Why should PEIers have the same amount of power as Ontarians and Quebecers?
Aren't you all for equality?
You think it's unfair for rich people to have their votes count more. Now we're applying it to provinces: Are provinces with huge populations always going to dominate the smaller ones?
Aren't you all for equality?
You think it's unfair for rich people to have their votes count more. Now we're applying it to provinces: Are provinces with huge populations always going to dominate the smaller ones?
You're applying a false logic here. Why should provinces be represented equally and not, say, ridings?
In 1 of the branches of government, the Senate, every province should be represented equally. This protects against abuses from the majority (almost always Quebec/Ontario), while it doesn't give "more" power than Ontario/Quebec has to the smaller people. The Senate cannot MAKE the laws, they would simply demand changes in cases where the greed of Ontario/Quebec would severely harm a minority province(s) (take the NEP as the prime example here)
All it does is take power away from people living in larger provinces and give it to people living in smaller provinces. It's already bad enough that PEI and Nfld have manage to hijack the grandfathering rules so that they have one seat for every 30 000 citizens. Now you want to give two provinces that contain a minuscule percentage of Canada's population (1%) a giant amount of political power in the Senate (20%). Where's the justice?
It works perfectly fine in the states, far better than our current system is working, although you guys might not think so since everything is just peachy when you're in the majority and get to push the smaller guys around
Poor Alberta. You only have the amount of political power that your population deserves? Good.