Originally posted by Ecowiz Returns
In fact, the Human Genome Project did prove that there is no correlation with any part of our genetic constitution (being that number of genes and it's combination) and "race".
In fact, the Human Genome Project did prove that there is no correlation with any part of our genetic constitution (being that number of genes and it's combination) and "race".
It was proven that people from diferent "races" had more genetic similarities with people from other "races" then with others from their own.
Doesn't it stricke you as odd that no particular gene or combination of genes were consistently found on the people of one "race"?
What you are proposing is a wild goose chase: try and find something that just isn't there.
Again, I bet that you are as likelly to get diferent results from the test you propose as of getting if you were to take the fans of different football teams. That is, no statistically relevant diference.