      I read you don't like abortions.
      Stick it. Live in America and breed like rabbits. It's your fundamentalist country. Not mine.
      Women are respected here.
      Anyone else notice the delicious irony in this statement? It should be obvious to anyone who knows paiktis' views on the ME...
      Last edited by Drake Tungsten; April 22, 2002, 20:51.


      • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten

        Anyone else notice the delicious irony in this statement? It should be obvious to anyone who know paiktis' views on the ME...
        :: holds hand up, jumping up and down ::

        Oh! I did! I did!
        Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


        • Originally posted by Lonestar
          :: holds hand up, jumping up and down ::

          Oh! I did! I did!
          Congratulations Lonestar! You get a cookie!
          KH FOR OWNER!
          ASHER FOR CEO!!
          GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


          • I've been away for a few hours, but I'm back, and I'm going to respond to all of your posts.

            Guynemer: Your claim can be turned back to you: I bet you are one of the loons who voted for Ralph Nader and cost the Democrats the election. Thanks!

            DinoDoc: Thank you for supporting my right to speak.

            paitkis22: Where do I even begin. I thought that you were the one who was supposed to be posting trolls. Anyhow,

            Originally posted by paiktis22
            So the one who does not earn it, has the god - given right to die like a dog in the street.... oh you're so fact you are partly responsible and a killer because in a democracy (no matter how flawed the US misscariaged democracy is) you get to choose.
            Don't really know what your getting at here. I support the right for justice to be served. Some crimes, such as mass murder, are heinous and deserve death. I think that our justice system needs to be revamped to ensure that no one is unjustly executed, but I don't think that the American people should have this legitimate tool of justice taken from them.

            Medical care is for all. It is the right to live. Not that you would know... you seem to have no probelms with your compatriots dying in the street because they can't *afford* any other
            I am not a rich man by any extent of the word. I am a college student who is joining the Army to get my tuition paid for. My dad is a steel worker. He has earned his health insurance by the sweat of his brow. He is not corrupt. He is a member of the proletariat that you socialists so dearly love. However, in America, most of the proletariat are right wing nationalists (hence my name). This is because globalization is killing American industry. I don't think that my dad should have to break his back to support a drug addicted alcoholic's right to recieve his fourth free liver transplant.

            It is the right to live
            I take it that you don't extend this right to unborn children, even though they are genetically distinct beings. A woman has no right to kill her unborn child, and a man has no right to abandon his unborn child. That is inhumane.

            you obviosuly couldn't care less about blacks, mexicans or indeed, arabs.
            I am not a racist, you do not know me, and you have no right to assume this.

            KrazyHorse: Why am I not going to last long? Is it because I expect coherent answers from people who know at least something about what they're talking about?

            Kropotkin: Yes, this did become uncivil due to paitkis22's alleged "trolls." He's revealed now that he was serious about what he posted. I knew that his thin veneer of sarcasm was a sham.

            paitkis22: I was cocky because I was angry. You were angry as well. Its fine that we don't agree, but we should probably just try to stay away from the name calling. Maybe we can learn something from each other.

            monkspider: I'm glad to see the American left is as open minded and tolerant of different beliefs as they always say they are.

            Krazyhorse: Still waiting for you to type a response worth reading.

            Kropotkin: I am sorry for insulting you, and hope to seriously discuss some political issues through PM

            Guynemer: Yes, I do have some fruitful education. I am 19 a year old college student. I was accepted into Harvard, but I chose to attend the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA ( for those who don't know, W&M was founded in 1693. It was named as the toughest college in America, referred to as the 'bootcamp of acadamia,' in this year's Princeton College Review) I am majoring in both Political Science and History, and made the dean's list last semester with a 3.91 GPA. After fufilling my obligation to the U.S. Army, I am hoping to attend law school at the University of Virginia, a top American law school. I don't care if any of you don't believe me. As for calling me a rabid loon, I could just as easily call your leftist position "looney"

            I'm signing off for the night, because I have school work to do. Let me just thank most of you leftists for your openminded and tolerant acceptance of a differing political view. I support traditional, conservative values. Therefore, I am an evil Nazi who must be silenced. That must make you people hypocrites then. I would like to thank Kropotkin for being civil with me while arguing. Perhaps paitkis22 could learn some lessons from you. If anyone wants to talk about these issues in a more civilized manner, then PM me. If anyone wants to flame me, then go ahead. You are just words on a monitor to me. Besides, I would say the same things to you in person that I have typed in my posts. Goodnight, everyone.
            "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


            • Originally posted by nationalist
              Guynemer: Your claim can be turned back to you: I bet you are one of the loons who voted for Ralph Nader and cost the Democrats the election. Thanks!
              Well, that certainly would be a neat trick, seeing how Gore handily won the state I live in. I don't think that I need to explain how that works... or have I grossly overestimated your grasp on American politics?

              As for Naderites being "loons", let's address that below, shall we?

