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20 Years Since the Falklands Victory

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Robin Hood

    Nope your worse then that. I`ve seen corpses show more wit.

    And as for the Spanish army they make the Palestinians look organised.

    You racist pig!

    I have been in Colombia.... 40,000 dead in the last thirty years.

    And the British Army makes Somalia's gangs look like Elite Fighters.
    For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


    • #77
      Originally posted by Bugs ****ing Bunny
      Still, it beats going out and having to talk to people, right?

      With a post count of 1768 I don`t suppose I can argue with you.


      • #78
        You never could.
        The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


        • #79
          Originally posted by Giancarlo

          You racist pig!

          I have been in Colombia.... 40,000 dead in the last thirty years.

          And the British Army makes Somalia's gangs look like Elite Fighters.
          Quick Ban me. I think I have pushed Giancarlo over the edge I can`t take the guilt


          • #80
            Originally posted by Bugs ****ing Bunny
            You never could.
            Oh dear. Who rattle your cage anyway.


            • #81
              Oh, I'm just reclining back and watching the "Who's logged in" readout at Counterglow record that "Spinkman" has left, followed shortly after by your posts appearing here. If you're that desperate for attention in whatever form, why not try wandering through the streets of Aberystwyth whilst abusing yourself?
              The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


              • #82
                yeah this smells stewie from miles away.
                pathetic little creature.


                • #83
                  Think you`ve got it all figured out don`t you.

                  Think you are so smart.

                  Hey perhaps thats what Ming(er) is waiting for.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Bugs ****ing Bunny
                    Oh, I'm just reclining back and watching the "Who's logged in" readout at Counterglow record that "Spinkman" has left, followed shortly after by your posts appearing here. If you're that desperate for attention in whatever form, why not try wandering through the streets of Aberystwyth whilst abusing yourself?
                    You really are quite bitter arn`t you. Its not the first time I`ve noticed it. What is it the competition.


                    • #85
                      Okay, as a relative newbie, I'm trying to figure out the mythology of OT. 1Top Down is Robin Hood. They are the same as Stewert Spink who was permabanned a while ago along with somebody else. Stewert Spink was Infatuation who became Boddinton's? I'm all kinds of confused. That's just the deal as far as I can guess it.
                      John Brown did nothing wrong.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Felch X
                        Okay, as a relative newbie, I'm trying to figure out the mythology of OT. 1Top Down is Robin Hood. They are the same as Stewert Spink who was permabanned a while ago along with somebody else. Stewert Spink was Infatuation who became Boddinton's? I'm all kinds of confused. That's just the deal as far as I can guess it.
                        Some people take this whole thing (and themselves) to seriously and that ussually when they get all upset and start to throw their toys out of the pram.


                        • #87
                          Nah, Robin Hood can't be Spinkie. This troll was far too good.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Rogan Josh
                            Nah, Robin Hood can't be Spinkie. This troll was far too good.

                            Thank you Rogan, it was bad enough being rounded on by the idiot family without being mistaken for a northern ****.


                            • #89
                              Thats it this DL is being firmly put to bed!

                              *does the DL dance*


                              • #90
                                "The Brave British forces sailed eight thousand miles to rescue the newly enslaved people of the Falklands who cried out to be to their mother country to be freed from the clutches of the neo-fascist forces of Buenos Aires."

                                Ugh, yeah, whatever... brave... you fought a war against children.

                                "The answer was immediate and sure, "Worry not, we are coming"."

                                Yeah, I don´t remember any protests in Britain, nope, none at all...

                                "Showing the dash and bravery rightly attributed to them the elite forces of Britain swept the incompetent third world forces aside"

                                If you think killing an army of children is dashly, gallant and brave...

                                "Britain has a fine tradition of sail the seas and beating the Cr*p out of some of the worlds more inferior peoples (the Germans for instance). So it should be no suprise to anyone when a disorganised rable of beige savages gets their asses kicked.
                                You will not see them come back in a hurry"


                                "Though I feel that it is my patriotic duty to point out the bravery of our forces and the sheer inferiority of yours from top to bottom."

                                Of course our forces were inferior, the bulk were 18 year old school children just fresh out of school. Some big victory for Britannia...

                                "I don't want to have to embarrass you by pointing out how 25 sea harriers defeated your whole airforce and how your ground troops most dangerous weapon was what they carried around in their pants."

                                25 sea harriers got the airforce on ground? This is laughable... you got the Pucaras, turbo prop planes, but the Mirages and Super Etendards lasted most of the war... And hang on, the British actually had to develop a whole new strategy with their harriers in order to outdo the Argentine fighter pilots in dog fights, yeah, I remember that...

                                "Well we will just have to take your word for it as they never showed up."

                                The Belgrano was sunk by a rogue submarine outside of Thatcher´s exclusion zone... wonderful...

                                Bugs, I have read that the British harrier pilots had to develop a new strategy to outdo the Argentine fighters.

                                "Actually David, that's not true. The USA provided no help to Britain whatsoever during the Falklands conflict, indeed Reagan (despite his close relationship with Thatcher) did not want to see the conflict at all. In fact, from his inaction you'd have thought that the Argentines were his ally. Not that he had a track record of supporting South American dictators or anything..."

                                Give me a break Iain, he was assisting the UK... It would have been nice to see him brandishing the Monroe Doctrine telling Maggie Thatcher to piss off.

