BTW, Neo Nazis are not that confused, they're pretty uniform. They ususally dress into army boots and Alpha jackets, cut their hair (therefore 'skinheads' you know, but I suppose those are commie satanists not nazis
) and do a lot of neo Nazi stuff. While their opponents (left is opposed to right, just FYI) wear those headscarves, and I find it ludicrous how you guys start searching for those puny arguments in favour of the author. He just doesn't have a clue. Damn, I live here, Ijust KNOW it because I SEE IT EVERY DAY. So stop telling me what life is like here!
The author is just stupid. And so are now declared Dlagetti and Kropotkin, anyone wo wants can join them.

The author is just stupid. And so are now declared Dlagetti and Kropotkin, anyone wo wants can join them.