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Neo-Nazism and Muslim fundamentalism. What do you think?

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  • #91
    Don't be to hard on him Imran. Dalgetti is just trying to find out all he can about that great conspiracy against himself.

    I understand the european far-right very well. But never the less there is cooperation between islamic extremist groups and far-right groups in europe.

    Read Krop's post below yours.
    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


    • #92
      What I do Claim is that There is a connection, and now , it appears, a strong bond, between Neo-Nazis , and far-right , white supremacy groups ,and Muslim Fundamentalists, on a global scale.

      So when do the Illuminati enter into this .
      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


      • #93

        It appears that you think I think there is some kind of secret council , blah blah blah. I don't . Shouldn't have used the world "global"

        what I do say, is : apparently there is cooperation between them. Snapcase already said so. This article claims it to be even deeper.


        • #94
          So when do the Illuminati enter into this .

          Take it easy Dal. I didn't say that turks per definition are fundies or that you said that turks are. What I meant was that there might be a few links here and there but the connection shouldn't be overestimated. Using the word strong as you do is probably going to far.


          • #95
            As for snapcases example, Ahmet Rhami of Radio Islam. He's really a one of a kind and shouldn't really be used as an example for anything but himselves.


            • #96
              why is that ?

              you claim :

              neo-nazis hate all other people. therefor they cannot cooperate with other groups

              I claim :

              yes they can cooperate with other groups, if they have common "interests" ... both groups think that jews run a conspiracy to try and take over the world. both think that they are endangered by jews. I even have an example , that was given by an impartial person.

              You claim:"He's really a one of a kind and shouldn't really be used as an example for anything but himselves.".

              I claim :
              I have more . here is a link to an article that gives you many examples.

              why don't you think it's even possible?


              • #97
                Are you refeering to me? I hardly think that's a correct description of the debate at all.


                • #98
                  As I said before, Neo-Nazis don't like Arabs. But they do find it convenient to cooperate with certain kinds of Arabs/Muslims. Heck, the way they probably see it, if they stir up enough trouble between Muslims and Jews, both will leave Europe to participate in the fight in the Middle East.


                  • #99
                    Kropo: maybe I didn't refer to you , specifically.

                    but it seems that you think that such a cooperation is impossible.


                    • Re: Can´t say much about this soure, but...

                      Originally posted by BeBro

                      ...I disagree. There are Neonazis in Germany who are very anti US. And yes, some of them welcomed the 9/11 attacks, like the mentioned NPD activist. The article is correct at this point.

                      That is a strange situation, those neonazis - usually people who are normally ultra nationalist and against "inferior" races (such as Arabs), have sympathies for Arab terrorists, because both groups are anti US and anti Jewish.
                      “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                      "Capitalism ho!"


                      • Since you quoted me I thought it might have been implied.

                        And I said that their might be a couple of links here and their but that the importance those shouldn't be overestimated. You claim that there's a cooperation on a global scale (ie a conspiracy just like that one between the commies, ZOG and the rest of the jews ).

                        I never said it was impossible. I said that a long term strategic alliance between a bulk of far right wing groups and Islamic fundamentalism seems highly unlikely. They do share a commun grudge against Jews and the political establishment in Europe and the US.

                        Surely they can work with the concept that my enemies enemy is my friend and thus make tactical alliances and share information but that's a quite far from a global alliance. We must remember that the far right is a very fragmented movement (some of their parties consists of one or a handful of persons), they can hardly unite with their own so I can't see why they should be able to get along with Islamists.


                        • Originally posted by Natan
                          As I said before, Neo-Nazis don't like Arabs. But they do find it convenient to cooperate with certain kinds of Arabs/Muslims. Heck, the way they probably see it, if they stir up enough trouble between Muslims and Jews, both will leave Europe to participate in the fight in the Middle East.
                          Um -- why are you even comparing a hate group with an ethnic group??

                          You're assuming that all Arabs are anti-Semitic?? If so, that makes NO sense.
                          A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                          • Libertarians aren't on the left . Most Libs I know voted for Bush over Gore in 2000 (if faced with only voting for those two).
                            By definition they are. Libertarians want to change the system to institute more freedom. This would be a radically different change that has not occured before. Hence, on the left. They might have voted for Bush because they agree with him on other issues. Libertarians, in general, tend to be pro-life and fiscally conservative. But overall, their basic beliefs put them on the left.


                            • Originally posted by Natan
                              As I said before, Neo-Nazis don't like Arabs. But they do find it convenient to cooperate with certain kinds of Arabs/Muslims.
                              It's my understanding that old Nazis in Germany who had successfully hidden themselves and reintegrated into society were helping Nasser develop missiles in the '60s. The book and movie, The Odessa File was loosely based on this.
                              Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                              • You can't be left wing without some kind of social conciousness and belief in equality and libertarians have neither. And they're actually regressive, not progressive. Why else would they then focus so much on constitutional rights?

