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Which Civilization has been the biggest bunch of bastards throughout history?

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  • Guys,
    Don’t take Chris to seriously. He is an easy target for brainwashing; people like him always need an image of enemy. For many years The Soviets were such enemy for him, he hated them and was very happy. But now, Soviets are gone and he invented new enemy for himself- Islam, and after that he feel happy again.
    His statements about Islam sounds very strange, considering how many times in past he shouted about how he happy to live in perfect American society where all people have the same right and freedom and where all religions are equal.
    But considering that he represent the country which is leader of this poll, there is nothing strange in his statements.


    • Originally posted by DinoDoc
      If you really want to look at the atrocities that the West committed vs those committed by Islam, I would look at the problems that precipitated the Pax Dei & Treuga Dei movements, the cordon sanitaire Louis XIV tried to create on each of France's frontiers, etc.
      Are you talking about Israel ? Oh France ! xuse me ...
      Zobo Ze Warrior
      Your brain is your worst enemy!


      • Serb: It's really weird hearing a russian defending Islam, esp. after what chechens have been doing to your soldiers .


        • I wonder why no one who voted for America has the balls to make their case?
          He's got the Midas touch.
          But he touched it too much!
          Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


          • But considering that he represent the country which is leader of this poll, there is nothing strange in his statements.
            So the Europeans decided to pick on America instead of acknowledge their own crimes. Did you think the Spanish were going to admit to being the bastards they truly were? Or the Serbs.


            • Originally posted by Dalgetti
              Serb: It's really weird hearing a russian defending Islam, esp. after what chechens have been doing to your soldiers .
              I'm not defending Islam and I don't need too. Islam is one of the World's major religions. And it is silly to think that Muslims are better then Christians or otherwise. They are not better or worse, they are just different.

              Yes, Russia is Christian country mostly, we have more then 1000 years of Christianity as our major religion, but we've learned how to live peacefully with Islam, with respect to each other.

              As for Chechnya, those bastards are not Muslims they are extremist and terrorists. They propaganded an extremal teaching known as "Vahhabism" it's the same teaching the Taliban propaganded. This teaching has nothing common with Islam. The Muslim leaders of Russia distanced from admiers of this teaching long ago, they said that people who acted like terrorist in Chechnya can not be called a Muslims, that those people are disgrace of Islam.


              • sure , sure , sure.... ...


                • It's funny that they share the ruthlessness with muslim groups around the world. and those are not vahhabite.

                  did you hear that statement by the main muslim leader of russia that said that russians must face the reality in which the country would have to recognize islam as the second religion in russia?


                  • Originally posted by Ethelred

                    So the Europeans decided to pick on America instead of acknowledge their own crimes. Did you think the Spanish were going to admit to being the bastards they truly were? Or the Serbs.
                    But anyway it's a stuipid and offending poll, I didn't voted.
                    Can you show me one, single nation who acted like saint during its history? I guess not, then how can you determinate wich one is the worse?
                    Last edited by Serb; April 17, 2002, 07:29.


                    • Originally posted by Dalgetti
                      It's funny that they share the ruthlessness with muslim groups around the world. and those are not vahhabite.

                      did you hear that statement by the main muslim leader of russia that said that russians must face the reality in which the country would have to recognize islam as the second religion in russia?
                      I don't know what's so funny you've found in my post.

                      As for second religion,
                      How can we make Islam a second official religion, if we don't have first?
                      By our laws Religions are separated from state, but "de facto" Islam always was the second religion in Russia.

                      Lisen I'm tired of this english. Can you read this:
                      ×òî-òî ÿ íå âúåõàë â ïåðâûé àáçàö. ×òî îçíà÷àåò "ruthlessness", ÷òî-òî òèïà ñèìïàòèè èëè ïîääåðæêè? Åñëè äà, òî è Ãåëûé äîì èì òîæå ñèìïàòèçèðîâàë, ïîêà òî÷íî òàêèå æå ðåáÿòà íå ñòàëè ðîíÿòü áîèíãè èì íà ãîëîâó.
                      Last edited by Serb; April 17, 2002, 07:34.


                      • Can show me one, single nation who acted like saint during its history?
                        Andora? I hear there is really tiny one hiding somewhere in Italy(not the Vatican).

                        I guess not, then how can you determinate wich one is the worse?
                        Body count for one. Thats why I voted for Russia. If unintentional death by disease counts than Spain earns it. If body count by a percentage counts Quean Ranavalona of Madagascars killed of half her countries population during her twenty year horror story of a rule but that was just one ruler not a procession of them.


                        • Originally posted by Ethelred

                          Andora? I hear there is really tiny one hiding somewhere in Italy(not the Vatican).

                          Do you know how many people live there and how old is this state?
                          Body count for one. Thats why I voted for Russia. If unintentional death by disease counts than Spain earns it. If body count by a percentage counts Quean Ranavalona of Madagascars killed of half her countries population during her twenty year horror story of a rule but that was just one ruler not a procession of them.
                          Then again, how can you be sure about body counts. Different sides always have different figures for victims. And one more thing, one million of people in 20 century (when whole population of Earth was about six billion) it's not the same as one million in 15 century (when whole population of Earth was less then 1 billion).
                          And one more thing, what happen in Russia in 20 century is not of your consern, its our local Russian showdowns. You can't understand it.


                          • Dalgetti:
                            The crusades were not about the Holy Land...they were about extorting money from the Byzantines, at which they were very successful. The Holy Land was just a good excuse to wander through Byzantium (and con a bunch of zealot knights at the same time).
                            The Normans made a load out of Constantinople (until they trashed the place).


                            • Originally posted by Ethelred
                              Andora? I hear there is really tiny one hiding somewhere in Italy(not the Vatican).
                              Nop between France & Spain.
                              Zobo Ze Warrior
                              Your brain is your worst enemy!


                              • He's thinking of San Marino, where the sheep come from...