              Guynemer: Yes, I do have some fruitful education. I am 19 a year old college student. I was accepted into Harvard, but I chose to attend the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA ( for those who don't know, W&M was founded in 1693. It was named as the toughest college in America, referred to as the 'bootcamp of acadamia,' in this year's Princeton College Review) I am majoring in both Political Science and History, and made the dean's list last semester with a 3.91 GPA. After fufilling my obligation to the U.S. Army, I am hoping to attend law school at the University of Virginia, a top American law school.
              Wow. How many Kleenex did you go through typing that masturbatory diatribe? That's okay; we're all awfully impressed, aren't we folks?

              I don't care if any of you don't believe me. As for calling me a rabid loon, I could just as easily call your leftist position "looney"
              This is all a matter of opinion, of course, but nationalism is well nigh universally regarded as a rather dangerous and unsophisticated philosophical and political stance. Midwestern progressive liberalism? Hey, you might not like it, but even our conservative friend DinoDoc will tell you it has earned a little more respect than the outdated notions you hold, Sparky.
              "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
              "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


              • This has turned into a rather nasty slugging match between Europeans and Americans (again). I think all of you are missing the point.

                The entire Western world's political systems are beginning to rot at their cores. For more than 30 years now, politicians on both sides of the Atlantic have forced policies on their populations that the citizenry really didn't want. It doesn't matter whether it is Germany, the US, France, Britain or Canada. The populations of these countries would never have agreed to large scale immigration if it had ever been put to a referendum. I dare say that even now most countries' populations would still come down against it in an anonymous vote. No major political parties were willing to take up this cause as they were either (1)leftist and in favour of these policies or (2)rightist and afraid of being demonized as racist by all the usual suspects. The American electorate responds by not voting and generally trying to isolate itself from the deleterious effects of multiculturalism and in Europe we now see the rise of more extreme right wing parties in all countries. Make no mistake; this is the logical and direct result of an agenda of the Liberal elite being foisted upon an unwilling population. It apparently never occurred to these elites that the French wanted to remain "French", the British wanted to remain "British" and the Americans wanted to remain "American".

                If you ask me, multiculturalism can be nothing other than a transitory phenomenon in the absense of effective social separation or segregation. Think about it. If you put a bunch of people together from all over the place, then, sure enough, you'll have a "multicultural" society -- for one generation. But the next generation will not be so much multicultural as a single fused new culture (the "melting pot"). In other words what you get is a new culture that has elements from all the cultures that composed it. But it will be a society characterized by a single culture. The only way this society could be multicultural is if it kept its disparate cultures apart and prevented them from mixing in any way (separation or segregation). If not, then the maintenance of a multicultural society would require an influx of immigrants from culturally distinct societies in each generation. But this in itself requires the continued existence of distinct monocultural societies elsewhere in the world to draw on. If we want a multicultural world (ie, a world with many different cultures), then we had better stop trying to create multicultural societies, because if we don't we'll eventually end up with a monocultural world. But I don't bet on leftists understanding that, so caught up are they in the present that they can never take a long term view of things. However, I suspect the people of Europe do understand this, or at least sizable numbers of them, hence the rise of "keep Denmark Danish" and "keep France French" movements. They're fighting to preserve their cultures, and hence the cultural diversity of the world (that leftists are so infatuated with, btw). For this, they should be commended and supported, not villified.


                • "I got a 3.91 GPA and my parents told me how smart I am. Now I'm going to heroically battle left-wingers! On guard! Avast, ye scum! I'm obviously the only college-educated person here"
                  12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                  Stadtluft Macht Frei
                  Killing it is the new killing it
                  Ultima Ratio Regum


                  • Amen to davy and nationalist. See the lefties here run like panies or just ignore you, when forced into intellegent debate.

                    Oh and stop mocking the french damn you! I am now a frenchmen in a game!


                    • I thought you were through with the OT, faded. Get thee hence, posthaste!
                      "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                      "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                      • Hey, I'm double-majoring in Poly Sci and History too! I just hope your statement toward me wasn't sarcasm-filled. It is rather ambigious in being seemingly sarcasm-neuteral. However, until led to believe otherwise, I will believe that you genuinely meant what you said, thank you.
                        We, the Apolyton crew, are a fairly laid back bunch. though so try not to lose your temper in the future over simple "half-trolls" . I'm sure you will be able to get along smashingly in the future.


                        • Of course the leftys always ignore me anyway.

                          That probably has alot to do with my..ehm. Debate Skillz.


                          • Originally posted by KrazyHorse
                            "I got a 3.91 GPA and my parents told me how smart I am. Now I'm going to heroically battle left-wingers! On guard! Avast, ye scum! I'm obviously the only college-educated person here"
                            Perhaps we ought to cut him a little slack, KH. Remember when you were 19? You had all the answers too.
                            "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                            "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                            • Originally posted by Guynemer
                              I thought you were through with the OT, faded. Get thee hence, posthaste!
                              I am. But withdrawl symptoms were too much. All these trolls


                              • Perhaps we ought to cut him a little slack, KH. Remember when you were 19? You had all the answers too

                                That was when I was 17. I was well on the road to disillusionment/cynicism by 19...

                                12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                                Stadtluft Macht Frei
                                Killing it is the new killing it
                                Ultima Ratio Regum

