But this is a recent phenomenon. One could imagine that earlier reproductive strategies were optimized for different conditions. High birth rate is not always the best reproductive strategy.)
These are "nurture" arguments. They were not ignored. Now you can strain your brain (BTW...I know you are a smart guy...) to consider the posibility of a function with more than one significant input variable. (i.e. both nurture and nature. This opens the possibility of significant differences in nature independent of nurture.)
You are free to research the statistics. Much of it is available in academic journals.
Most IQ studies I've seen have been woefully inadaquete.
Come on Ramo...genetic isolation is not an open/shut door. Ever seen a colloid stratify? Ever seen a reaction vessel with a heat gradient? To get different results does not require complete seperation. How do you think physical differences in races occurred?
The point is, is if there are no barriers between genetic intermixing, if there are forces promoting genetic intermixing, why would genetic isolation possibly occur?
And the pitiful compensation for his theory - his explanation for East Asians is so ludicrous it doesn't deserve comment.
Intelligence does not equate to uber/unter mensch ability. I know that this may be hard for a kid like yourself (academic oriented) to realize, but the smartest guy doesn't always win. There are other aspects to being a man...even in competition. You are also ignoring the premise of the article which clearly implied that different populations evolved to be most suited to their respective environments. The article posits that the value of intelligence varies from environment to environment.
The article doesn't explain why the Homo Sapiens Sapiens which evolved in Africa was so much smarter than the neanderthal, which had been adapted to Europe's cold climate. Why aren't Europeans neanderthals instead of men?

Because they are not adapted to "the world" and because intelligence is not the only trait affecting competion. (same as above.)
So are you saying that all environments are alike? are equally easy (in what manner?) or that you think the tropical rainforest is most "difficult"?
In many aspects, I don't think I'm smart enough to flourish in a tropical environment. I don't think I could be able to continuously form mental maps of unfamiliar surroundings, for instance.
on what scale? If I measure melanin content or sickle-cell, I will find differences that are significant in terms of different environments. Why don't you trot out some statistics, academic eveidence for that "bald statement".
What if I told you the physical differences between all metals are insignigifcant. Pretty silly unless I define what significance is, what variables I'm looking at, and actually gather some data.
What if I told you the physical differences between all metals are insignigifcant. Pretty silly unless I define what significance is, what variables I'm looking at, and actually gather some data.
"With the vast expansion of scientific knowledge in this century, however, it has become clear that human populations are not unambiguous, clearly demarcated, biologically distinct groups. Evidence from the analysis of genetics (e.g., DNA) indicates that most physical variation, about 94%, lies within so-called racial groups. Conventional geographic "racial" groupings differ from one another only in about 6% of their genes. "
So? There are multiple genes affecting height and stature certainly has a genetic component.
2. "Multiple" doesn't imply "thousands."
The point remains, you only have to change a few codons to get differences in function.
Are you familiar with the use of multiple regressions. This is a very simple process for dealing with issues like nature/nurture. Helps those who get wrapped around the axle and can't deconvolute multivariable functions. (nature, nurture, nature and nurture)
Ramo, did you just grab articles at random with titles related to this discussion.

What do you think the title of my post indicated?
I skimmed a couple, and they were relevant - the AAA article and the Atlantic Monthly article.
[qutoe]But they are not scientific comments[/quote]
Rex didn't ask for academic papers.
on genetic basis of race differences. These articles don't support your statements, Ramo
This in no way is scientific eviedence from HGP showing that there are no group differences in brain function by race.
[Ramo mode] metals do differ in atomic weight. but to say that thye differ in conductivity is absurd. [/Ramo mode]

Many, many studies have found an IQ difference between racial groups. Produce some that show no difference? Now the question becomes the source of that difference. The way to attack this question is by multiple regression of different causative factors. Not silly statements that "nurture is all, nature is nothing" devoid of numbers.
I wouldnt support that because as Rex others have said, there are more variations within races than between them. I think that blacks (in sub-saharan africa) are generally different from whites (in north america) in their ability to build a civilization.

You're an ignorant fool.
First of all, whites in North America imported their civilization from Europe. And "whites" from Europe imported their civilization from the Middle East. On the other hand, Subsaharan Africans created civilization themselves in Sahel (in fact, beating the uber-cold Scandinavians by a few milennia) and Ethiopia.
Just as an aside: I've also seen the term "Aryan" applied to them, which is totally confusing since Hitler used it to mean Nordic types